Use the options below to find your perfect canine companion!
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Juan Melo
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Jonah Williams
Good morning how are you? I'm looking for a red miniature female poodle. I can be reached 201-776-1190 Jonah Williams thank you
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by David troyer
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Gwen Williams
I am looking for a chocolate. miniature poodle with a short tail Do you have any available?
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Claire Hopkins
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by James Alvin Shortt
Me and my wife don’t travel anymore would love to find a little dog,Always had dogs when our children were young.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by donna durham muse
i just lost my mini black poodle 1 week ago all i can do is cry at time my love for him was no different than for a human he was beautful and loved me more than his food he was 15 and acted 3 but all of a sudden i saw him on the floor having a grand mall sesure once it called a little another started and a third over 3 days he he never stop moving to the point he could not have a mri by the 2nd day he did not know me he was brain damaged it was horable none of the med they gave him did not over power the sesures or constant movements he went from running and playing one min to a sesure and into the process of dieing we spent thousands we took him to blue pearl hospital they tried evarything it was over when his temp went to almost 104 and sugar level droped from 80 to 40 his little body could not fight any longer the neurologest could no longer do anything evaryone cryed we took him home it was the most HURTFULL thing i have evar gone threw, a lot of people say, they will never get another, but im not like that i WANT another bl, mini the sooner the better i have searched the pc for hours cant find one due to the young ones are not groomed , so i can see, even there expression, if anyone knows of a bl mini poodle looking for all the love we can give him please call me or email me at mwmuse1962@yahoo.com or 8135320976 after 1pm threw 1am this is the first time i have shared this with anyone or any site on the pc please pass this to any friends or any reputable site you can share this with anyone that sells minis or a good breeder we want to fill the void in our hearts, we are not trying to replace hurky, we have a lot of love to give another, hope to hear from someone out thereif he is up to a yr thats fine!!!! donna and marty muse holiday fl 34690 thanks for listening
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by melin
poodle vs. goldendooodle which the cutest grooming kids training allergies
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Millie Meisinger
I have had toy poodles all my life. I love them and they are so smart but so loving. My baby of14 years passed about2monthhs ago and I’m lost without him. Toy poodles these days are hard to find!
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Carol Havlin
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Nastassia Dullary
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Donna May
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by matthew fox
low activity
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Shannon Pautler
They look so cute and healthy
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Robert Long
Ideal. Dog for seniors and house pet.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Buford Hess
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Alex To
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Carolyn
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by connie inserra
Yes many. Me and my family for the last 60 years. Very smart, loving, beautiful and the best ever.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Heidi
I just had to put my 11-year-old Miniature Poodle to sleep earlier this week due to her being very sick - but she brought me 11 years of pure joy, affection, and unconditional love. I wasn't even a dog-lover until I got to know her; she won me over so quickly. I LOVE dogs now! She was absolutely brilliant, so smart - she could learn a word after just hearing it once, and she understood words with multiple syllables. She was so clever; I like to think she had a sense of humor. She LOVED to play, but she was also such a gentle and quiet dog, always so comforting, sweet and sensitive. She LOVED going on long walks and exploring our neighborhood. Every single person who met her fell in love with her instantly - from my neighbors who walked their own dogs and met her, to her groomer, to her vet, to my friends. She was quite the charmer. On top of that, she was SO CUTE! She really was my best friend. Whenever I finish processing my heartbreak over losing my precious girl, I will undoubtedly want to get another Miniature Poodle - not only because the one I had was beyond adorable, but mostly because her personality was second to none. For now, I'll mourn the best dog in the world and cherish her memories. I will always love her, and I will always love Miniature Poodles.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by charles anderson
great puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Brigitte Gibson
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Evelyn Olson
yes I have owned 3 poodles and loved them all. I would like to purchase another one. I miss my last friend so much
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Ana PAZ
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Gwen Stallworh Sumrall
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Gail Schmitt
I have a toy poodle. He is very smart and has been trained to be a service dog. He licks my face when I pass out. He is nine years old now.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Ali
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Kim Reid
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Marisela Guevara
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by J.Starr
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Patricia Roccisano
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by joe bellus
rescued a 2 yo old 9lb black poodle fom humane in omaha he lived and loved until 15 years he would talk to me ride for hours in car would go to gas, to bank to walks to my bed to sleep to go to grams who loved him when she never had time before after she passed he missed her would bark if i didn't turn to her house i miss him...
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Linda
We are had a toy poodle and Millie was the best companion for my 91 year old Mom. A great watch dog and very smart. We lost our 4 legged baby a month ago due to severe disk disease. I am looking for another female.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Judy Quick
They are the smartest, most loving, loyal, obedient dog, ever. Loves everone!
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Francine r Michaels
Have friends with poodle's , I always liked them ,Need a small dog to live in apartment. It will fit the bill , also really wanted a small corgi you have a female & I would like to know how I could get it?
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Joy Schimmel
We owned a miniature poodle for 15 yrs. We had to put him to sleep. That was around a year ago. We are now looking to buy another dog at $700.00 or less.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Maureen K Benigni
The?Sweet? puppy, ?Ever,?I've?Got?To?See?How?Much?They?Are?
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Kiera
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Elizabeth Belcher
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Amy cohen
Mini female poodle
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Peanut
I love this breed of dog they love to play and snuggle
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Addy Foster
My sister owned a miniature white poodle & I babysat a toy (very small),white poodle for friend number of years ago. We gave my daughter a pedigreed red miniature Pomoranian for her 16th B'day which she took to college with her. Small pets great indoors & make for great companions. Have owned mixed breed outdoor dogs. Interested in small variety for indoors. Also had neighbor who bred large intelligent poodles . Have fenced in back yard & looking for white miniature poodle for inside when available . By recommendation of a friend I have contacted your website. Thank you. Addy Foster
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Lillian Allen
Have owned and loved 5 apricot poodles, last three were Champion Duffy Breed, each living 13 yrs. All lovable, intelligent, playful and loyal. Perfect family pets....searching for another
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by sheron and ben ortiz
we lost our 2 kids within a month of each other. sweetie was 15 years old. cujo was 14. we rescued sweetie when she was 4 from an abusive owner. i said i did not want another dog because the loss hit us hard. our kids were spoiled, very pampered lap dogs. they traveled with us everywhere we went. want to fill our empty nest.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Darlene
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Jeannie West
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Jordan
They are very loving and good with kids
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Cassie
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Alex sekura
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Sheryl Eckelberry
Yes I had miniature a poodle. We lost her on February 1 to liver cancer. She was only 8. She was so smart and sweet.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Shannon morford
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Josie Vigar
I had a miniature poodle dog, she was so loyal and would never snap or growl at anyone. I loved her dearly and miss her every day.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Carol
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Kelly Hamilton
Our miniature poodle recently passed. Considering getting another one Great dog
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Shirley
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Theodora tucci
I hav had poodles before the last one I had was 16
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Carmenita Washington
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Brenda Baker
Yes, I have owned two teacup poodles. They were very loving and sweet dogs who lived a long life before passing. I am in search of another for my granddaughter, I hope a puppy in time for Christmas.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Barbara Stertz
I have owned 3 standard poodles over the years. they lived with my husband and myself. I love dogs, especially poodles. I am now retired, and can spend most of my time with them. My last poodle passed 2 years ago at almost 14, right before Christmas. Since then, my husband got very ill. I am looking for another poodle, girl or boy to share my life and home with.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Pauline
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Judy Ball
The best dog I ever had , also the smartest. I will never forget him, he brought so much joy into our life. The poodle is a very Special breed.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Martha Alonso
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Joyce Hummel
Best breed ever. Have a 9 year old at the present time. My 13 yr old passed just recently. They are true family dogs! Extremely smart but need grooming. Love them !!
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by john loughlin
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Tammy
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Beverly hendelman
The best
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Melissa
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Melissa
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Darlene Peterson
Yes we have 2 poodles. A teacup for 17 years and just lost a miniature after 13 years. I have asthma and our daughter has allergies. We're looking for 2 females
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Richard Morton
Had three and looking for my fourth. Great dogs.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by ruth kudlick
I have had poodles all my life, and I just love them. My last two poodles were brothers, and they lived until age 18. I am now looking for another-- a toy or a miniature. I am looking for a reasonable price. Thank you for your interest.
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Eleanor
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Renaa Allen
The dog on your page, I would like to know it's breed and the price
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by ALEASE WRIGHT
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Mary Thornton
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Carmen Diaz
I had never own a peach poodle before, but by some strange coincidence we did, we found her one day on a street and ever since we took her home and took her to the Vet and she said that she already had a little or two. ,but she was not taken care of properly and that made me feel sad, because she is a beautiful dog. Also who ever had her it was for buss. only, because most of her teeth are broken or lost and she really smell bad when we first saw her.....she won the lotto when we came across her life path....I do recommend her...
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Rebecca Mathew
I got my perfect little miniature poodle puppy from Rebecca Stoltzfus about 8 months ago. He has a great temperament, loves to go on car rides, is sweet, affectionate and is great while being groomed. We are so thankful for him!
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Jennifer Smith Fantini
I am only trying to see the two dogs my mother is getting this coming Saturday
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by BARBARA IRWIN
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Brad
I love curls
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Ava
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Mr.Johnson
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Marilyn hodynski
I have owned and raised many poodles, But I am now looking for a tea cup poodle. Kids are all gone, just me and a nice quiet house. You got anything I might like or recommend any place to look. Thank you
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Maura chamas
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Bonita Clark
loved him
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by Stella
I love them
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by ron johnson
great all-around breed!
Miniature Poodle Breed Review by lisa
playful,lovable &smart