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Presa Canario Breed Review by Anthony Strong
Presa Canario Breed Review by Patt
Best dog I ever owned, got her from Show Stopper Kennels in New Jersey, took her to dog obedience classes, took her for walks on streets of Gettysburg, Pa. to get her usd to people. She was always alert, from puppy up and only twice did I ever see her react negatively to anyone and it was the same guy twice in 2 different weeks. Would have trusted her with my life!!!
Presa Canario Breed Review by Abiy
Presa Canario Breed Review by Beatrice Jones
Persacanrio Mastiff
Presa Canario Breed Review by Beatrice s Jones
i brought my male from you he is some body he puts his head on my lap looks up at me and he talk back yes talk back help me pick up limbs out of the yard that my baby
Presa Canario Breed Review by Govie Beck
Presa Canario Breed Review by Marce
Presa Canario Breed Review by Tim Sadowski
Presa Canario Breed Review by Christopher Monroe
Presa Canario Breed Review by Amber
Presa Canario Breed Review by Zen
I had my dog for 8 years and she was always energetic and friendly. She was easy to train and very obedient
Presa Canario Breed Review by Donald Marshall jr
I really like the dog and the reviews that i read on the dogs background i need a loyal dog more a Best friend
Presa Canario Breed Review by Bsjones
Very loving
Presa Canario Breed Review by Rolland Thomas
Presa Canario Breed Review by Lamil Trishs Purnell
Presa Canario Breed Review by Makayla
I love this breed. I grew up with the breed. They all protected us, loved us, and gave us as much loyalty to us we gave to them.
Presa Canario Breed Review by Hashim Cooper
Would love to own one.
Presa Canario Breed Review by tasha
Best loyal dog ever
Presa Canario Breed Review by Terry Powers
I was always a dog lover with the German Shepard on the top of the list. Never thought I would find a dog smarter in "all around" daily needs. Three yrs ago I researched and bought a female Presa Canario puppy. What a joy! What a shock to tell her or show her something once and she\'s got it! Couldn\'t believe it but it\'s true. My hubby said she\'s so smart he expects to come home and find her sitting on the couch reading the newspaper! lol She is constantly reading my face and eye to eye contact ....she\'s very aware of all at all times. As big as she is (115lbs) she loves all the animals, ducks, cats, other dogs I have and our pet rabbit Dirty Harry. They play hide and seek together. She\'s very gentle, loving, good natured.....she\'s my heart. WE plan on getting another....The presa needs to know you are master so I would advise buyers that are strong in word and gentle to the touch will find the pressa to be impressive and just maybe the love of their life too. what
Presa Canario Breed Review by davidselditch
I love 2 no more
Presa Canario Breed Review by Lex
These dogs are amazing! I got my puppy off of here last year and I must say I found an amazing dog. They are extremely sweet and so lovable and absolutely love children. They really do need to be socialized early so they aren\'t Leary about people coming over to your house. Now if you want a good guard dog I highly recommend this breed. They guard there property very well. My puppy is a little over a year old and is massive. I have very many years left with my pup but I know for sure I would buy another one in a heartbeat.