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Pomapoo Breed Review by Naomi
We had a Pom-a-poo who was 12 years old. She died from having kidney stones. We miss her terribly!! We have another dog who I rescued from a local shelter. She is 6 years of age. She keeps looking for her little buddy. She is very sad over her loss. We are looking for a new little buddy for our rescue.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Maria Nadel
Yes one for 14 years. The other is 15.5 years, but is not doing well. I adore the breed. They are super smart, loyal, playful and rarely have any health problems. The breed is hypoallergenic as well! I love Aom a poos!!❤️
Pomapoo Breed Review by gloria
iwant this dog
Pomapoo Breed Review by Mary
Pomapoo Breed Review by Katie. Teddy. Girl names. Boy names. Bowie. Tommy. Tom Tom.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Margie R lund
I had a Pomapoo for 15yrs. Sweet, loving and obedient. I adored her and she was always at my side. Breed travels well. I bought a carrier with a small seat a few inches from the bottom of the carrier, which is where BooBoo sat and on occasion barked at a trucker, The carrier had a bottom where I attached the wheels so at rest stops she could go with me to the ladies room and then off to the dog park, BooBoo was a loyal dog even until her last days. I left her to sleep in her bed next to my bed all the time but she woke me up one night and wanted up on the bed. She cuddled against my back, took a deep breath and I knew she was gone. Loyal right to the end. This breed is so easy to travel with. She did not like being in a carrier under my seat on the plane. Plane was dead quiet and settled in for the long flight from UK to VA, I fell asleep she managed to unzip the carrier and when I woke up to laughter which was a quiet plane when I fell asleep BooBoo was visiting all passengers on the packed flight. Suddenly the entire plane was buzzing and laughing. I clapped my hands and she came straight to me, a hug later she was in the carrier. Friendly, obedient and easy to care for. Her coat was groomed every 6 to 8 weeks, Nails grew fast and she loved the ribbons on her head and around her neck. Never a problem at the vets who knew her from birth till she passed. All the kids in the neighborhood loved her and would walk her just to show her off. The cat who was 5 lbs bigger than Boo would sit in the same chair until, dishes were done and one on my lap and the other on the arm of the chair. Open the back door BoyCat went to the left and BooBoo went to the right and when they returned I had the evening treat ready for them. You could not ask for a better dog.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Roger Crawford
Great lap dogs. Easy to potty train. Just recently lost our dog. He would have been eleven in February.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Mikaeli
I love these puppies they are so sweet and playful and I really want to get one for me and my family because puppies always light up a room when they are around
Pomapoo Breed Review by Judith Clark
I recently lost my pompoo dog Brutus at the age of 18.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Kenneth Allen
Yes I had a Pomapoo female. She was a great companion for 16 years. Friendly , smart and just a little cuddled.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Destiny LaCole Quave
Pomapoo Breed Review by Mya
Pomapoo Breed Review by Evernie
Pomapoo Breed Review by Barbara hill
Pomapoo Breed Review by Ana Beatriz Pereira Borges
Pomapoo Breed Review by Maria
Pomapoo Breed Review by Denyse bennett
My dad has 2 of them and they are so loyal to him and my husband has fallen in love
Pomapoo Breed Review by Bri
Pomapoo Breed Review by Denise A Zobel
incredible smart dog! love this dog a lot!
Pomapoo Breed Review by Everell
Pomapoo Breed Review by Daniela.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Chris Martin
Pomapoo Breed Review by Rose Nosik
Pomapoo Breed Review by Debbie Knight
Pomapoo Breed Review by Amirah
Soooooo cuteeeeee
Pomapoo Breed Review by SOFIA
Pomapoo Breed Review by Yohan Ji
Pomapoo Breed Review by Nia
Pomapoo Breed Review by Lonnie Berry
Wonderful pet!! Just beware of additional cost associated with grooming expenses. Also, This breed is susceptible to Cushings diesase (Very devastating)
Pomapoo Breed Review by Connor Mollie
sweet, energetic, fun and great with kids
Pomapoo Breed Review by Patrice Pixler
Pomapoo Breed Review by Susan Holland
Pomapoo Breed Review by Jason
Pomapoo Breed Review by Sherry
Five stars They are a fantastic loving companion. Very alert and smart
Pomapoo Breed Review by Joseph hinkebein
These dogs are wonderful they are smart,friendly,qloyal,and obident
Pomapoo Breed Review by Poof
So cute
Pomapoo Breed Review by Jeanne
Pomapoo Breed Review by Christian
owner for five years, easy to train excellent temper very friendly, good companion,excellent house dog and good with children would love to own another I’m a female disabled Vietnam era veteran but can’t afford to purchase another on a scale of 0-5 stars I would give them 5 stars
Pomapoo Breed Review by Burrestine Stafford
Love this breed mine just died I had her for about 9Yrs I would like have this one she look a lot like Ginger.Can you call me to get more information.Thank you.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Burrestine Stafford
I had one for about 6years just she just passed away 2 weeks ago.Love this breed.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Sandra Walker
Pomapoo Breed Review by Quincy
Pomapoo Breed Review by Rosemary Scherer
I have a pomapoo dog who is almost 3 years old. She was hard to house train but it very, very loveable. She does have irritable bowel disease and has to take medicine daily but that was just the luck of the draw with my dog. I would give this breed a five star rating.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Camryn
Pomapoo Breed Review by Lisa
Pomapoo Breed Review by Stan
Best dog My wife and I have ever had. Obedient loving. we miss her more than I can say and are looking to replace her.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Mary
We were originally looking for a Bichon and stumbled upon a Pompoo. He ended up being the dog of our dreams. He is so smart, easy to train, non- shedding and friend to all. We love him to death and would get another in the future.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Bert Wagner
I have owned a Pomapoo - "Dodger" - for 10 years. His mother was a Pomeranian; his dad was a Miniature poodle - not standard. He is champagne colored and, by far, the best pet I have ever owned. He is intelligent and loving; excellent with guests and family, and a loyal companion. I can't imagine not having another Pomapoo.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Nancy
She was the sweetest lovable dog. Smart as a whip. She lived to be 17.
Pomapoo Breed Review by Lynne Rose
In March 2013 I adopted Kenzie (Renee). Her loving disposition was apparehnt from the first day. She is very loyal, loving, highly intelligent, and very easily trained. I would recommend a Pomapoo if you want a close companion. I don\'t feel they should be left alone for long periods as it seems to break her heart if we go out too long. She is high-energy and does jump on those she doesn\'t see on a regular basis as she seems to love all people. She is alittle jealous of no-one in particular, but if you show anyone affection she wants it too. Kiss the hubby goodbye kiss her goodbye too--she thinks she is human. She is 5 stars for our family. But if you do not truly love and consider her a member of the family-you may not want a Pomapoo. I was never much of a "dog-Person" but Kenzie changed that just by being who she is.