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Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Carla Ojeda
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by santos daniel erazo castro
hi just want to buy one of this bread Rat Terrier Mix let me know thanks
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Therese Rodriguez
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by JOANNE CANNON
Yes please, lol
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Jason J Juskowiak
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Jackie witt
Looking for pet quality for. My poodle/rat terrier mix spayed female to play with and be a cherished pet,
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Teresa Carr
I have a 12 year old doxie/ Rat Terrier and best dog ever.
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Thomas Needham
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Steve & Chis
We’ve had Tucker since 2007. He’s quite a character, in his youth her would race around with cats, or other dogs. Very protective, loves a car ride, and food, food food! A mommy’s boy.
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Adam and Qianran
Schnauzer mixed with Rat Terrier puppies Hers and mine favorite dog type. Thanks 👍
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Dorothy Moreno1
I have a rat chi she is adorabble... smart as. they come.. and very loyal... got as a puppy.. wouldnt take any thing for her. i love her so very much..
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Allison Brown
My rat terrier / chihuahua mix was the best pup. She was super loyal, smart, and loving, but definitely had her own little attitude. Easily trained and got along well with all other pets, especially her boxer brother. She was a huge part of my life and when I am ready, I would love to have another rat terrier / chihuahua in my life. The best mixed breed!
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Julie Anne Mathews
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Malily
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Judy James
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Brenda huey
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Tina
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Kiddy Darnell
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Jeffrey Arndt
4955 lakeshore dr
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Luell Durbin
I own A rat mix she is wonderful. She is so smart and loving. I love her so much.
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Susan Inez Orth
Perfect smart but had serious eye problems. Was a Maltese/ rat terrier. Love of my life!
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by James Plum
This is an excellent breed. My rattie was my first adult dog. She was amazing. Very loyal, very smart and always in need of a job. My Molly was very easy to train. Rat terriers are high energy family pets. Mine loved other dogs and cats but was the boss of the four legged furbabies in the house.
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Paul Yoder
I would like to see an Eskimo Spitz / Rat Terrier mix . They have the right size ears, just the right amount of spunk but not dangerous , very much on the ball . Survive very well by high traffic roads.
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Sam mitchell
Rat terriers
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Sheila
I had a beautiful, sweet, smart little rat for 17yrs. Faithful. A bit stubborn. But would obey...in her way.. Did tricks. The key is you find out what your rat is like And love it. If there was a higher rating i would give it
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Robert Tumminia
the best breed I have ever owned,my Buddy is a real Buddy to me.
Rat Terrier Mix Breed Review by Ron Barker
excellent loving dog very loyal very territorial to your property love to get mice and birds