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Samoyed Breed Review by Drany
Samoyed Breed Review by Eileen Medina
Amazing animals
Samoyed Breed Review by Bryce Love
I love the dog I want to get one my self they look just like a polar bear.
Samoyed Breed Review by Yury Martinez
Dogs are very cute
Samoyed Breed Review by Richard C Beck
Samoyed Breed Review by Frank
Samoyed Breed Review by Andre Guette
Have owned one. Great dog. Only complaint was that he howled when police or fire department sirens drove by. Also shed a lot.
Samoyed Breed Review by snowflake
best dog I ever had!!!
Samoyed Breed Review by Thomas Crockett
Intelligent breed. Vocal. Responds well. Fast runner. If you have a hard time training this breed then your doing it wrong. Great family dog. Just picked up our second one. Our first loved to hunt rabbits with the Malamute we had as well. Great team hunters.
Samoyed Breed Review by Charlie Simba
Samoyed Breed Review by Charlotte Dopeno
Samoyed Breed Review by Andrew Beiler
My Samoyed can get a bit annoying when she doesn't want to come to me. But then i love her looks.
Samoyed Breed Review by Stormy
very kind and sweet. always put's a smile to my face
Samoyed Breed Review by Charlie
I love this happy floofy breed and is maybe getting one ;)
Samoyed Breed Review by mool
Samoyed Breed Review by Jane
We have had Crystal for 3 years, she is friendly to everyone and we love her!!❤right now she is a mother of 3 adorable puppies, she is an amazing mother to them...we hope to find great homes for them. She also is very friendly with other dogs.
Samoyed Breed Review by Charlie
amazing breed. Social, playful, fluffy, loyal, and loves everyone!
Samoyed Breed Review by Lorraine
They are adorable!
Samoyed Breed Review by Lakema Brooks
Samoyed Breed Review by Madelyn Hamm
Samoyed Dogs are wonderful to keep!
Samoyed Breed Review by Mehdi Boukhari
I love them
Samoyed Breed Review by greta
They are sweet and lovable and great compangions
Samoyed Breed Review by leslie stoner
Samoyed Breed Review by Dirk Thompson
Samoyed Breed Review by Dirk Thompson
Samoyed Breed Review by Dirk Thompson
I love this breed they are loveable and have a good temperment
Samoyed Breed Review by Myself
Samoyed Breed Review by Dirk Thompson
Samoyed Breed Review by Frankie Matello
I been looking for another Samoyed recently after a 2 decade of her death. I loved her more then anything in my life!! She was my TRUE SOULMATE if I went on vacation to Miami Crystal went with me NYC she get the Suite all to herself San Diego she loved that weather so much she want us to move there and I had a hard time having her to leave that city then we went to Park City , UTAH no that was her hardest place to leave she new how to tell me thing that I couldnt believe a dog was able to tell me what she loved about a COLD CITY as any place up at Salt City , Utah
Samoyed Breed Review by naomi wharton
I love this dog , so much
Samoyed Breed Review by Dirk Thompson
Samoyed Breed Review by jlkin nikqa
I love it
Samoyed Breed Review by Shane
Samoyed Breed Review by Gdhdj
Samoyed Breed Review by Elaine Ficociello
My first Sammie, Sonya, was the smartest dog I've ever had. In addition to her, I have had 2 other Sammies and they are super dogs. A small mistake in your breed info. Samoyeds are one of the 4 original dog breeds. They originated in Mesopotamia and were not white. The Sami people were gentle people and not fighters so when stronger tribes wanted their fertile land, the Samis were forced to move on. This happened over and over until they ended up in Siberia. There they were left in peace with their dogs which evolved into the white reindeer herders we know now. Unlike other northern tribes that relied on their dogs, the Samis were devoted to their Samoyeds (it's said the men valued their dogs more than their wives!). Often the dogs were brought into the human shelters to protect them and keep the humans warm on especially cold nights. Their strength as sled dogs is reknowned. Some years ago a Samoyed broke the record for the most dead weight pulled by a dog. They do need to run and love to have a big space to just take off and run off leash. This can get them in trouble if you haven't trained them to come back on call or have an enclosed space. These dogs are VERY LOYAL. A Samoyed was with his owner in a fraternity house that caught fire. Firefighters tried to urge him to jump onto the roof a few feet below the window and to safety, but he returned into the room and was later found dead beside his owner who had apparently died of smoke inhalation. The young man's parents, an Admiral and his wife, always had at least one Samoyed in their home for the rest of their lives as a tribute to the breed.
Samoyed Breed Review by Blank
These dogs are the best, they're super friendly, love children, super energetic and love to spend time with the family. They're closely related to wolves as they're one of the ancient dog species, and were used for hunting, herding reindeer and sledding due to their ability to adapt to cold harsh climates. They were also used for babysitting, so don't be scared to let them around your little kids. You should groom them everyday, because they tend to shed a lot. Those are some basics you should know before getting one, and make sure you're ready for the responsibility, because I wouldn't recommend them to be your first ever dog.
Samoyed Breed Review by Maria Carreon
Very intelligent dogs and lovable. Great with children.
Samoyed Breed Review by Dia
Samoyed Breed Review by Sherry Greer
At 3 years old I received my first toy eskimo spitz named Fluffy. She grew to 18 years old. Through the years we had two more pups that was almost as old before they died. I am now in my 60s and truly are wanting another one.
Samoyed Breed Review by Linda
I love them cute
Samoyed Breed Review by Samuel Delvalle
Beautiful dogs I love the samoyed dogs So much I would like to know the price of the samoyed puppies.I very energetic person and I know I could take care of them . I have lots of times because I'm a retired person thank you.
Samoyed Breed Review by Tanya Tata
Samoyed Breed Review by Mohamed osama mohamed
It was very beautiful breed can I know how much price that the female cost in egyption pound please to take two puppies from this breed
Samoyed Breed Review by Edward Cole
Excellent breed. We have owned our Angel for 2½ years, and are looking to purchase another very soon.
Samoyed Breed Review by Denny crayson
The samoye is the best breed without a question. Right now if your thinking of getting a samoyed and u see that they all found a forever home no problem you could go on white magic samoyeds.com. Kabeara samoyeds. Com. Puppy find .com Or next day pets.com Right now go online to any of these and welcome home a samoyed of your own you won't regret it I promise it is always worth it even if you think that having a dog is SOOO much work with a samoyed it isn't as bad because of their easy going nature and also if you are allergic these dogs are hypoallergenic
Samoyed Breed Review by Gail overstreet
This is an amazing breed grat for everyone. I have owned 4 samoyeds already and I know that most people may think they are all that work because they r big and they shed but actually it is hardly noticeable. I brushed my Sammy only about 2 times a mouth and it was fine. I would recommend this dog for a family with children because they are the best dog for children because of their friendly nature. Another feature of this breed is that it's a dog with no wolf or fox DNA this means that it has low hunting instincts so it is extremely friendly!
Samoyed Breed Review by Samantha Dickson
This is a great breed for anyone these dogs are wonderful
Samoyed Breed Review by Rosemary Bittner
A Samoyed male puppy
Samoyed Breed Review by Karen Binder
Yes I owned a Samoyed for 14 years...his name was Sammy and he was my best Friend. Three years ago I had to put him down and it was by far the hardest thing I ever had to do. I Miss him Terribly and would really like another one. I would really appreciate it if you could help me get one. Thank You, Karen Binder