4 Common Mistakes People Make When Bringing a New Dog Home
A good start to make the transition easier when getting a new dog is to avoid these common mistakes people make when bringing a new dog home.
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A good start to make the transition easier when getting a new dog is to avoid these common mistakes people make when bringing a new dog home.
It can be tempting to skip things where you can in order to save money when caring for your dog. Here are a few dog expenses you should never skip.
Training sessions are important for your puppy to grow into a well-behaved dog. Here are a few valuable dog training tips to help you out:
Puppy care includes training to help them stay safe and interact safely with others. Here are some basic commands every dog should know:
There are tons of commands and tricks you can teach your puppy. As they learn and master the basics, you can then expand to more complicated tricks. When it comes to the basics, “leave it” is an important command for your dog to master. Here is how to train your dog to “leave it”.
Most pieces of an agility course can be built on your own fairly easily. Here’s how you can build your own DIY obstacle course for your dog:
Agility training can enforce good habits & relationship building. These are questions to ask before your dog starts agility training:
For active individuals, having your dog run with you is the dream. Here’s how to train your dog to run with you to get up and running:
Begging is a common behavioral issue with dogs. Some dog owners like it, but, for some, it can become frustrating. Here’s how to train your dog not to beg:
Should you crate train your dog? Absolutely. Here is an introduction to crate training your dog to help you start off right:
You can’t make your dog stop barking completely. But, you can target specific behavior & train your dog to stop barking in certain situations:
Training your dog to walk off-leash is an enticing idea, but getting there is hard work. Consider these factors before you start off-leash training.