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Rat Terrier Breed Review by William A Foster
I had a Rat Terriers. I got her in 2004 with papers. She die in September 18th 2024. I have been trying to get another one but no luck. But I will keep looking. IF you have any can you please text me and let me know. E-mail me at billyboy5552@gmail.com.
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Robin Renee Wright
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Dale a Pierce
Rat Terrier Breed Review by donna s ferguson
My brother and I shared the company of our Rat Terrier, Bootsie for our early years growing up. She was the most affectionate and devoted pet we ever had. The loss when she passed was unbearable.
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Rusty Hart
Smart obedient enthusiastic… very smart love to be praised…fun…missing one in my life.
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Haydn wyndham-grane
Rat Terrier Breed Review by youlia
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Doug
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Linda Dubois
I have had many dog breeds in my life and I’ve loved them all, but my 2 Rat Terriers are really the best breed I’ve had. I would not even consider another breed again. Once you’ve had a Rat Terrier, you’re hooked. They are loving, intelligent, funny, sensitive, and just simply wonderful companions. I wish I had known about this breed sooner.
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Dahlia Shoup
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Tammy Palmer
Hi. I am looking for a toy rat terrier, I had one for almost 15 yrs, she was the apple of my eye, she went everywhere I went, use to carry her in my pocket, I miss her sooo much,, I hope you have one, or know where I can get one,,, thank you!!
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Tammy Palmer
Hi, I had a baby girl that passed away in 2016, got her at 5 wks, she went everywhere I went, from bicycling to camping, which was her favorite. At 12 she started to have seizures, then high blood pressure, then heart disease, then liver disease, I didn't think twice about spending $200.00 a month for her medicine, I would've went to the moon and back for her, she lived another 2 an half yrs, she passed at almost 15, she only weight 8 pds which made her a toy, I would like to have another one so bad, please tell me that you have some for sale, I would be so forever grateful, thank you!!
Rat Terrier Breed Review by lynn barlow
I had a minature rat terrier that just passed away. He was almost 14 years old. Great dog, a loving personality. I miss him and would like to find another
Rat Terrier Breed Review by George Lendh
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Mary Beth Trimper
I recently has to put my 15 year old rat terrier to sleep. Loved her personality, and her face with the big black eyes.
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Summer Stanaback
Rat Terrier Breed Review by jan person
I adopted a rat terrior which I loved very much. This little dog traved on everything but a train. Of all the dogs I ever had , she was something very special. I had to have her put down at age 12. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Talk about dovotion this little dog had it all. It was a heart break when I lost her. Sincerely, Jan Person
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Robert
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Sam mitchell
Rat terrier puppies
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Dottie Lukinic
I got my first rat terrier in 1997 and she lived to be almost 17 years old. I now have my second rat terrier. They are very smart, energetic, and have big personalities. They need daily exercise to get their energy out and should live indoors where they will quickly take charge of your household. They do not need professional grooming but combing them with a fur removing tool (like a furminator) helps remove shedding hair. They are very sweet dogs and easy to take care of and to train. I also think they are very beautiful and athletic.
Rat Terrier Breed Review by Nancy
These dogs are brilliant, loving, caring and great problem solvers.