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Golden Irish Breed Review by Sandra Miller
Great around people. Meek and mild. Loyal , obiedent, loving. If you have a chance to get one , do it!
Golden Irish Breed Review by Linda Mailandt
Golden Irish Breed Review by Kainyn
We got our boy, Max, from a family through this website. He was born 1/1/22, and we brought him home 4/21/22. In 5 words, Max is: energetic, cuddly, stubborn, SMART and SWEET. He is nearly 7 months old now. He LOVES the beach, toys, other dogs, our two cats, long walks, playing with the hose in the back, blow dries, birds, bunnies, and sleeping. I feel like he is on the bigger side of this designer breed. We’re expecting him to be at LEAST 100 lbs. His Mom was 96 lbs before she had puppies, and males tend to be bigger than females. He’s over 60 lbs at 6 1/2 months old. If you’re considering a Golden Irish, please know that they will need several hours a day of activity. If Max has not been physically and mentally drained, he can become a bit of a menace. We try to walk him 5 miles a day on top of a 1-hour minimum dog park visit. He’s a lot of work, but oh my goodness, he is so worth it. The love and affection we get in return is never ending. I’ve found that training a Golden Irish takes a LOT of patience. I’ve trained other dogs before, but Max is by FAR the most stubborn. I’ve read several places that Irish Setters aren’t the smartest of breeds; however, I think they are misunderstood. They are so smart that their stubbornness is just higher than other breeds. If you stick with training, respect and expect high standards from your Golden Irish, they will come through. Watching Max play is one of my life’s greatest joys right now. He’s the kind of dog that will have as many toys in his mouth that he can handle. It’s actually pretty impressive! I highly recommend the Golden Irish breed to anyone who is highly active, patient and in need of a cuddle bug. If you’d like to see more of what life could be like with a Golden Irish of your own, check out Max’s Instagram. @goldenirishtothemax Sending hugs in your search for your new family member!
Golden Irish Breed Review by guinhonoy
love himmmmmmmmmmm i got bean blue and bella soo if i got of the he wouldnt be lonley lol