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Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Liz
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Buff Jaxon
He is the best When can I get her
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Susan Wright
I love shelties. They are smart, sensitive and loyal
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Susan Wright
I love shelties. They are smart, sensitive and loyal
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Vicki
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Katrina Allen
Sheltie are beautiful dogs! I had one years ago and they are beautiful!!! Such loyalty nice and clean...no trouble st all. Looking for another one niw.
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Jeremi
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by patrick h kelly
Very active and sensitive. My puppy is 8 months old now and learns faster than my 3yr. Old Aussie Cattle dog.
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Nadine Brooks
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Ron dailey
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Gay Swartzfager
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Ray
just got a sheltie mix hes very epic love him
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by larry hicks
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Mary Beth Box
We have always had shelters and love the breed because they are almost human and lots Of company. Looking for a pet.. not to show..just to love!
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Kathleen Cunningham
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Jane Jones
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Stephanie
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Mary Salazar
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Reed Trencher
My ‘lil Tatou, a Sheltie-Collie now 12 years old, is the calmest, sweetest 28-lbs. one might imagine. I saved his mother from Hurricane Katrina in ‘06. She promptly had 7 pups of which I chose Tatou. Living with the two of them has been the finest experience out of the three other dogs I’ve had the privilege of raising and loving. Shellie mix dogs, well, let’s just say I wouldn’t want any other kind. Thx, Greenfield Puppies, for your great work and overall care for these amazing dogs, Reed. PS. . . call me during any afternoon up to midnight if you’d care to discuss my preferences for my next hands-on Sheltie-mix companion.
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Taylor Horn
I got my Sheltie mix about a year ago from PA. He was raised on a farm with his dad (pure Sheltie) running freely and his mom (mix) in an enclosure. His breeder said the mom was half Chihuahua (who was my pup's grandfather and also a family dog) and "lab mix" (who was a neighbors dog). I did a DNA test and found out that he is 50% sheltie, 25% chihuahua, 12.5% lab and 12.5% American Eskimo. He is such a smart, easy going, friendly dog. The DNA test also tested for genetic health problems, which he has none of. I love love love my Sheltie mix, and got lucky that he is the best combo of all his breeds. Sheltie smarts, lab loyalty. Only downfall is that chihuahua bark.
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Mari jo Vernarsky
My Hailey is one of the best dogs I ever had. If you know where I get another Shelti\Pomeranian please let me know. She was smart, sweet, loyal. She was a true Princess!!! I never seen a dog so dantie & delicate. She would love when I dressed her up and tell her she was beautiful. She never bit anyone. She would go after small animals like mice. She was a little shy and skiddish at times. She was afraid of small kids. They are prone to bad front knees and hip displacia. They are a very loyal fun-loving dog.
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Heidj
My Sheltie mix is the best dog ever!! I've had him for 10 years and he has been the perfect companion. Not too interested in small children, but grew to love them as they got bigger.
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Trish
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Molly Crowell
Our Stella was the best dog I have ever had- mellow, very smart, loyal, and stuck to me like glue. She loved our cats, grandchilden, and other dogs, was friendly to everyone, and didn't have a mean bone in her body. We lost her last October to cancer at 12 years old, and miss her terribly. We had her DNA tested and her father was a purebred sheltie. The mom was everything else, and a real hussy- my daughter fostered her through the pregnancy and delivery and this was her favorite puppy out of the 7, so i was given her to me at 7 weeks on Mother's Day 2006. I know we will never be able to replace her, but I feel that the sheltie mix will be as close as we can get. I want one with her beautiful dark brown eyes, and another female.
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Marlon Rochester
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Susan Krug
Buddy was my first dog, he came into my life when I was 43. His mom was a Sheltie, his dad was a golden retriever. He was the best dog ever and I still miss him. He lived to be almost 15, I know I was lucky to have him that long. If only they lived longer...
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by Caroline
They are great dogs
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by A. Alfred
I recently brought home a Sheltie/Chihuahua/Blue Heeler mix. She's a wonderful little thing at 11 weeks she's 8.2lbs, plays nicely by herself, well on her way to being crate and potty trained. Very quiet unless in play mode (then you see the hearding instinct come out when playing with other dogs) in which case she can be pretty annoying. As fas as we can tell, no shedding (but she is a short hair) but she does have some dandruff. I know every dog is different but I would definitely reccomend a Sheltie mix. The only gamble with a mix is not knowing for sure how big she'll get.
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by RYLEE SWANSON
a male shetland mix puppy