


Emily Yoder

Address Millersburg, OH
Phone 330-359-6169

Meet Sadie. She is an adorable and sweet cavalier looking for her forever home. She is such a playful and sweet puppy. Mom Lily is around 13 lbs and is a very sweet and friendly dog. Dad Flash is around 10 lbs and is a beautiful dog. Sadie is up to date on shots, deworming and vet checked from at head to tail at 8 weeks old. Our puppies are raised inside our house and are well socialized and played with by small children. 

She will be ready for his new home anytime after December 27. The perfect Christmas present. 
Give me a call or text if you would like to know more about Sadie I will gladly answer any questions. 

Gender: Female Female puppy badge

Sire: Flash

Dam: Lily

DOB: November 1st, 2024

Age: 10 Weeks

Available: Available Now

This puppy is MicrochippedMicrochipped
This puppy is RegisteredRegistered
This puppy is AKC RegisteredAKC Registered
This puppy is Veterinarian CheckedVet Checked
This puppy is VaccinatedVaccinated
This puppy is DewormedDewormed
This puppy is Family RaisedFamily Raised
This puppy has been SocializedSocialized
This puppy was Raised Around KidsKid-Friendly
This puppy comes with a Health GuaranteeHealth Guarantee