Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Puppy Reviews
There are 38 reviews for this breed.
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There are 38 reviews for this breed.
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Sam Kennedy
I would be interesting in buying these puppies
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Heidi
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Nevaeh George
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Michelle Platt
My brother has had Milo a Bernese golden Mountaunn dog and he is wonderful! We just lost our Lab-great Dane mix.. our beautiful Forrest was 12 years old.. our life is empty we love big dogs and think this breed would be good for us.
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Marlena a Burley
I just had a litter. They are great. Parents are AKC. Did not mean to breed. The male Berner was fixed 5 days to late.
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Abbey
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Sandra Dowdell
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Cliff
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Maureen Fitzpatrick
We rescued Jackie from a young family who relinquished her because she was just too much for them to manage. She’s beautiful, incredibly smart, big, strong, and very stubborn. Their training approach throughout her first year was the “No Means No” method which relies primarily on shock collars. We blame this horrible practice for her behavior problems. Nevertheless, I strongly advise people to only consider this breed mix if they personally are physically strong, patient, and willing to spend plenty of time training. It’s a lot of work, but if you aren’t willing to commit, don’t get one of these dogs.
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Brodie Gunn
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Jennifer dion
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by peter pecorella
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Aubri
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Karen Sorensen
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Owen
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Patrick Moloney
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Richard Giandomenico
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Patricia Sitts
I had my wonderful, loving, silly, so very smart and even more beautiful Dolce for 8 unforgettable years. I can’t imagine another as perfect as she was.
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Sandi
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Kitty
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Louis c
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Amanda
I currently own a bernese/golden mix and he is the most loving, loyal, smart, well tempered dog I have owned. His name is Cobalt and he has the body and coat like a golden but the colours of a bernese. He is so gentle he carries water balloons in his mouth with out breaking them. He is 120lbs and very healthy, loves to be outdoors and play with people. He used to get hot spots on his back (which we heard was common) so put witch hazel on the spots and they went away, we also switched up his food and since then he hasn't gotten another. There are so many things I could say about how amazing this breed is, 100% would recommend for anyone thinking about breeding or adopting.
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Sharon Palladino
I am very interested in adopting one of these puppies. Please let me know the process. Thank you, Sharon Palladino
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Diane Garner
I love this breed
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by sam
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Peter
Golden mountain dog
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Renae Hoffman
I really loved our Bernese Golden Mountain Dog. He lived for 11 almost 12 years, a couple months short. We really miss his playful fun manner. He acted like a puppy even thou he was almost 12. We would really love to have another golden mountain dog. No other kind of dog will do. We have had many dogs throughout our years and none can compare.
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Greg Lamden
The Golden Mountain Dog is the perfect mix of two fantastic breeds. Extremely loving and affectionate but also protective when necessary. Sweetest dog you'll ever meet until it's owner is threatened. Fantastic family dog.
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Emma
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Linda Annlot
Obedient, smart, clean, funny. That's my adopted 4 year old girl. Quickly adjusted to the change of homes. Loves walks and grooming. Very patient. Rarely barks. Eats well, sleeps well, plays well. Golden personality, Bernese size.
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Steven Potratz
1805 Dakota Avenue South Ive had a purebred Mtn. Dog
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Jennifer driskell
They look cute
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Elizabeth McMullen kane
I have raised several litters of golden mountains dogs; Each litter brings many incredible stories of this great dog. We currently as of March 3,2016 have a colorful litter of 12 pups! Pups for sale!
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Russell Olsen
5 stars
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Petra Bietsch
Our family includes 3 Golden Mountain Dogs! They are 4, 3 and almost 1 year old. They are the best! Calm, obedient, great walkers (walk all 3 leashes in one hand), average weight is 63 lbs (less than what I originally expected) and full of love. We have seen more Bernese traits come out in 2 of our 3 and one definitely has more Golden Retriever traits. Retrievers and Berners have always been my favorite dog breeds and now we have the best of both in one package!
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Pamela Zummo
best dog ever except died horribly young from Cancer. Our family is devastated.
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Jen
Great breed!!
Bernese Golden Mountain Dog Breed Review by Courtney
This breed is AMAZING! I had been deciding on a getting a puppy for about a year and had narrowed down my breed choices to Bernese Mountain dog or a Golden Retriever. I could not decide which breed I liked more considering they are both such loving and affectionate breeds. When I got on the Green Field website and saw that there was a Bernese Mountain dog/Golden Retriever hybrid and I thought I was reading wrong. Both of the breeds I had narrowed my search down to all in one dog seemed to be a dream come true. I quickly contacted Ann Sachs(Breeder) to get more information of the hybrid and after our hour conversation I knew this hybrid breed was exactly what I wanted. I went over to see the puppies and as soon as I saw them and spent time with them I knew I was in love with them. I now am the proud owner of Bailey Baloo, my 8 week old Bernese Mountain dog/Golden Retriever hybrid. She is absolutely the best dog I have ever owned hands down. She was so quick to pick up her potty routine, sleeping habits, and is overall just such a loving and affectionate puppy. I 100% recommend this breed to anyone.