Category: Dog Safety

Mid-June: Animal Rights Awareness Week

A Bit of History Many have fought for animal rights since ancient Greece. Some of Aristotle’s students were actually vegetarians and Rousseau and Descartes discussed the importance of respecting other species, especially cattle and laboring animals. As time went on laws were passed in the U.S. and all over the…

National Service Dog Eye Examination Month.

The American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists hosts this annual event when over 200 veterinary ophthalmologists donate their services to provide eye exams to service dogs in the US and Canada. If you have a pup you can always find one near you or you can set up an appointment at…

May 4-10, 2015: Puppy Mill Action Week.

  Puppy Mills are a tragic reality for many dogs. By working with reputable breeders and shelters, you can help destroy puppy mills and give dogs better lives. Here are a few ways you can help stop puppy mills in your town and around the world. Keep your eyes open…

Dogs and Jerky Treat Sickness

Jerky Treat Sickness What do you feed your pet for being a good companion? Whether you own a dog or a cat, you must now more than ever be careful and aware of an ongoing string of pet deaths and illnesses linked to “Jerky Treat Sickness”. Sources such as the…