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Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Indy
my boyfriend and I got our pyr a year ago from a breeder on here. while she is a sweetheart I can't say she's perfect behavior wise. she is quite territorial over things especially her food and can be quite the bully to our mastiff. she is also pretty protective of me to others if she's in a familiar setting. but on the other side she's extremely loving to our family and is the biggest cuddle bug. she loves to be rubbed and if she isn't receiving attention expect the paw she's super chill and doesn't require much exercise , she does get pretty car sick though. she's still only a year old and has a lot more maturing to go through and I think eventually she will be a perfect dog.
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Zachary Kile
The best breed ever, gentle yet strong!
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Katie Bryan
I use to own one and I want another one.theyre the best dogs
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by RICHARD THOMAS
Pyrs have been part of my family since 1985. They are awesome!
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Bridget
My dog is a Great Pyrenees-Maremma mix, she barks a lot, is slightly aggressive, gets along okay with my Boxer (both dogs are female). I was wondering what is the Great Pyrenees-Maremma mix name?
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Most amazing dog ever
Hi, if your reading this your obviously interested in great pyrs. Well let me tell you they are absolutely amazing dogs! I got a great pyr mix(her dad was great pyr and Newfie mix and her mom was fully pyr) about 6months ago and she is already pretty trained. I know it says they are difficult to train, but that is because they are such stubborn dogs. She is also extremely protective(they go through a faze where they will be). Over all this is an amazing dog! Just be ready to be tommpled over and have scars on your arms. Lol!
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Elaine
I owned 2 pyrs one male(Buddy) and one female(Sally) excellant watch dogs Buddy would le me known if someone farted in Texas. They are full of love and devotion. They can be stuborn but they will never let you down. one word of caution they are heavy shedders but worh every hair hey shed.
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by NELSON gonzalez
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by NELSON gonzalez
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Deborah
Great Pyrenees are loyal, lovable, affectionate and smart. I own one for six years, since she was 8 weeks old. She recently died from bone cancer.
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Dave DeCesare
Had 2 GP in my life lost little Chief in October and mamabear frew years ago not sure if ready for another but I can’t imagine life without best thing I ever did
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Frankie
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Landon Boyle
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by sydney schreamm
I think they are veary sweet dogs the love animals of all sort
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Charlene Young
We own 14 acres and Sarah came to us grow and was tied up most of the time. We decided we we're going to let her roam on our property. We have a convince store two min from us. We found out she was sneaking up there and they were feeding her chicken nuggets .They loved her so much. One customer came up everyday too feed her her chick nuggets. The owner said to the man don't let her fool you she just finished a nugget sandwich. He smiled and said that's OK she is getting another one. Every once loves her. She did chase away other dogs which was OK by the owner. She got along with our dog. She would make a good service dog. She loved to be loved on. Loved people. You do have to correct any bad habits. They can be possessive if you don't correct behaviors. The owners of the store sold there store.. We found out later that they wrote it in there contract that Sara had to have her chicken sand which everyday. Oh my goodness I laughed so hard I all most wet my self. That's how much she is loved. Also she protects us a night. We hear her bark when anyone or coytees come on our land. She barked one night so bad I got up I knew something was wrong. Someone had parked in our driveway to toilet paper the neiobors house. I heard the girl saying Sarah go away. It was one of the kids that she knew but it did not matter she knew that time of night she should not of been there. There loyal. I have so many people ask me can they have her. I would not give anything in the world for her. Oh she loves to come in and sleep with us when its hot.
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Heather
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Bob Koach
My wife and I just lost our Leonburger just 4 weeks ago of cancer. He was 10. We loved him so much.He gave us unconditionly love. which no humane person can. We had many dogs in our life. We brought a Great Pyrennes in 1985. She lived 12 years when God called her home. We are now looking for another Great Pyrennes. My wife and I could never have children but plenty of dogs.
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Kathy Aungst
The most awesome dogs!!
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Kathy Aungst
The most awesome dogs!!
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Kathy aungst
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Elliana
My Great Pyrenees gets along with my 2 cats, chihuahua and chinchilla. She has never barked at anyone or jumped on them. She will bark to alert us if something's wrong. she loves to run around in the backyard.
Great Pyrenees Breed Review by Greg Smith
The best dog that has owned me in all my 50 years .