Use the options below to find your perfect canine companion!
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Linda
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by elie
Hi, I'm seeking Lhassapoo aka Lhasa Apso/ Mini Poodle / cream / FEMALE dog. My 19 1-2 year old dog just died and I'm looking for same. 424 202 2102 elie Michael eandoglobal@gmail.com
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Maria s
My Lhasa poo passed away after 19 years, we miss her and looking to get just like her lhasapoo cream female asap, please let me know if you breed one Thank you
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Lois Murray
Have a two year old black female named Suzi, smartest dog I ever had. Also the freshest. Love her to death.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Carolyn
Show pics of adults dogs, please.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by August Barrette
I remember my Lhasa Apso Toy Poodle. That dog isn't very good. One time I was eating chocolate and I was giving my dog it too, it died
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Lilly
I had a Lhasa poo for 16 yrs 5months I Loved my Baby . I would take her everywhere I had no problem she was such a good girl. I miss her so much .
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Daniel Bryant
In 2005, my family and I adopted a Lhasa-poo we named Audie. He looked like a black Falcore, the dragon from the never ending story, but with a white soul patch. He was the sweetest, fiercely loyal and brilliant dog I’ve ever known. He loved playing fetch more than anything and had the best personality. We had him for almost 16 years, even that amount of time wasn’t nearly long enough.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Helen Ramirez
We adopted 2 males lhasatoypoos brothers I. 2005 and a Lhasa apso female on 2006. Last year 2022 our lil girl Mia 16 yr old passed and then last year about September we lost our 17 yr old Sale Lhasa toypoo and then right after Christmas we lost our 18 yr old Pepe Lhasa toypoo and we currently had adopted when Sale and Pepe were still here a 17 week old Jack Russell shitzu puppy named Charlie so he got to know both of them and play with them as his brothers but now they are both gone so we are looking for another Lhasa apso or mix and a shitzu or shitzu mix to add to our family.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Nancy Rice
I just lost my precious little Maggie on Oct 19th. She was the love of my life and pure joy for me. She was 13 and up until 30 minutes before her death, she was full of energy and my constant companion. She can never be replaced but, she would not want me to be alone. I am a widow and have an abundance of love to give,
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by owia gibson
so cute
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Tristan Wilkie
Great dogs
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Bernadine Klein
Have had a lhasa mix
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Elizabeth Kelly Smith
Perfect breed perfect dog
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Jo Blake
I want one
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by MaryEllen Marlette
Have one love him. Looking for another.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Patricia Pearman
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Kathy bleich
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Giuliana DiVirgilio
These are the most beautiful, majestic, amazing, ethereal creatures to walk this earth. Lhasa Poos are perfect in every way i love more than anything else, with all my being. Amazing outstanding perfect 10/10.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Carole vaupel
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Barbara Aumack
Lhasa Apso
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Curtis Johansen
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Susan
They are the perfect pet.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by lexi
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Eva Middleton
I have a Lahasa Poo doggie now, she is so sweet. I would like to purchase a female.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Alexis G NYC
I had the honor of serving as guardian to Teddy, a LhasaPoo, for almost 13 years. He was the most amazing dog I could've ever hoped for - smart, confident, communicative, energetic, affectionate and totally adorable. Teddy had swagger and a personality that won everyone over, even non-dog-lovers. Teddy had excellent health except for a heart murmur that turned into congestive heart failure. He passed away suddently on 5/29/2021, just one day after running, jumping, playing and socializing to his heart's content off-leash in Central Park (New York). This breed is for someone who wants a equal, not just a dog. The key to success with this breed is using positive reinforcement, treats, love and "negotiation" sklls. LhasaPoos don't like to be bossed arooud. One needs to encourage them to WANT to do things. They are lively, funny, playful and totally awesome family members. However, they have a mind of their own....which I happen to love, but others may not. LOL If I'm ever ready to adopt another dog, I would definitely get another LhasaPoo. Teddy was the love of my life and I"m not sure any other dog will every compare.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Earnestine Burns
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Rira sobieraj
Lost our Lhasa of 16 years
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Sue Anne Sleeper
Best little furry friend in all the world. I love him with all my heart. We had him close to 16years. Was he spoiled, yes, but we were too... His name is Harvey.....he was total Prince of his home 🏡💕.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Aida Z Roldan
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Kaden
I love these puppies soooo much! I have had one of these puppies for 10 years and just recently got another after 6 years of searching for the perfect one, if youre looking for a family breed that will always stand by youre side as the cutest family member then you have found the right pup. I recommend if you are looking for a slightly larger lhasa poo then dont get the F1B, the F1B means that its a lhasa poo breeded back to a poodle so it is slighlty more poodle than lhasa this makes it smaller and less soft, although if youre into toy pups and you like your dog to have curly hair, F1B is the right choice for you.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Teddy Ellis
Best dog I have ever known and had the privilege to share almost 13 years together. He was the sweetest, most cuddly, most loving, loyal, gentle, sweet, smart, empathetic, joyful, well behaved dog I have ever had. As a puppy he had a little bit of separation anxiety but that didn’t last very long at all. He never had any health problems other than occasional allergies 🤧 and at the end of his life died from complications of metastatic prostate cancer. If I could have any dog again, it would be his breed. He is so rare and I have honestly never met a dog like him. He was my soulmate. I miss him every moment of everyday and will always been imprinted deep in my heart. Bless you if you made it this far and hope your journey with your new companion is as wonderful and meaningful as mine was with him.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Sharon
Wonderful dog! Very bright; learns tricks quickly. Loves to play and have fun but can be quiet and cuddle or go for a long walk in spite of his small size. Could not ask for a better dog!
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Samantha
My Lhasa Poo just recently passed away at 17 years old. He was the best dog ever. He loved to cuddle but also knew his boundaries. My kids would leave their toys on the ground and he never once chewed on anything that wasn't his. The only negative thing I have to say about him is how much he would bark. He didn't bark at people but if he saw a leaf blow outside, or god forbid another animal, he was barking. If you live in a apartment and need a quieter breed I'm not sure this dog is for you.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by MarLee Kertulis
We've had a Lhasa poo for 17 years and she has been the best dog we've ever owned. Very smart, wonderful with the grandchildren, easily trained. She has been a joy to our family! She never had any health problems but now she's slowing down due to age. She is so sweet and we'd recommend this breed wholeheartedly.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Sue Perry
My lhasa poo is 11 years old. I have had him since he was 10 weeks old. He was so easy to house break . He has been the most perfect dog I could ever dream of.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by CAROLYN Patterson
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Julie
Amazing disposition, adaptable and easily trained. My dog learned to ring a bell to go potty outside and to “silent bark” when she wanted something. We traveled often with her. She did need regular grooming since she had hair not fur. She was affectionate and never aggressive toward humans or animals. She did alert us with barking anytime someone came near our house.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Jane Klein
I have owned over 8 llashas. I.just. Lost my 14 year old male. He is sorely missed. I love the breed and.would be happy with a mixed llasha. Cookie was the best and we loved him and he loved us. Jane Klein
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Becky Veltri
I have two of these dogs - one is 12 and the other is 10. They are remarkable dogs - good with children and other animals. They are smart, playful and love to be lap dogs. They do not shed either!
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Hannah Wilson
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Anna
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Faith Yetman
I had a Lhasa -Poo, her name was Lexie. She was the best dog I ever had. I am looking to fine another.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Kelli Mackins
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Jan Morgan
We’ve had Lhasa Apsos. Our last one past away summer before last. We are interested in getting a white/ cream colored Lhasapoo. We live in Topeka, KS, so are hoping you aren’t very far away to come see yours. The picture above is adorable. ?.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by June
MC was the love of my life after my husband died. He was easy to train, super smart and oh, SO loveable! He got on with other dogs, cats and all my little grandkids. He passed on February 16, 2017, just shy of his 17th birthday. I will always miss him. They are hard pups to find.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Teresa Morgan
Very loving companion ?
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Helen Arnold
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Patricia worms
I had Buzz light year for 12 years. Sweet, easy to train, love my hubby and I unconditionally. He was playful ,happy and love to fetch his ball. Love hiss toys and would put then on you when he wanted to play! Buzz would wake me at 9:30am almost every morning with a soft bark, it was time to go out too ! Kisses all the time, loved my eleven grandchildren, all children. Buzz was also very funny, he would run in the snow like a like his tail was on fire! Beautiful Buzz went to the Rainbow Bridge on Sunday September 15 th at 4:37 am in my arms!
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Anna
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Patricia BATTLES
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Patti Gobbi-Leidner
We owned a Lhasapoo boy, or shall I say he owned us!, an amazing breed, sweet, affectionate, friendly and very intelligent. When socialized early they are wonderful with children, adults, cats and other dogs. The amount of joy they will bring you with their comics is unbelievable and they love there toys. We lost our beautiful boy to cancer, he was 13 years old, we may get another dog to fill the void but we will always love him and never forget our Pasquali ❤️
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Debra McCain
I love my dog, she has a great personality, she very lovable. She loves all people and all people love her!!!!
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Mark Deedrick
I had a lhasapoo named Bob that was the smartest and long lived dog I have ever had. He started declining at 18 years old so at the advice of my veterinarian I had him put down at 18 years and 3 months. That was in 2004 and I have not had another dog since then. I would love to find another Bob.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Janice Klug
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by monique
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Susan
Smartest dog on earth. Does not bark never messed up or distorted anything in the house. Traveled well. Loved everyone and even all dogs loved her. I just lost her on December 15 2018. Looking another to help fill that empty spot she Left. She was my first dog
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Sandra Wolfe
My Lhasa/poo is absolutely adorable... he is 9 months old and wants to eat paper and anything that lands on the floor. His name is Casen Soks Wolfe but, he is known for "Soks." Don't take off your shoes due to Soks will have your soaks!
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Kaysone Cruz
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Linda Nielsen
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Kathryn Hughes
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Sue Crider
They are adorable. Are they available in Albuquerque?
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Dave Howard
We recently lost our "little buddy" Max a Lhasa Poo mix. Max was 1) smart 2) lovable 3) independent little *(^). Absolutely loved this dog and will eventually get another. Little buddy, went camping with us one year at Rock Creek and by the end of the first hour was leading around two pit bulls like Napoleon lead his troops. Wish I could insert a photo of him. ***** dog for sure!!!
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Althea
Yes I have own both breeds. The Lhasa could be agreeive at time when confronted, the poodle also. But are good dogs to have without children.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Brian F Gilmore
Great Smart Dogs, headstrong but obiediant, smarter than most people,quick learners if they want to be, fearless loyal companions , long lived- 15 yrs.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Krisina
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Allen Geiwitz
Very loyal and lovable. A lettile demanding at times but worth it. Very Smart I just lost mine today-was 14years old and the love of my life
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Bobbie Brechbill
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Lilly Chalwell
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Zilkia Rodriguez
I adopted Peanut when he was two years old. He liked to lick my feet and loved to be cuddled. He had excellent health until he died of old age 19 years after. He lived for 21 years. Only during his last year did he stop being active. He was loved by all the family!
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Marie Maugeri
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Kate
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Bliyz
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Kelly
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Loisanne Pickerell
Yes, I owned a Lhasa-Poo. I got him when he was 2 and a half months old. He Passed away in Dec of 2015. Buffy was 16 years old. I miss him so much. Every time I think of him, tears come into my eyes. He was a very good dog. In fact, I called him my little angel. He was very good in training him. I have been looking for another dog like him. I have been looking for another dog, but would rather have one like my Buffy. Please let me know when another one is available.. Thank you, Loisanne Pickerell. I live in Elkridge Maryland.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Dennis
Wonderful dog. Have a 2 year old that I have raised from a puppy and I find her loyal and extremely loving. She is the love of my life in a pet.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by MARGE CIPRIANI
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Larry
mu Lhasa Poo of 171/2 year old just was put to sleep. Without a doubt smartest and best dog I have ever owned. I will miss her much.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Eugene Donovan
Lhasa poos are very intelligent, loving and loves people and other dogs.they are a terrific friend.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Maxine Howard
Marley is a love. He has a mind of his own but he is loving and friendly. He also is protective of us. Doesn\'t like big dogs but is okay with ones his size. Jealous I thingk.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Mary Collins
I owned one of these wonderful dogs and I can assure you they are loving, smart and good watch dogs.
Lhasa-Poo Breed Review by Brandy Payne
We have a 4 year old Lhasa-Poo, and she is the sweetest dog I have ever met. We \'adopted\' her from a family who could no longer give her the time she needed, and she has been such a joy! We often joke that she thinks she is a cat, because she loves to just lie around and be lazy, but she can be playful as a puppy too. She is wonderful with our small children, and even tempered around other animals. She doesn\'t like to be alone, so she\'ll follow you from room to room, just content to be in your presence. There is nothing like coming home to her running around your feet and lavishing you with love. She really is such a sweetie. I highly recommend a Lhasa-Poo, and would love to have another one at some time in the future.