8 Facts About Shetland Sheepdogs

Shelties are loving, intelligent dogs. They tend to be energetic and playful. Here are a few more facts about Shetland Sheepdogs:

9 Facts About Beagles

Beagles are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. Here are a few more facts about Beagles:

5 Common Snow Dog Breeds

“Snow dog breeds” are usually spitz-type dog breeds, arctic dog breeds, and breeds of sled dogs. Here are a few common snow dog breeds:

8 Facts About the Shar-Pei

Shar-Pei are known for their wrinkly faces and bond closely with their families. Here are a few more facts about Shar-Pei:

9 Facts About Shiba Inu

With fox-like looks, cat-like agility, and mischievous antics, the Shiba Inu is a popular dog. Here are a few more facts about Shiba Inu: