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Jagdterrier Breed Review by Betsy Brayton
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Scott king
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Connie Ho
Jagdterrier Breed Review by K.
Had 4 in nearly 40 years (2 Females & 2 Males). Best all around Hunting Dogs ever. When there is a German Hunting Terrier at Camp it becomes a Bear free zone no matter if Grizzly or Black Bear. These Dogs are relentless Hunters and need a firm hand or they can drive you Crazy. My last one passed away some years back and I miss em terrible.
Jagdterrier Breed Review by lydia gullickson
I would like to own this one. I live inatownhouse in sioux falls,south dakota.I live at home all of the time. I will be home all of the time. I am 59 years old and need a good dog to keep me happy and I might make him a companion for me so I can take him every where I go. Hopefully.
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Calvin Kaiser
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Chris
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Casey Anderson
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Renee Kummerer
Very active. Get along better with the opposite sex. Can be dominating when with other dogs. They are escape artists and must have a secure fence. Not too low of a fence since they can jump and also can climb some. The one I have has never had her nails cut. I think she trims them herself since she is always running. Loves people. Not a barker but can scream when excited to see someone. All around she is a lover.
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Michael McKenna
Highly intelligent dogs, good with children,easy to train but needs firm handling and plenty of exercise to keep its brain active. Full of energy, tremendous worker with high prey drive and good family dog. Fine with my other dogs but doesnt suffer foolish dogs that want to fight,bad mistake.
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Carrance Newsome
6723 Edgemere Dr
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Renee
We have a 5 yr older who we got as a rescue and she is a Jack Russel times 10. A very smart and affectionate dog. Loves all kinds of weather and is fearless. We also have other dogs with her and she does tend to herd them and take charge. No grooming except an occassional bath. Her nails never seem to grow. She loves people and rarely barks but she can sernade people when they come to visit. She also likes to jump.
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Charlene Tanner
Had 2 best dog ever
Jagdterrier Breed Review by H
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Ahuva
Yes I have owned a German hunting terrier. We enjoyed his companionship for 15 yrs. He was a very loyal friend, pet and family member and yes guard dog too! He was so attached to my husband it was scary. When my husband was recovering from surgery, I had to work and had family members go in and out of my home, my dog "stinky" guarded our home well. If he didn't know you, you could not go in. HONESTLY! He was THE BEST GUARD DOG EVER!
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Charles Myatt
Looking for puppies for my female
Jagdterrier Breed Review by richard
German hunt dog
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Theresa
I never had one but i Was thinking about it. I Was wondering if the Jack russel And the german hunting terrier aré the same dog
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Garrett D. Bodnovich
First word, tough. A rough and tumble dog. I have never had a female that was a problem (well mine had problems the last few years when she had cateracts, she bit a little girl (tiny scratch where she started to bite but pulled off immediately when she realized what was going on) who came up behind her and her neo-hippie mother freaked and moved to New York city, good riddance lol. The females are extremely loyal and obedient as well as laid back. They only needed someone to throw a ball in the house for 30 minutes. We had our male breeders that were extremely skiddish. The only down side is they WILL NOT TOLERATE ANYTHING BUT HUMANS AND DOGS. But a beagle sized dog that keeps cougars out of the yard is a hell of a plus. They are a guardian and will establish their dominance amongst the dogs so toy breeds may not be a good companion for them. But the skunks, oh Lord. They do eventually learn to get them at the head and neck with out getting sprayed or even allowing the skunk to release scent. Look up the peroxide, baking soda recipe for de-skunking and keep the supplies handy. If you don\'t take them for walks every other day or tie them out or allow them in a fenced in yard a few minutes a day they will bolt and run for a half hour to 2 hours a day and elliminate the vermin. The only health problems we ever had were the nails on my girl (they would split back past the skin and down to the pulp if you didn\'t clip/grind them weekly) and being to damn tough for their own good. My parents original breeding female showed down with her last badger and my dad called her off with out thinking and the badger actually got through her coat (yes, the broken coat variation is so dense it will turn most bites, even from a badger) and while she won, over the next year the scare tissue got so thick it choked off her esophagus and even surgery could not help her. And she was so tough that once the infection was noticeable (always thoroughly check under the coat, maybe shave it to see the wound because you won\'t see it or feel it till the infection is bad) she stood with her fore paws on a step stool and allowed my dad to lance and clean the wound with out a single yelp or wince. They have HUGE TEETH. So if they start to scrap DO NOT REACH IN, YOU WILL NEED STITCHES, but they will be apologetic if they do accidentally get you. As our vet loved to do, he would peel back their lips and comment "Wall to wall tooth!". My female, even though being half blind and crotchity, got along wonderfully with my half lab half GSD wonderfully despite his puppy phase and tall o\' doom. And you have to love the goatee lol.
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Karl Hertzog
Jagdterrier Breed Review by Jennifer holland
Imposing dog for size many can be seen attacking wild boar and fearlessly attacking the animal with complete disregard to pain great with humans though