19 Most Affectionate Dog Breeds

If you’re looking for a cuddly and loving companion that thrives by your side, here are some of the most affectionate dog breeds:

4 Fun Facts About Gordon Setters

The Gordon Setter is the largest of all of the setter breeds and has a striking appearance. Here are some fun facts about Gordon Setters:

4 Fun Facts About French Bulldogs

Frenchies are a loving, affectionate, and playful dog breed known for their unique look. Here are a few more fun facts about French Bulldogs:

5 Fun Facts About Fox Terriers

Fox Terriers are a spritely and fun hunting breed with a lot of personality. Here are some more fun facts about Fox Terriers:

4 Facts About English Shepherds

This dog breed is known for their versatility, energy, and friendly personality. Here are a few more facts about English Shepherds:

5 Facts About English Setters

English Setters are medium-sized sport dogs with an affectionate, playful disposition. Here are some more facts about English Setters:

4 Facts About English Mastiffs

This giant dog breed is known to be a kid-friendly, gentle, and relaxed companion. Here are a few more facts about English Mastiffs:

4 Facts About French Mastiffs

These dogs are large, loyal, and devoted protectors that love their families. Here are a few more useful facts about French Mastiffs:

6 Interesting Facts About Dalmatians

The Dalmatian is known for their spotted coat, high energy, and devotion to their families. Here are a few interesting facts about Dalmatians: