10 Facts About Yorkies

Yorkie puppies tend to be intelligent, loyal, & energetic. They also need a lot of training & attention. Here are a few facts about Yorkies:

6 Facts About Westies

If you’re thinking of getting a West Highland White Terrier puppy, you’re in for a world of delights. Here are some facts about Westies:

8 Facts About Golden Retrievers

When you think of a “happy-go-lucky” dog, it’s hard not to think of a Golden Retriever. Here are a few facts about Golden Retrievers:

7 Facts About Brussels Griffon

The Brussels Griffon is a playful, affectionate dog known for their expressive face. Here are a few more facts about Brussels Griffon:

8 Facts About German Shepherds

German Shepherds are known for their determination, focus, trainability, and loyalty. Here are a few more facts about German Shepherds:

10 Facts About Pugs

Pugs are known for their distinctive large eyes, snub-nosed appearance, and face wrinkles. Here are a few more facts about Pugs: