How to Care for a Pregnant Dog

If you’ve been planning to help your dog bring new puppies into the world, her pregnancy can be an exciting time! Here’s how to care for a pregnant dog.

6 Adorable Halloween Costumes for Dogs

If your dog likes getting dressed up, Halloween is the perfect opportunity! Here are a few adorable Halloween costumes for dogs to get your search started.

Top 10 Most Common Dog Names

What are the most common dog names? Here are the top 10 most common names for pooches, from Bailey to Lucy to Rocky and then some.

7 Facts About Teddy Bear Dogs

Shichon puppies, or Teddy Bear puppies, are lovable balls of fluff that love their families. Here are a few more facts about Teddy Bear dogs:

Ex-Cell Pro Pet Foods

Ex-Cell Pro Pet Foods is a local favorite in Pennsylvania that is fantastic at balancing dog food quality, price, and quantity. Here’s more information: