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Maltese Mix Breed Review by Donna
I would like to know what the Maltese is mixed with. He is beautiful the Maltese they’re all beautiful. I see you have a white one with black. I love Yorkies, but I see this one is the cheapest.
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Andrea Ungerer
I love this breed and I am looking for a Maltese chihuahua female black and tan with tan eye brows and Maltese ears puppie
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Jose angel ramos
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Phil & Mary
We have a 5 year old all white Maltese/Pekingese mix. He is about 15 pounds, has been adorable, pleasant, great with people and other "tamed" dogs. Likes to play and eats everything on his plate.
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Sofia Quinones
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Marie Cole
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Paola Gallardo
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Susan Graziano
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Lisa petrillo
Maltese Mix Breed Review by David Weaver Iii
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Beverly weaver
I had a Maltese mix (not sure what she was) and she was so sweet.
Maltese Mix Breed Review by adolphe williams
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Salvador
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Janet Hoult
The best of both breeds. We just lost our 16 year old Maltese/Lhasa Ruby. We got her at 6 weeks old and was the love of our dog life...RIP Ruby girl❣️ Still mourning but are ready to give our love to a new puppy...🙏
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Jeannette Bauernfreund
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Sharon Simmons
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Fanny Ragazzi
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Sylvia Hall
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Kimberly Heath
I had a maltese/chihuahua the best most loyal dog ever! I would love to find one like her
Maltese Mix Breed Review by ron jackson
yes 12 years our Maltese/peatatese mix died of a tumer 4-2020
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Connie
I have a Maltese poodle and love her. I’m Thinking of another
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Denise
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Beckie GTes
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Maria
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Debra Hill
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Karen and Tom Beatty
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Barbara Monett
I love the spotted little pup. Looking for small bichon mix or the like. I live in Santa Cruz, Ca. Barbara
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Angie Perea
I love these dogs...quick to train and very smart and loving dogs.
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Ferne
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Rexcine Taylor
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Yvonne Myers
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Nico
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Susan
I love my Maltese Mix. His dad was a Maltese; and his mom a Bichon Yorkie. He has a good temperment. He is playful and loyal. He is a nice size, currently about 8 lbs at 6 months. His coat is beautiful, soft and silky. His hearing and sight fantastic. He also makes a good guared dog,barking at strangers, and is a wonderful companion.
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Abe Lynn. Kentia
What is this maltese mixed with and is the black side his birthmark? Is he for sale how big or hoe much does he weigh , how old thanks
Maltese Mix Breed Review by jeanette valiere
we had a maltese pup for 10 yrs . she recently passed away . please help us find one we can afford . our hearts are broken.
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Debra Palmatier
45 South Main St.
Maltese Mix Breed Review by BJ Overstreet
a Maltise Mix came into my possession when shopping at a small Thrift store in our home town. She was hot & needed water. Nobody there knew where she came from and didn't want her so we brought her home, fed her & gave her a bath. She was calm and kind of layed back for a couple of days then seemed to become energized. She will jump into our lap excitedly and began to lick. We don't know how old she is but her teeth looks like baby teeth. We are hoping to train her to stop licking & jumping as she is already part of our family. We already have a 15 yr. old inside cat.
Maltese Mix Breed Review by Tracy reiter
Just purchased my 2nd pekeatese. They are incredibly smart, and loving. Would recommend for a loving, loyal house pet. The perfect mix!!