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Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Rata lorezo
Iam looking for 2 dark girls my num9734592859
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Rita lorenzo
Iam looking for a small dark cain femanl akc reg my phone num is9734592859 if you could call me please because I don't all ways look at my emails thank you
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by karyn
Only breed of dog I would ever own..Very smart, stubborn, loyal, and full of personality. Not the easiest dog to train..but that’s due to their stubbornness. I lost my 15 yo other half in March 2023..swore that was it. Saw and fell in love with another cairn puppy on this site. Drove to meet her and was not leaving with out her. Just need to be consistent with training and be ready to have a best friend for life!
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Dana G
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Patricia Newakwe
We love are carin terrier sammy we just lost him 3 weeks ago so heartbroken he was a big part of ar family took the best care of him amy dog could ask for we are think about getting another on weaten color.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Sherry Drish
Comical. Loyal some of mine like swimming. Protective of property no snakes mice here 😁
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by dick chapman
best dogs we have ever had.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Yolanda Floyd
I had a Cairn Terrier. I loved him so much, he was very alert and protective lol, even my own husband couldn't get next to me without my Carin Terrier alerting me!!!!!
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Jeff Robnett
We just lost our precious Gabby. She was a registered Cairn.....beautiful wheaten female. We loved her and miss her so much. We need another Cairn to love.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Andy
Best little friend I ever had. Smart and stubborn.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Mike Crowley
I would have no other breed. Smart, difficult, pugnacious, and funny! Just like me.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Mike Crowley
I can not understand why this breed is not more popular. They are unique, quirky , hilarious, known to be the "clowns" of the terrier group. Most of all, super intelligent. I am on my 4th and I hope, before I die, a fifth. I would simply have no other breed.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Mary lee
Had one for 15yrs. Best little buddy ever. Sure miss him. Passed away 4 mths ago.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Veronica Nicholas
Love the breed! I rescued one in 2010. Best dog I have ever had. Great personality. Very smart. I think she reads my mind and knows what I'm thinking. I would love to have another one!
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Lori A O'HANLON
I have been searching for a Cairn Terrier. I have a Cairn who is now 13 years old. I love this breed. Tough little guys
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Michael Zemanski
The Best dog!!! I just lost my Cairn terrier Milo. He was 16.5 years .
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Clare Peacock
I have owed 3 cairn terriers I have a 15 year old female black Brindle now grey. She is in her twilight years. I have never had a cairn live past 15 years. One of the three a black Brindle was a mix when I lived in Springfield VA - Rescued from Fairfax County VA Shelter at approx 7 Months of age. I love this breed and your description is spot on.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Andrea Solomon Jacobson
This is the sweetest and loving breed. Great with children, playful, and smart........Best dogs ever! Loyal, Loving, and just plain adorable. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS BREED.......Also, they have such cute little ways when playing with their toys, and you.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by ella francesca starpoli
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Jane Bell
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Gary Zaso
We just lost our Cairn Terrier, at 11yrs old. Chloe was a beloved pet. We miss her very much. She was a great dog who loved kids and adults. We are going to get a new cairn, female in the near future.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Alyssa
I think it is very cute and would love this to be my first dof
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Lori O'Hanlon
I've owned my cairn for 11 years. He is the most loyal loving guy that I've ever had 8n my life. I don't want to think about losing him at this point. Unfortunately he is getting up in age then I begin to cry. Tax is black and silver beautiful. Ferocious when he needs to be (especially around other dogs) I have a website Scottie mix Duncan they are like 2 brothers, the bond is with my Taz though
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Allison
I never had a dog be for but I am getting one
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Cris Maurer
Yes! Had my little Lucy for 15 years. Just recently I had to put her down. She was my heart. She was so funny and made me laugh all the time. Full of energy,very curious and had to get the last word in. Anyone that would come to the house she thought they came to see her. She was my time keeper,let me know when it was time to eat and go to bed. If I was slow about it she would let me know it. I miss her so much.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Alicia Walker
Just love my cairn Terrier she is the best dog, so social and fun
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Justin
The most amazing dog I have ever had.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by sterling knappenberger
Best of all breeds.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Laura Costod
Taffy's great! so kind! Awesome with my 2 kids. Thanks GFP!
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Liberescules Mortoolan
I got one and named her Kiwi and I know I am impressed! This breed of dog is smart, fearless, cute, and a barking bouncing-bean! Bye Bye!
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Tina Heininger
Absolutely one of the best dogs we have ever owned. So intelligent, so caring. so fearful, and oh so fun. Not only would I give this breed five stars, but deserves a 6!!!
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by monika post
They are the sweetest, loyal dogs. Just recently lost our Bitzy and I know I can't live without another one. She was black and silver silky long hair. Do you have any lifely ones like she was?
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by sheila black
owned two cairns last one lived to be almost 18 years old
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Barbara May
We had our female Cairn for 12 & 1/2 years. She had a sweet temperment & was wonderful with children & babies. She had the run of the house & was never destructive. She was also a good little guard dog.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by britt
My best friend in the entire world. My Magic "Mush," lived to be 17years old. He was my guardian, my best friend, I could\'t picture my life without this lovable ball of fuzz. He took to our boxers as a father figure, he would always set them straight if they did anything wrong. He was great with everyone he met,never whined, or begged, he was the perfect little gentlemen. I miss him everyday and will always love him.
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by Ellen
Best dog ever. Very versatile. We moved many times and Angel adapted easily to each new environment. Independent, yet loyal. Loves to play and have her belly rubbed. Quiet, only barked if she heard something or when running and playing. Great with everyone, children and adults alike. Good with other dogs. My Angel was the best little girl ever. She had Cancer last Summer and we had to put her at peace. She was 15. We had her as a puppy & miss her terribly. Love this breed and want to give another Cairn puppy a forever home. Angel was beautiful, funny, stubborn, lovable, playful and a wonderful companion. We took care of each other ;-)
Cairn Terrier Breed Review by leah
great dogs