Signs of warmer weather mean flea and tick season is close at hand. Each pest poses its own set of problems for your dog, so you’ll want to keep an eye out for any signs of an infestation on your dog. These are five signs your dog might have fleas
When evaluating a dog for apartment living, consider more than what their breed is known for and take a few things into account. Here are some signs a dog is perfect for apartment living.
Ticks are a concern for humans and canines alike. Help your pup out and protect them as tick season rolls in. Here’s how to prepare your dog for tick season.
Caring for pets can get expensive. But, there are ways to cut down on expense without cutting any corners when it comes to your dog’s health. For example, you can make your own doggie flea powder. Here’s how to make homemade flea powder.
Your puppy will have bouts of activity, but will also take a lot of naps. When your puppy is awake and ready to play, here are a few activities perfect for puppies to keep them occupied.
Caring for your dog post-op doesn’t have to be difficult. Here’s how to care for your dog after surgery to help them with a speedy recovery:
A new puppy can be very exciting – if you’re ready for the commitment. Here are a few signs getting a puppy is the right decision:
Should you crate train your dog? Absolutely. Here is an introduction to crate training your dog to help you start off right:
Some dogs absolutely love the snow. Regardless of how your dog feels about snow, here are some tips to help keep your dog comfortable in the snow:
Adding a puppy to your family is an exciting time! Puppies are known to get into everything, however, so it’s a good idea to puppy-proof your home.
There’s a lot for your dog to stick their nose in during the holidays. Here are some Thanksgiving safety tips for dogs to help you both handle the holiday:
Essential oils can be great for humans & some can be good for dogs too. However, they are potent and some are toxic for your dog. Here’s how to be safe:
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