Use the options below to find your perfect canine companion!
Rotterman Breed Review by Garry Rice Jr
Rotterman Breed Review by Quentin
Rotterman Breed Review by Paul Rogulich
love that combo rott n dob
Rotterman Breed Review by Diego
Rotterman Breed Review by Nora Bordach
The Rottweiler Doberman mix makes for an incredible dog. My little guy was 1.25 lbs. and loved to chase 18 wheelers! He came pretty close sometimes, he was as fast as a rocket. And yet he was still as gentle as a kitten around people. He lived for 14 years. My next dog will be a Doberman Rottweiler mix.
Rotterman Breed Review by Trevor jones
Want a dog
Rotterman Breed Review by Ronnie Chandler
I love this breed, I want one so bad I have been looking and just can't find one anywhere I hope you can help me out . I live in Linden TX and we have breeders here but never have any puppies. So I look forward to hearing from you thanks
Rotterman Breed Review by Reggie
Rotterman Breed Review by Ronnie Chandler
Rotterman Breed Review by Kylin
Rotterman Breed Review by Corjavion
Rotterman Breed Review by Brittany
Rotterman Breed Review by Brenda Rudolph
Bella was the best dog I ever had. We survived a lot together. She lived to be 14. 8 years later, I'm finally ready for another one!
Rotterman Breed Review by Dick Hohenbrink
I had Stella for 8 Years until Kidney Failure Caused Her to be put down. Supper Friend. To smart for Her own good. Very Friendly and playful. She weighed 120 lbs. at the time of Her Passing. Just a note: Our Mail Man missed Her as much as I do. Stella waited to see Him with the stub tail wagging.
Rotterman Breed Review by Chris
Rotterman Breed Review by Tarunvir singh
Rotterman Breed Review by Wyatt VanMeter
i like the dog
Rotterman Breed Review by Matthew
Rotterman Breed Review by Joey Griffin
I just lost my pup he looks just like this one, his name was remy, how much for the pup and I’m in Arkansas Joey
Rotterman Breed Review by Rosalind Nettles
I have a luv for this bred of dog they are so adorable & well trained
Rotterman Breed Review by Nuutti Simola
Rotterman Breed Review by DICK HOHENBRINK
Biggest Baby I have ever owned. She weighed 115 lbs. at 6 years. I found no one that didn't love Her. She would squeal with joy around Our Neighbor that is 10 when They would play together. She loved to ride and eat ice cream. Only problem was with Our Mail Man . She liked to clime into the Truck and We almost would have to drag Her Out.. Sad Part is I/We lost Her to Cancer at 6 1/2 years old .
Rotterman Breed Review by Jenny Mann
This breed is hands down the best of both worlds. We had a full blooded registered Rottweiler for 7 years before he died from cancer. He was an amazing dog and family member. With broken hearts we decided to adopt a Rotterdam from a reputable rescue organization and it was the best decision we ever made. Our “Yankee” is not only beautiful with almost perfect markings, he is smart and loyal, and was so easy to train. He was 2 years old when we adopted him, and after almost 6 years he still amazes us daily with his intelligence.
Rotterman Breed Review by Cory
Awesome breed. Great with kids. We have 5 kids and no issues. They use him like a pillow. He did end up getting bloat but we caught early and got to emergency in time. Switched to slow feed bowl and no issues since.
Rotterman Breed Review by Vicky L Williams
Rotterman Breed Review by Sahara
They r so cute and playful and awesome watchdogs
Rotterman Breed Review by Gary Martin
I 've had a Rotty for 14. Yrs
Rotterman Breed Review by Tony Swinehart
I am 68 years old my Rotterdam was the best dog I ever had
Rotterman Breed Review by anastasia beesley
Rotterman Breed Review by Jerry Kasper
Rotterman Breed Review by Azaria
Rotterman Breed Review by Steven mogrovejo
I used to have one of these babies when I was growing up. Unfortunately my baby passed away due to aging. And now my mom and little brother are missing that baby so much.. this dog is amazing when you grow up tho. If you train it right it’ll be the best doggy
Rotterman Breed Review by Ricardo Stewart
Rotterman Breed Review by Donna Prescott
What an amazing breed... Our boy Gunnar has a fantastic temperament, highly intelligent, loyal & loving to family & people he knows. Amazing at agility & the most intelligent dog we have ever owned
Rotterman Breed Review by Lisa D Williams
Beautiful looking puppy
Rotterman Breed Review by Alex Rusiecki
I have a female Rotterman turning 3 yrs old soon. Absolutely a fantastic dog. Very affectionate, extremely attentive and protective of the home. And great with her 13 year old Rottweiller mix "brother". However, I would say this type of dog is not for everyone. I have yet to tire her out, no matter what I do. She's always ready to play more. Also, she will not let me out of her sight, which can be annoying especially when trying to get things done around the house.
Rotterman Breed Review by Scott Taylor
Rotterman Breed Review by Donna Maglish
I'm very interested in one. I have a 4 year old Doberman and ready to get him a buddy. Was looking to get a Rottweil but saw the Doberman Rottweil mix and would love to meet him!!
Rotterman Breed Review by Leah Everhart
I have had 2 rottermans and they have been the best dogs ever.
Rotterman Breed Review by Sean Spencer
Rotterman Breed Review by Mrs.Ashley Floyd
Rotterman Breed Review by jeff
Rotterman Breed Review by Raymond Franklin
I owned a Rotterman 15 years ago named ceasar. He was beautiful and very intelligent. I'm very interested in purchasing another one.
Rotterman Breed Review by Raymond Franklin
I owned a Rotterman 15 years ago. Ceasar was a beautiful dog. Very easy to train, and was an excellant guard dog. Always alert. I'm interested in purchasing another.
Rotterman Breed Review by Liam
Been brought up with giant rottweilers , amazing dogs but loving the rotternmans , would love to have one by my side one day
Rotterman Breed Review by Christian Knaust
I just lost my" Rocky "that was a Rotterman , he was the most wonderful loving dog I have ever encountered , he was only 4 years old and died very suddenly of 'Dialated Cardiomyophathy " heartcondition ....I am looking for a "Rocky 2" to keep my other dog "Coco" company .......please keep me posted about any Male Rottermnan Pup for sale .......Christian K
Rotterman Breed Review by TC
roc/ dobby mix pups
Rotterman Breed Review by Ireland
Rotterman Breed Review by Bill Moran
Nina, is/ was her name. 10 yrs, female. After owning Doby's, and Labs. We with 3 kids 9-12 of age. Decided to receive a blessing. She had the best temperate i have seen in my 30+ yrs of dog ownership. Strong , energetic, loved water, and walks, and bike rides thru the parks. Unfenced yard, never ran away. My buddy " Velcro dog", complete companion, and very family alert. I cannot replace, but can start a new. The Best............
Rotterman Breed Review by Jonna schneeman
Rotterman Breed Review by Anthony Barbay
Great dogs very loyal
Rotterman Breed Review by amyjoy F Leventhal
Rotterman Breed Review by heaven
I love all animals
Rotterman Breed Review by Joel
I had a Rotterman for many years, the smartest friendliest dog I ever had, but, don’t be aggressive towards my family, he would let you know real quick but never did attack
Rotterman Breed Review by Christopher Fish
Have an 8 year old. He was rescued as a stray if you can believe. He is hands down the best dog I’ve ever had . Would welcome another into the family in a heartbeat. Trainable and absolutely bulletproof. Can leave him free in the house completely trustworthy. Amazing combination of breeds.
Rotterman Breed Review by Susan Sunkin
Rotterman Breed Review by EDWARD NITKIEWICZ III
Amazing Dogs the best to own
Rotterman Breed Review by Sean
Rotterman Breed Review by Raymond M Franklin
Good morning, i owned a Rotterman back in the 80s named Ceaser. He lived for 13 years. Very intellegant and loyal. He was very protective when it came to my family. Im looking forward to buying another Rotterman. What area are you in and when will your next litter be available?
Rotterman Breed Review by Lanesha
There very energetic. I have a female one.
Rotterman Breed Review by Melissa Savino
Best dog we have ever had. Excellent with our kids. Very protective of his family. Only health issue was he’s 12 now and developed fatty tumors. Very healthy, family friendly breed. He’s irreplaceable. Extremely smart as well.
Rotterman Breed Review by Craig Marshall
Has all qualities of both breeds. Is dominant over other dogs in the house and will get aggressive towards the other dogs. They are very protective and affectionate.
Rotterman Breed Review by Ray Franklin
I owned a Rotterman back in 1993. His name was Ceaser. Very intelligent breed and protective. Ceaser passed away in 2004. I would love to purchase another.
Rotterman Breed Review by Angela Kinney
Looking for a Rotterman pup and yes I had one yrs. Ago. Love them!!!!!!
Rotterman Breed Review by Terri Ahia
I owned a rotterman female for 15 years she was the love of my life I just lost her Dec 2 suddenly from a rare heart tumor we were not aware of . I would love to get another one . My best friend best dog ever Her Name is Daisy
Rotterman Breed Review by Valerie Vermeylen
I absolutely love this breed! I got him at 10 weeks old! He was a very smart loving companion for my family! Very intelligent, great with kids! He was my gentle giant!
Rotterman Breed Review by Robin Hinrichs
Best dog ever!
Rotterman Breed Review by Dianne Thibault
They are a wonderful addition to a family. We had one many years ago and he has sinced passed would love to find another rotterman and surprise my husband.
Rotterman Breed Review by Theresa Henton
Boudica is a 9wk old pup. She is smart alert ,and energetic. She learns quickly and keeps you on your toes.
Rotterman Breed Review by dave
Rotterman Breed Review by dave
Rotterman Breed Review by Jeanine Livingston
I was lucky enough to find a Rotterdam in an animal shelter, abandoned by the girlfriend of one of our armed servicemen, 9 years ago. He was hit by a car and passed a month ago and my heart is broken. I've had many dogs in my life and I have fiercely loved them all but this one touched my life in a way nothing else, human or animal, ever has. He was beautiful, sting, fiercely loyal, loving, friendly, goody and vulnerable. Extremely smart and always learning and eager to please. Absolutely everyone that ever met him, and we took him everywhere with us, fell in love and offered to take him if ever we couldn't keep him (like my right arm was severable). We are building our next home and are in small quarters until it's done in April but we'll be looking for not just one but 2 once we have an appropriate home. I can't say enough good about this mix wonderful with kids and other animals. Curious yet confident and secure. Just a great big lovey. Train early and well and you will be rewarded with the best dog ever.
Rotterman Breed Review by NEcco John Ortiz
how to proper care of my puppy
Rotterman Breed Review by Linda
He was pittbull, rottweiler, doberman mix. The smartest, most loving being I've ever known. Wish I could find a mix like that again.
Rotterman Breed Review by Alta Wooden
he is the most loving dog I have had the breed is great.
Rotterman Breed Review by connie perkins
I've had my rottermann "Nugz"since he was 6 weeks old. He's 6 yes old now. Love love love him. Ears and tail are cropped.he's beautiful.
Rotterman Breed Review by Jean Marie Keller
I have an 8 year old "rotterman." I had a friend who was dog sitting for her boyfriend's daughter's female rottie and they owned a male doberman at the time. Well, soon there were 6 puppies. I took the runt home with me. She is an awesome dog. I own 2 full blooded rotties and I will take another like her any day. She has been great with our grandkids, cats, and ferret. I had an extremely easy time training her. She is my girl!