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Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Susan
I have owned lhasas for over 30 years. I just recently lost my 2 female girls(actually sisters) within the last seven months. They were the love of our lives. They did well with my children growing up. They are smart, loving and obient dogs. Zoe and tootsie lived to be 14 1/2 and 16. And my Mitzi before them was 15. I can recommend this breed highly. And when I'm done grieving I will be looking for my next one to love!
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Susan
I have owned 3 Lhasa apso over the last 20 some years. The last 2 that we had were sister 2 years apart. we recently Lost both of them in the last seven months one lived to be 14 and the other 16. they were the best pets. Very loving,smart, and obedient. I would recommend this breed without question. Both were raised with children. We are heartbroken right now but will be looking for a new addition soon
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Joseph Sprouse
Good Dog easy to train and learn commands
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Laurie Yarosh
I had lhaso apso 15 yrs! I love the breed! Looking for female puppy with white Carmel coat
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Yessenia
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Karen Hales
I have owned several pure bred Lhasas. They were all different. A little on the stuborn side but my last one lived for 13 yrs with no health problems until her last year. She had heart problems with her age. Looking for another one as soon as I can. Love this breed. Very loving and loyal.
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Betty J Anderson
I owned a black/white Lhasa Apso dog he was a very loving dog he lived 16 yrs very good dog I wish I had another one like him.
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Betty L Walker
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Karen
My Lhasa opso “foxy”had to be put down after 17 fabulous years with me.
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Roger Duran
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Greta M Evans
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Jeanine
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Kimberly Herr
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Fannie flagg
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Tammie Hogan
I have owned 4 Lhasa apsos. They are wonderful little dogs perfect for me
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Ruby palma
Great loving animals ours were treated like our kids she past at 15yrs Jan 5 2018 great to their owners we miss her tremendously
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Sharon kaytor
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Tammy sad
I had a laso for 17 years! She was the sweet smart and loving. This dog is a great family breed with watch dog perception
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Gloria Martz
I love Lhasa Apso I had one for 18 years best dog I ever had her name was Peaches I am currently looking for another female
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by natalie
So, if you could make cheaper, over the summer my parents are taking about getting another lhasa also. I'm really exited. Cooper, a brown and white pawed gentleman, passed on of cancers and kidney failure. Emily, the sister, was put down. she was suffering of lung failure and harsh cancers. she was 15 yrs old. brother cooper, died at home while me and stephen my brother, were at summer camp. i was heart broken. I'm natalie, nine yrs old right now, and i'd love to get another. Sincerely, Natalie M. Smith Darien CT.
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by carmella
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Carmen H Cruz-Torres
I had a lhaso Apso and he was my baby. Well behaved boy. It will be three month that my lhaso Smokey passed away. He was a very smart, loving and intelligent lhaso. He learn quick . The best breed and that why I am looking for another lhaso.
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Kimberly Herr
Our Lhasa Apso, Charley is an amazing dog and has brought so much joy to our home! This is our 1st dog and both my husband and I never grew up with dogs. Charley is so smart and loving. He can be very stubborn for sure and will nip to get his way, but will respond to correction well.
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Adele True
I Have Had The Beautiful Pleasure Of Having Five Lhasa Apsos❤️❤️🐾🐾 I LOVE All Of My BABIES I Recently Lost My BEAUTIFUL BABYGIRL 😭😭😭😭PRECIOUS Last May...........This Is My Breed Of Choice I Just LOVE ❤️ Their Demeanor And Their Attitude And They Are A One Person Owner I Don't Have Any Children And I Give ALL OF My BABIES My Unconditional And UNDYING LOVE ❤️ FOREVER.......Thank You For Taking Time Out Of Your Busy Day To Read My Letter..Sincerely Adele True
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Rishabh
Cutest puppy
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by JoAnn Clark
I owned a Lhasa for 16 - 17 years. She died 2 years ago. If you train them right and spend time w/them they are GREAT DOGS. Lexus was a gem and I so miss her. Im now ready to start looking again. I want a puppy. My husband and I have no children, just 1 sitzu. He's 17 years old (we got him when he was 9 years old). We're use to spoiling our dogs as they are our children. Im looking to spend under $400. Do you have any pups available? Im taking my time until I find that right one. Hope to hear soon.
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Maria Nolasco Romero
Is this puppy available
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Dellar
12566 Camden St.
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by faye garris
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Ann
I had one 6yrs ago and she was lovable She was a great dog..
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Tori
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Tori spah
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Tori
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by John lancaster
Love this breed's
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Elzbieta
I need by new puppies
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Elzbieta
I need by new puppies
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Pamela Broyard
Great companion for anyone
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Joan Starkweather
Ive owned a Lhasa Apso for 10yrs. her name is Buffy and she is the sweetest most lovable dog ive ever ownec. Love to find another one just like her. Did I also mention how smart she is.
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Bill Foster
I have a 14 year old Lhasa. Absolutely love the breed. They are loving, smart, doesn't act like a little dog.
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by HOPE NICHOLS
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Priscilla
They are very intelligent
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Chalie and Janis Holmes
Love. Best breed. Smart, loyal, affectionate. Occasionally stubborn but noworse than many other breeds.
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Kayla
Dogs are awesome
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by john labar
we owned a lhasa for 16 yrs 9months . as a pup he house broke in a week ,he was playful and intelligent beyond expectations . His expressions were full of meaning and would give a disgusted look ,if you didn\'t follow the routine . He had a built in clock ,and loved ritual. I miss him so ,his mistress died before him.
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by linda russell
very loveable good watch dog
Lhasa Apso Breed Review by Blondy Barker
I have groomed professionally for over 18 years, did a lot of foster/rescue as needed. I chose the lhasa apso as my lifetime committment above all other breeds I\'ve come in contact with. This breed has an amazing colorful history going back 2000 years in Tibet. They are the perfect companion, they are fiercely loyal, affectionate and cuddly, they will protect you with their life without hesitation, if raised with children, they are playful and happy and much sturdier than other small breeds for rough housing. They learn fast, and are master manipulators, to their humanm and other pets, watch closely, keep a firm hand! I have never needed a leash with mine, (anywhere from 4 to 9 lhasas deep) They stay put in the yard even if the gate is left open! These guys are known for having dog to dog food agression issues, so I always feed in individual kennels, it helps to ensure each dog gets enough and not too much, also, loss of appetite is an early warning sign of a bigger health concern. The beautiful coat is dense, but is much easier to care for than most long breeds, no curl, and minor activity level make few matts. The lhasa coat is very close in composition to human hair, giving it the classification of hypo-allergenic as well. Some sensitive folks may experience slight allergies, this topic seems to be at constant debate, but, for sure, lhasas are shed free. I have 7 dogs laying on my couch, and I never worry about wearing black or white. Lhasas are not a particulary energetic dog, they are lazy, and quiet by nature, they tend to do what they see you do more often. I haven\'t found them to need a lot of exercise, more they need love time. Play fetch for an hour, snuggle for two, and time to nap! I love this breed, if you cant tell, and I wish that everyone could have the opportunity to experience a good old world quality lhasa apso as they were meant to be 2000 years ago when they were established! My life would be empty without them!!