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Pekingese Breed Review by lilly
I had one for 15 1/2 yrs and she died she was fabulous
Pekingese Breed Review by Deanna
How many are there
Pekingese Breed Review by Lee Higby
When I was going to buy something at a lady's home, she had several puppies there and one pup followed me everywhere. So I got him. I had to give my new pup a name.....don't we all? What I wanted was to name him what he looked like. Crisco. But he wouldn't respond to it. So there was another kind of Crisco, shortening. So I called him "Sho't'nin'" and he would come running. Now he has been here since he was 8 weeks old. Sho't'nin' was very easy to potty train. The book said it would be very hard because of their stubbornness. Well my puppy never read that book. So he was very easy to train. Now my Peke likes to guard me when a stranger knocks at the door, or especially if anybody comes into our lair, he always jumps on my chest and really really barks up a storm! He won't leave me at all! At the age of 4 or 5, Sho't'nin' nearly broke his back trying to jump on our couch. Now he has recovered the use of his back legs, but he is in a great deal of pain and I give him pain medication and that helps him a lot. Truly a great companion, I can't call any of my pups a pet, because of what they are, so they are our beloved companions.
Pekingese Breed Review by Mavis Henry
Great companion, I had 2 ,little guard dog s with big personality, can be lap dogs very stubborn.
Pekingese Breed Review by Kimberly
Pekes are an excellent breed! So loving, loyal, smart, and beautiful! Excellent companion:)
Pekingese Breed Review by Beverly Strouth
Pekingnese pups are the best! They are sweet, loving, but have a little bit of attitude! Love these gorgeous pups!
Pekingese Breed Review by Barbara pylilo
I have an 18 yr. old Pekingese at present. I am looking for a female puppy.
Pekingese Breed Review by Patricia A Mitchell
Pekingese Breed Review by Melissa Aiello
I’ve had 2 Pekingese, Chloe’s my little girl who’s now 10yrs. I brought Chloe when my male (Otis) was 14yrs old. She’s my life♥️
Pekingese Breed Review by Jan
Best dog breed ever, I have 2 and don't know what I would do without them. Love them to pieces, they're always ready to play, snuggle, eat, stay by your side and protective too. Very smart my babies are!!
Pekingese Breed Review by Sierra
Pekingese Breed Review by Brenda Hardesty
Yes I have owned 2 . They are so precious and sweet. No problem with this breed at all. I'm looking for my husband a female puppy because he sure misses our Jade.
Pekingese Breed Review by Janette Good
I have had 3 pekingese until the end of last year. Honeybee was 15 Elvis was 14 angel baby was 14. I am looking for a new little baby.
Pekingese Breed Review by Btenfa
Pekingese Breed Review by Brenda moody
Pekingese Breed Review by Nicole
Pekingese Breed Review by Deborah Kimball
Pekingese Breed Review by Joann Breland
My baby y Emma Rose was 14 when she went to have. On Valentine's day. She was the very best puppy ever. Gentle, loving, sweet, loved to play with a ball or to y stuffed animal that squeaked.
Pekingese Breed Review by Jacqueline Steele
Had a pekingese for seven years, unfortunately just lost him due to kidney failure. Loved him like a child. My heart is broke and I am looking for another pek. Loved his nature and personality.
Pekingese Breed Review by Cassie Smock
Pekingese Breed Review by Wade
Pekingese Breed Review by lee hollensteiner
Pekes are smart, loving, good natured, STUBBORN, and tend to be a good deal hardier than one would suppose. They do need grooming and they can be persuaded to enjoy walks, but you need to be consistent. Find a high quality dog food that they like and stick to it. With luck you will have a loyal and loving little companion for many years.
Pekingese Breed Review by Tamra Harmon
I have 2 perks and I adore them I have had threats of theft of them.
Pekingese Breed Review by Evelyn Wheeler
I've owned 3 pekes & loved them all like my own children! They are the ONLY breed for me!!
Pekingese Breed Review by Tamra Harmon
I have 2 now black Bruno and white Lucy I've had to put 2 other dogs down due to neighbor's leaving out neglected items that were toxic
Pekingese Breed Review by Anthony Verdoliva
Pekingese Breed Review by Anthony Verdoliva
Pekingese Breed Review by Inessa
Pekingese Breed Review by Frank Roetina
Would like info. On this pup
Pekingese Breed Review by Frank Roetina
Would like info. On this pup
Pekingese Breed Review by rita cline
Pekingese Breed Review by rita cline
Pekingese Breed Review by Florence Betteridge
there wonderful, loving, loyal will be your best friend even after they pass. I think they are the very best and make you want to be your best for them Miss mine
Pekingese Breed Review by Tran
Pekingese Breed Review by Bonni Pederson
i have had 3 i still have one annakin male i love him like a child very smart 4 leggers he hates being called a dog we lost his sister a year ago and now looking for a sis or bro for him he is 6 years old had him from 6 weeks on
Pekingese Breed Review by Terryjane
Yes I've owned pekingese. They are very beautiful if breed right, and very smart. I love them.
Pekingese Breed Review by Tiffany Dewitt
I love Pekingese dogs, they are very smart and so adorable! I've owned 3 before and they got along so great together. Currently looking for another
Pekingese Breed Review by James &alita coles
Yes we have a Pekingese can you call us at (516)377-0515 We are from Long Island ny
Pekingese Breed Review by laura bradley
I wanted to buy a baby pekingese
Pekingese Breed Review by Ruth thacker
Yes I have had 2 first one I had was for 16 years she was a pure breed pekingnese my 2 nd one is 2 years old the 1st one was very friendly so is the second one I love pekingnese they are very beautiful dogs
Pekingese Breed Review by Mary Lukas
I'm looking for a black Pekingese puppy, like on that picture.
Pekingese Breed Review by Dana M Greco
The Pekingese is the most loyal and loveable dog I have ever owned in my life!...I have had them growing up as a kid and into my adult life!...I have recently lost my 2yr old baby boy "Jeter" that I rescued , do to seizures!...very heartbreaking to lose one at such a young age!..on the hunt for another, although my Jeter can not be replaced! ...
Pekingese Breed Review by vicki jennings