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Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by James Douglas Bullard
Greatest breed there is. i have owned many types, but there is no love like an OEB love. they are 70-100lbs of lapdog snuggle bugs. the sometimes have issues with super small children when they are already old, but outside of that - they do well with anyone and every other pet, even cats.
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Jack
Best loyal family friend beautiful breed always getting compliments about how handsome my boy is
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Judy
I’ve never owned a Leavitt Old English bulldog, but rather a Hermes, but didn’t have much luck with the Hermes. I would never buy another Hermes, because the vet said she died from poor breeding. She was a sweet girl and a big girl, but she only live for three years I will get another one. I am looking for a David Leavitt bulldog. I would like for someone to tell me I could get a good puppy of Levitt! As soon as I find one, I will have another one if that tells you what I think of them!! They are sweet dogs and I will have him in the house!
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Woo Jae Park
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Woo Jae Park
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by David M Rucker
My Olde English Bulldogge is six months old, his name is Winston. His photo is the one representing the breed on Greenfield Puppies. This Pup is exceptional in more ways than I can describe. He is six months old and has stolen the hearts of everyone he meets including his two brothers a thirteen-year-old Amstaff Jethro, and our Miniature Dachshund Bruno. Thank You Manny Zook for this exceptional pup.
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Annadiaz
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Desmond a mitchell
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Thomas milinovich
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by marianne prijs
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Justin Livingston
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Robert Taylor
The best fog I ever owned. Queenie had some health problems but she was a dear member of our family
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Shirley Holland
Can be stubborn 7years old he is having stomach problems had to hospitalize him huge bill he was my husbands favorite boy he misses him very much I think that is part of his problems these dogs are very alert
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Pattie A Beers
I’ve had 2 male Olde English Bulldogges. Right now I have a male Olde English bulldogge ad an old Pomeranian who really doesn’t want anything to do with him so we are looking for a play mate possibly a female
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Sylvia hassett
Olde Engilish Bulldogge
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Lauren
Best dog and best friend I will ever have. I cannot tell you how much I love this dog breed and dog. She is smart as hell, relaxed, though values her spaces and her sister is one of the kindest creatures I have ever had the pleasure to know although she gets the zoomies a few times a day. This breed really isn’t spastic. Chill dogs, VERY protective and tend to bond more with one person than the others, as do other breeds. My girls DO NOT allow any kind of hitting or yelling in the house between the kids or anyone at all. Not even a newspaper to the butt from parent to kid. The girls themselves have interpersonal dominance issues so don’t get along but their mutual best friend in the world was our Jack Russell. My girl isn’t playful with other dogs but she ran from his feet biting habit, which he understood as play. She loved her boy. The other OEB purposely annoyed our JRT so his running away was play to her. She still looks for him around. The OEB is not as high maintenance as the EB, not as noisy, and they’re considerably bigger. They have a lot of personality and many different quirks like mine sleeps on her back, learned peoples names, knows command words and words like “bye bye, potty, PeePee, outside, walk, do you want___, treat, cookie, and beach.” She knows how to open doors, brings me to show me where she buries her toys, sassy to a T, and loves fruits and veggies. The other girl ‘talks’ to you like a conversation, is also trained but not so smart, doesn’t like bread, needs cuddles, kisses every puppy she sees, and adores children and treats them like her puppies lol. All of these of course culminate from lots of love and attention. Discipline is important as they’re strong personalities, but a simple growl to the neck or baring human teeth gets the point across most of the time. They aren’t really escape artists or diggers. Only one of my girls digs small holes to bury toys. Never seen the other do it. If you have the time and patience to train and love this dog you will end up with a likely smart and an almost guaranteed very loving family dog. I sleep well at night knowing they are here. You won’t regret these dogs.
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Jeannie
I absolutely love this breed!! Smart compatible with every critter they come across genuine honest and happy breed!! Touchy with some health issues however if you do your homework and pay attention these are minor things that are simple fixes. I am a lifer with Olde English and American Bulldogges!
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Matt
I love my Ole English Bulldog! Great personality and very friendly with other dogs and people
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by paul cleamons
I love this breed I had one about 5 years ago I am ready for another one I am looking for a puppy.
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by James Dorando
Started as your "standard pet owner" and today own 6 females and a qualified breeder of the IOEBA
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Bernadette
I.love my Old English Bulldogge great breed
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Emma Raber
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by MICHAEL BERKOWITZ
Exceptional , bright,friendly,best friend I ever had.
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by MICHAEL BERKOWITZ
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Michael Berkowitz
Our old english bulldogge recently passed away . She was the best , we are familiar with the breed and needless to say words can't express how heartbroken we are . there's an empty space under the covers. We would prefer a female (spayed) do you have any? Thanking you in advance for your consideration. Please email.
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Rodney Howard
This breed of bulldog isn't known in the Caribbean and I am really interested in rearing them
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Christina
Amazing dogs they are family oriented and so lovable
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Nadya Scott
loves to play , feed alot , has a bit of anger issues but it is only so dogs , and over protective
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Darlene
Yes I own O E B's
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Linda Sannino
I own an Olde English Bulldogge. Her I.O.E. B.A. pedigree papers go back six generations. She is dual registered with the A.B.K.C. I was going to advertise my litter with this site. I really think this breed is neat. Their comical, fairly intelligent, sweet, yet protective, if really needed. Good with children, if raised with them.
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Ramona
I have a 2 yr old male. He is my heart. I will never own another breed. OEB is the best. ? you Baxter!
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by cindy
I have had a few different breeds of dogs.my favorite is the Olde English Bulldog they r very good with people &young kids they are so loveable .
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Jason Otis
Yes i have owned bulldogges be for
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Hannah
I just wanted to thank the breeder for our amazing olde English bulldog. Monty who is now champ has become such amazing part of our family! Thank you so much for sharing such a great litter of puppies. This website is the best if your looking for good, adorable, smart puppies!
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by June
You can\'t go wrong owning an old english bulldog. They are great dogs. Loyal, friendly, patient, calm, loving! A must have!!!
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by dana
The Olde English Bulldog has the temperament of a teddy bear. We got one from this site 4 years ago. He is by far, my favorite dog, and I will only have dogs of this breed for the rest of my life. Playful, but calm, strong yet gentle, they only respond well to positive reinforcement and lots of love. They take time to house train, so patience and crate training are a MUST. We crate trained our boy for 2 years and he has had the run of the house since then. He just wants to be with his people, wherever we may be, and he is happy.
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Joe
My review is that they r great dogs.they come in colors and sizes. Best dog I ever had.
Olde English Bulldogge Breed Review by Christina Petree
Olde English Bulldogges are wonderful family dogs. They are lovable, loyal and are inside dogs truly a wonderful addition to any warm loving animal loving home. I own two old English and one English bull dog two I have purchased through greenfield puppies.