Why Do Dogs Raise Their Hackles?

Hackles are the fur that sticks up from the back of a dog’s neck to the tail base. Why do dogs raise their hackles? Here’s what to know:

Why Do Dogs Make Nests?

Have you ever noticed your dog drag blankets into a corner or burrow under your covers? Why do dogs make nests? Here are a few reasons:

13 Spring Safety Tips For Dogs

Every season has potential dangers to be aware of. Here are some spring safety tips for dogs to help you keep your dog safe this spring:

What is a Velcro Dog?

Have you ever wondered what the term “Velcro dog” meant? What is a Velcro dog? Here’s what you need to know:

Why Do Dogs Grind Their Teeth?

If you’ve noticed your dog exhibiting this behavior, you might be wondering, “Why do dogs grind their teeth?” Here’s what you need to know:

Do Dogs See Color?

Do dogs see color? Yes. Finding out what dogs can see can be a bit difficult, but some new research is providing some interesting insight.