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Vizsla Breed Review by donna russell
for sure 5 star Do you have any older dogs for sale
Vizsla Breed Review by Randy pegler
Vizsla Breed Review by Jerry
Best breed I've had so far extremely smart and kid friendly perfect family dog.
Vizsla Breed Review by sussy baka
Vizsla Breed Review by Vicky Setren
I found my vizsla thru Greenfield puppies and adopted my boy, Rudy from Austin Brubaker. I not only highly recommend the breed as Vizslas are an extremely smart dog, but Austin was also an amazing breeder and you can see how much he cared for his puppies. Rudy came home socialized, knowing a couple basic commands and almost fully house trained. Thanks Greenfield and Austin!
Vizsla Breed Review by Beth
An amazing bred. Regal, extremely smart, loyal, almost human! Had 3 brothers from Gunn Kennels Montclair, NJ. They were a part of the family! They had their own bedroom, but preferred to sleep with me! Our mom trained the first vizsla and he trained his brothers. We never needed a leash. They never left the property (no fence) they walked with us and ran free at the park with a whistle, they would come running back.
Vizsla Breed Review by Bekele Gedion
Vizsla Breed Review by Tyler Helt
My uncle George and my aunt Betz who both pasted away had a vizsla named Hoss and my favorite story about hoss is when papa opens the door to My uncle George and my aunt Betz 's house and Hoss the Vizsla scares papa with his deep woofing which sounds like woof woof and it also sounds a deep roof roof and Papa closed the door and Nana and Aunt Betz and when Nana told the story once again yesterday i laughed at the sound effects and I started to copy it. We never owned one but they are big my nana says
Vizsla Breed Review by Allison Kellner
I love this dog
Vizsla Breed Review by Addison
We own two and the are such a nice dreed
Vizsla Breed Review by Danielle Parsons
we owned a female for 11 years was the best dog we ever had my mom is heartbroken and I would love to be able to find her a puppy..
Vizsla Breed Review by Lexi
I had vezsal. He was play and sweet and I would so recommed this dog
Vizsla Breed Review by Ella merritt
We have a veszla and she's the best dog we have ever had. We didn't train her to hunt but she has caught bunnies, chipmunks, mice, and moles. She is very enter getup and playful and is great with little kids. At night she'll only curl up right next to us with her blanket over her snuggled up supper close. We would recommend this type of dogs to anyone who will have time to play with them!
Vizsla Breed Review by Cora
They are wonderful a and obedient dogs I have two seven and eight years young and the love of my life best dogs I ever owned