Working Dogs: Canines in the Workforce
Historically, dogs were bred for specific jobs. Now, many classic dog breeds have joined the modern workforce as working dogs in several ways:
Use the options below to find your perfect canine companion!
Historically, dogs were bred for specific jobs. Now, many classic dog breeds have joined the modern workforce as working dogs in several ways:
The Lagotto Romagnolo is known for their curly, wooly coat & scenting skills. Here are a few more facts about the Lagotto Romagnolo:
This breed is friendly, energetic, playful, and a great family companion. Here are a few facts about English Springer Spaniels:
When you think of a “happy-go-lucky” dog, it’s hard not to think of a Golden Retriever. Here are a few facts about Golden Retrievers:
The Jagdterrier, or German Hunt Terrier, is a small, intelligent dog breed. Here are a few more facts about Jagdterriers:
Brachycephalic dogs have unique traits that can require some extra care. Here’s what to know about flat-faced dogs before bringing one home:
The Brussels Griffon is a playful, affectionate dog known for their expressive face. Here are a few more facts about Brussels Griffon:
German Shepherds are known for their determination, focus, trainability, and loyalty. Here are a few more facts about German Shepherds:
Pugs are known for their distinctive large eyes, snub-nosed appearance, and face wrinkles. Here are a few more facts about Pugs:
Many dog breeds have origins as hunting dogs, & there are crosses with exceptional hunting skills. Here are some unconventional hunting dogs:
Not every dog will be a show dog, but plenty of dog breeds are common competitors. Here are a few of the most popular show dog breeds:
The Afghan Hound is known for its unique, elegant, and refined appearance. Here are a few facts about Afghan Hounds: