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Golden Saint Breed Review by Melissa
Golden Saint Breed Review by BETOWEEN
dóceis, carinhosos e enormes kkkkkk brincalhão
Golden Saint Breed Review by paul j gasta
Golden Saint Breed Review by Koral Dahl
Golden Saint Breed Review by Nick
This dog is very beautiful and would make a great addition to my family. Would love to give this one a home.
Golden Saint Breed Review by Debbie Byron
I love Golden Saints . Intense loyalty, intelligence a little willful but just enough to be independent. A little goofy at times.
Golden Saint Breed Review by Paul dero
Always wanted to have a 200 pound retriever I had one before and I sure miss him. That Golden Saint is one of the best dogs I ever had
Golden Saint Breed Review by Susan
Golden Saint Breed Review by Glenda Darnele Nash
Golden Saint Breed Review by Fé luttrell
Very sweet breed, good with kids, protective of family. Enjoys cold weather- but will sun herself from time to time. Very huggable!
Golden Saint Breed Review by Patricia Doyle
We had a St. /Golden cross that we so loved. She lived only 8 years and passed with an enlarged heart. We of course were heartbroken. Her name was Hannah,everyone loved her, was a gentle giant. Would get another in a second. She was the all black with white on chest and toes. We miss her. <3
Golden Saint Breed Review by Amanda Bednar
Golden Saint Breed Review by Jane Jordan
Golden Saint Breed Review by Reece
Golden Saint Breed Review by Candice mckinney
I love it!
Golden Saint Breed Review by Tina Thornton
We have a Golden Saint she is so smart and a true lover. Loves to play out side and is protective which surprised me. We love her.
Golden Saint Breed Review by Jax
Golden Saint Breed Review by michaelpatterson
Golden Saint Breed Review by Stephanie
We currently have a golden saint and he looks identical to the one in your picture. His name is Chevy, he is extremely cuddly and thinks he is a lap dog. He weighs 111 pounds and loves to travel where ever we go. He will be 7 years old in December. He isn't much of a retriever but will roll in the snow and dirt. He is gun shy and is afraid of loud noises. We love him and will definitely get another one in the future. He is the best family dog we could ask for!!!
Golden Saint Breed Review by Sarah
Wonderful breed definitely worth the money and the waiting for a awhile!
Golden Saint Breed Review by gary lankerd
Golden Saint Breed Review by Hennley
Golden Saint Breed Review by scarlet sellers
Golden Saint Breed Review by Jeffrey Grimsley
Golden Saint Breed Review by jOE
Golden Saint Breed Review by allen c clark
Chewy has been in our family for almost 10 years now. We rescued him from a pound, and never regretted it! He is a solid 110 pounds, and healthy for his age. (aprox 12 years) He is SUPER protective of children, so much so that he will step between older and younger siblings when they wrestle or shout at each other. His intelligence is high, and learns very quickly. He IS VERY STUBBORN! If he does not wish to participate in a particular activity, he wont, and there is no changing his mind! He is very playful with other animals, and rarely disagrees with visiting Dogs. He does occasionally hunt various wild animals on the farm, and has a particular dislike for raccoons. He is FIERCELY loyal to My lady, and never leaves her side when she is in the house. He is extremely easy going, but is no pushover. if he senses a threat to any in his "pack" he doesn't hesitate to stand guard and protect his loved ones. His great size alone is more than enough to keep any trouble makers at bay, but on the very rare occasion where he sensed a real threat, he stood guard and didnt budge. Aside from a very rare curled lip at aggressive strangers, and the occasional racoon, I have never seen him act aggressively towards any person or animal. My infant grandson slept most soundly when Chewy was literally curled around him. Chewy is the epitome of a gentle giant. If he is typical of his breed, than I cannot say enough good of the breed itself.
Golden Saint Breed Review by Linda Korengold
The best dog ever. Doesn't chew, doesn't bark and has a bladder of steel. I am truly blessed to have him in my life.
Golden Saint Breed Review by Julie starcher
Most loving,wonderful pet I've ever had,smart doesn't even start to describe him,he is human like in his intelligence and just an all around amazing part of our family
Golden Saint Breed Review by Julie starcher
Our golden saint is now a year old,he is by far one of the most intelligent,gentle,loving dogs I have ever been around.he loves to play and run,also spends alot of time watching us and learning what we are doing.
Golden Saint Breed Review by Amber Higgins
We have had our Golden Saint since she was 12 weeks old, adopted in Auburn, WA. Her father was a large, dark red Golden Retriever and her mother was a tall, smooth coat St. Bernard that was on the lighter built side for a Bernard. The litter was huge - 12 puppies - and all were either light brindle or black. Our Golden Saint is now 6 years and has been a wonderful companion. She is calm and sweet, trainable and gentle with all children (we have a three year old and an infant). I can't recommend this hybrid highly enough. We may start a breeding program of our own in the future as it appears there is no one currently breeding this wonderful mix.
Golden Saint Breed Review by Damien
Golden Saint Breed Review by Michael & Rachael Greening
Hi, we have never owned a golden saint but after researching the breed we are very interested. We haven't been able to find one anywhere. Is anyone able to help us? Thanks.
Golden Saint Breed Review by HOLLY DAVIS
I got my golden saint at 6 weeks of age when the entire litter was at the humane society. He was truly my best friend, we did everything together. The best dog EVER, hands down, and I've had great dogs. We had such a special bond, everyone we came in contact with commented on it. Lost him 8 weeks ago at 14.5 years. I'd do anything to have him back.
Golden Saint Breed Review by Marni Penny
Best dog ever
Golden Saint Breed Review by William and Jennifer Jung
Hello, we have never owned a golden retriever/saint bernard mix but we are very interested. We however cannot find where to adopt. Is there any way that you could help us?
Golden Saint Breed Review by Kate
BEST DOG EVER! I've owned many breeds but I don't think I will ever want another kind of dog! Temperament is the friendly Golden with the laid back attitude of the Saint. Ours is now 5 and she just became a therapy dog. My Vet treats many of the dogs from her litter and says they are all the same gentle lovers. I'd recommend them for first timers, families with kids, anyone!
Golden Saint Breed Review by Deborah Turman
I once owned a golden saint as a child because a neighbor had one of each and gave us a puppy. I'd like to have another one. Do you have any puppies?
Golden Saint Breed Review by Susan Van Dreser
I adopted 2 rescue Golden Saint puppies in 2006, both female, both brindled. The characteristics of one were predominantly golden (attentive, affectionate, playful) the other saint (playful, but more retiring, less attention seeking). Both trained well. They were a good match for the cold Canadian winters, but their unending shedding was a housekeeping challenge. I have adored each dog. Unfortunately the one with the golden temperment succumbed to cancer 3 weeks ago. Neither her litter mate nor I have finished mourning.
Golden Saint Breed Review by Thomas Womble
My Golden Saint truly was the best dog I ever had his name was Jake the time I thought he was just a mutt St Bernardine golden retriever mix but he always was I found out that was a breed by searching for another one I truly recommend them for young and old alike
Golden Saint Breed Review by Amazing Tails
Please remember these are BIG, active, enthusiastic dogs. Also smart, trainable, stubborn, creative and wonderful. Ours is now a working service dog.