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Pug Mix Breed Review by Carol brrlin
Want see pug mixes
Pug Mix Breed Review by John
I’m looking to get another daug
Pug Mix Breed Review by Audie Rathbun
Looking for a retro pug male with a female has to be the rot. Best dogs ever lost mine at 12 looking now
Pug Mix Breed Review by Tuffy McRae
Pug Mix Breed Review by Doug akerly
Pug Mix Breed Review by Lazzy Lo
Pug Mix Breed Review by Lynda M Gipson
Pug Mix Breed Review by Erica Grange
The puppies are so cute ,I have a pug his name is buster he's 12 years old and he's been the best dog ever I love him so much ,I'm really wanting to get another pug and also love Frenchies so I want a frug but I know they are pretty pricey,so I don't know what to do arethere any rescues that you know of I would appreciate it thank you so much I enjoyed the pictures
Pug Mix Breed Review by zaza
Pug Mix Breed Review by Roberta L Holt
The best and sweetest dog I have ever had was pug tzu
Pug Mix Breed Review by Roberta L Holt
Pug Mix Breed Review by Alex
Pug Mix Breed Review by benjamin morales
Pug Mix Breed Review by Jackson
Pug Mix Breed Review by Nelson Balbona
Pug Mix Breed Review by rick maher
Having a Shug for 14years I can say you coould not find a more loyal easy to train friend. I'm now in search of another Shug, but realizing I'm not likely to find one as perfect as my friend Tommy who was a rescue I stumbled upon not realizing his mix.
Pug Mix Breed Review by Shawn Ariza
Pug Mix Breed Review by Ambrose
I love them
Pug Mix Breed Review by Jack
Pug Mix Breed Review by Anthony
i used to have a chihuahua pug dog my whole life and it was my best friend and she meant the world to me i want another one cause my first dog was the best and chug puppies are the best and are so cute
Pug Mix Breed Review by Val
Pug Mix Breed Review by Karen J. Biedul
I lost a fifteen-year-old pug/chin last September. She climbed into my lap laughed sighed with pleasure when I stroked her, breathed twice and took the green path. I still miss her. Our new black pug is now almost 2. My hubby could not wait to get another dog, Jack, who is hyper. He likes people, and other dogs, but should mind how he approaches them. He is stubborn and greedy about food as well. He pesters the cat and eats her food. I would not say pugs are good with cats. Pugs like to tease, but they show amusement when they are teased as well. Make sure to be firm with your pug. they need firm training with rewards, treats, and praise.
Pug Mix Breed Review by Regina Stamey
They are precious
Pug Mix Breed Review by Rodney Lingofelter
Pug Mix Breed Review by Amy
Pug Mix Breed Review by Coleen
Love it
Pug Mix Breed Review by Aubrey Baker
Pug Mix Breed Review by Kyle Evans
I have owned a pig mix dog for about 4 years now and I wouldn’t have any other dog! She is the smartest most well behaved smartest dog I’ve her had! I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a fantastic companion and great friend!
Pug Mix Breed Review by Don Stump
My pug mix named him buddy for he was . We were together 16 years . I’ve thought anther ever since!
Pug Mix Breed Review by Suzanne Mix
Very special mixed breed and have plenty love for another!
Pug Mix Breed Review by Edward J Landenberger
They are the greatest breed available theyare one of a kind!
Pug Mix Breed Review by Maymay
Pug Mix Breed Review by Angela Cabell
Pug Mix Breed Review by Preston Vickery
Pug Mix Breed Review by Mary Johnson
Pug Mix Breed Review by Ryder Hiraga
Pug Mix Breed Review by riley godfrey
Pug Mix Breed Review by Reyniellis
Pug Mix Breed Review by Walter J Huffman
Last week I lost Hannah 17 yrs old. Acquired Hannah from breeder in Texas Her Father was a Red Brussels Griffon and Mother was a Black Pug. She was a beautiful Blackcoated girl with a wonderful, spirited calm demeanor. She was the most intelligent loyal dog that I have ever known. I feel blessed that I had the privelage of being her caretaker for all that time. Someday hope to find another.
Pug Mix Breed Review by Balei
Pug Mix Breed Review by Lily ouellette
Pug Mix Breed Review by Michelle
Pug Mix Breed Review by Amber
Pug Mix Breed Review by Bella
Pug Mix Breed Review by Blake Paplow
Pug Mix Breed Review by Bethany Cutrell
Omg he or she is so cute save me it I buy it when I’m 18 ???
Pug Mix Breed Review by Libby
I love the app.
Pug Mix Breed Review by john
Pug Mix Breed Review by Nicole
Wonderful, loving family dog. Easily trained, food motivated. Loves everyone and every animal. They have all of the good traits of both breeds. Best dog I’ve ever had.
Pug Mix Breed Review by Jan
Have a pugweenie mix. Best dog ever! Looking for another pug mix.
Pug Mix Breed Review by Gina
Pug Mix Breed Review by Brandice Watson
I just lost my dog and when he was a puppy he looked like this.
Pug Mix Breed Review by jan minster
i have had 2 of these dogs and they are great
Pug Mix Breed Review by Beth Blay
My Pug mix has unknown Dad---His Mom was Pug. I adopted him from Mexico rescue 13 years ago. He has been our joy from day one.
Pug Mix Breed Review by Beth
My Pug mix came from the street rescue in Mexico. Mom was a PUG but Dad? I think perhaps ShiTzu??? We have had the pleasure of having him for nearly 15 years. So grateful for those years and wish there were no end... We have also two Australian Shepherds but he is boss!
Pug Mix Breed Review by Amanda Stojakovich
Pug Mix Breed Review by Joseph Mangione
Yes we own one now and would like to get a Nother one . We had a Yorky but unfortunately we had to put her down .
Pug Mix Breed Review by Cynthia
Looking forward pug mix or teacup chihauhau
Pug Mix Breed Review by kathryn meningall
I love pugs I had one for 15 yrs but she died, I would like to a mix breed now
Pug Mix Breed Review by Crystal
Nipper was the best dog i have ever had passed away 3/1/2018. 14 yrs old. One of a kind.
Pug Mix Breed Review by Amanda beers
Looking for a pug mix had a cocker pug and loved her
Pug Mix Breed Review by ciara.reaves
Pug Mix Breed Review by linda ostrowski
Pug Mix Breed Review by Audrey
Pug Mix Breed Review by Jordan
Pug Mix Breed Review by Charlotte Moran
I love my pug mix
Pug Mix Breed Review by Debbie hill
Pug Mix Breed Review by Mary Brazao
I had a pug named Boo. I adored her - she never left my side. She lived for 14 years. Towards the last 2 years of her life I adopted a black lab/basset hound at 8 weeks and an abused, starved, blinded in one eye, supposed 80 lb dog that lived in a hell-hole, He turned out to be a Cane Corso Mastiff, I named him Lenny and I nursed him back to 150 lbs. They both loved Boo and would keep an eye out for her because at this point she was blind and give her a kiss good night every night. One beautiful spring spring morning I carried her out and she bumbled around for a while and then keeled over, and I knew. I picked her up and it happened again and I knew it was her time do die. I sat on the grass with her and held her close until she was gone. Doc and Lenny had immediately known what was happening to their good friend and sat on either side of me. As broken hearted as I was, I thought it was a wonderful way for her to go, surrounded by her friends and held by the person that adored her. In my experience, pugs are devoted, loving, fun and funny looking. They don't have a mean bone in their body or soul. She had one little problem, she loved beer and would purposely knock the bottle over so she could lap it up before the guy whose beer it was noticed. They are one of God's great creations. Amen Boo.
Pug Mix Breed Review by Karl nieberlein
Pug-zu is the most lovable dog I've ever had
Pug Mix Breed Review by Jonathan Wagner
I have a 5 year old pug/pekinese mix and would like to find another as a companion for (Tony)
Pug Mix Breed Review by fred sowicki
I bought a puggel from an amish family they named him trevor,I liked the name so I kept it he\'s my best friend I don\'t think of him as a dog hes part of our family he makes me laugh every day
Pug Mix Breed Review by Rachel