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Silky Terrier Breed Review by David Pesta
We had our silky yorkie Tiffany for 16 wonderful years. She was our family and loved us like we were her own. She rarely ever barked unless someone came to the door or an animal came in the yard. And then it was only a few times to let them know this was her yard. She had just recently passed. Wish I could clone her.
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Kristin
I have owned a silky and had her for 11.5 years before she died. I am interested in finding another one
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Delores Kebel-Brewer
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Phil Hersey
Very loving dog that greets everyone with love. Very good with little ones but when they are tired of the attention, you will be told it is time to leave. Grooming is a daily task, only if you prefer to keep their hair longer. They do get dry skin when the weather changes, bath and showers help. Like any dog, they will eat as many meals a day they can. They need management of their meals to keep their little size. Ours stayed between 12 and 15 pounds, against his wishes. Ours lived a wonderful 15 years with very good health.
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Alexia
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Michelle holdren
I’m not sure what you mean by review but I have owned a silky terrier before which we were in love with and would love to have another one my husband and I are in our 60s it was mostly my husband’s dog because he liked him mostly but I am the mobile groomer in this house and love all dogs. We have three teens and live in West Virginia in a country home. And this silky terrier would go everywhere we go if safe .
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Kenneth W. Dowdy
My wife and I owned a silky terrier named Katey . She died on june , 18 th at 17 years and 11 months. She was great in every way, and we are looking for another female, hopefully a lot like her.
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Frank Miller
I love this breed of dog. We just lost ours. We want another one
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Rebecca Sword
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Julieann
Love the silky terrier...I had two that pass over the rainbow bridge. I have one now and she is the most special,precious,beautiful puppy. I would recommend them to anyone that wants a good watch dog, intelligent, protector of the family...and just special personally..they truly love life.
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Tramone Quinonez
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Jamie Sauers
We would like to get another Silkey since we had to lose one to us. We do have 3 more at 7 years old.
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Rebekah Bowers
A great companion dog. My Jake loves long walks, 5Ks, and camping. A good dog breed for energetic people with a lot of patience. He is very, very sweet, but has a mind of his own. Do your homework on this breed before committing to having one.
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Paullena M. Estes
Best companion ever!
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Linda Bosico
I have had one for 6 years. She is soft as silk, playfull, devoted, loving and loves to cuddle. We love her to pieces and she gets along great with people and pets.
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Keri Graham
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Cathy Delaney
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Anya
Hi! I'm looking for a puppy silky terrier breed, male. How much is it cost? Where are you located? Thank you! Anya
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Jared Gordon
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Denise dame
I had a silky for about 10 years and he was the best little dog ever ! I am looking for another one.
Silky Terrier Breed Review by B. Devine
18 Shepherd Ave We had a female silky for 13 years. Miss her so much.
Silky Terrier Breed Review by anna
Hi i like to know more about the dog anna
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Bill Brewer
We have a silky and she is about 14-15 years old and would love to get a female puppy to join her and us before she goes.
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Kaylee
Silky Terriers are the best! Though they are escape artists they couldn't be any sweeter! My silky, Chewbacca, just turned one, he is such a good dog!
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Alex
Awesome dog and very friendly
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Polly
Great dog. My Buffy ie 14yrs old and nobody believes it. She is still beautiful obedient and playful. Great Breed.
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Crystal Conner
I love this dog how much is it
Silky Terrier Breed Review by Connor
So cute