Irish Setter Puppy
Meet Snoopy! One of our Irish Setter puppies. This litter is very cute and happy. They are vet checked, updated on their dewormer and vaccines. They are also AKC registered. If you adopt one of our puppies you will get their papers with their vaccine and dewormer dates and a vet check sheet from our veterinarian. They also come with the 30 day health guarantee. You will also get a bag of food that they are currently on.
Their mom has a very calm demeanor and is a very good mom to all her puppies. A beautiful sire was used for the dad
We would love for you to come meet us ! Our customers mean a lot to us so feel free to contact us ( text or email preferred ) Monday through Saturday at any time. We will return all Sunday calls and texts Monday morning. If distance and time does not allow you to meet us we can provide shipping for an additional fee. We would just need your zipcode for a quote.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Gender: Male
Sire: Rover
Dam: Rosa
DOB: October 20th, 2024
Age: 12 Weeks
Available: Available Now