Why Is My Dog So Itchy?

How do you know when it’s just an itch or something more? If you have to ask, “why is my dog so itchy?”, here are a few possible reasons:

5 Home Cleaning Tips for Dog Owners

It’s important to keep a clean home not just for you and your family, but also for your pet. Here are some home cleaning tips for dog owners:

How to De-Skunk Your Dog

When it comes to how to de-skunk your dog, there are some solutions that work and some that don’t. Here’s what you need to know:

Why Do Dogs Eat Rocks?

Why do dogs eat rocks? Here are few reasons why your dogs might be eating or chewing on rocks to help figure out why and help:

5 Common Skin Problems in Dogs

Dogs may have allergies, sensitive skin, issues caused by pests, or a reaction to something. Here are a few common skin problems in dogs:

What to Know About Hot Spots in Dogs

A lot of things can irritate a dog’s skin. Hot spots are one of the common skin issues in dogs. Here’s what to know about hot spots in dogs:

9 Signs Your Dog is Stressed

Dogs can feel stressed too. Knowing when they’re stressed can help you make them feel better. Here are a few signs your dog is stressed:

6 Ways to Help Calm a Hyper Dog

A hyper dog can be a handful. It’s good to know a few ways to help calm them down when needed. Here are a few ways to help calm a hyper dog:

4 Common Dog Toy Mistakes to Avoid

Dog toys can be used as rewards during training, playtime with your dog, and playtime on their own. Here are some common dog toy mistakes to avoid: