Use the options below to find your perfect canine companion!
Boxer Breed Review by Josie
I purchased, well rather my mother purchased a boxer from here two years ago. I could not be more thankful. His name was originally Cody, he is now Champ. He is my best friend. They are definitely not for first time dog owners, at all. But they are worth every penny and ounce of training that goes into them. He’s such a good dog, loving, protective, playful. I could not say enough good things about boxers.
Boxer Breed Review by Michael Anthony Jordan
Boxer Breed Review by Linda Ibach
Boxers live up to their reputation as the clown of the dog world. Fun, friendly, loyal, anything and everything you'd want from a furry family member!
Boxer Breed Review by Jeff Coleman
Really the only thing not to like about boxers is how much energy they have. My boxer Hank just turned 1 a few weeks ago and he's starting to calm down but he's the most playful and loving dog I've owned. Would Always recommend a boxer!!
Boxer Breed Review by Tameeka Hannah
I'm trying to find a family puppy
Boxer Breed Review by Gary Reed II
Boxers are the best dogs ever. Their temperament is golden with small children. Loyal dogs and they are very easy to train. Boxers remain adolescents for a few years longer than other breeds. It is so much fun watching two boxers play together.
Boxer Breed Review by Virginia polidori
how much for the dog. how old is he
Boxer Breed Review by Chris risner
Best dogs ever
Boxer Breed Review by Kimberly dawn Bruns
I love boxers i had one for 13 yrs his name was smokey we had to put him down today he had an inlarge heart i love to have another one they are great dogs with kids and family they are beautiful
Boxer Breed Review by ALANA VIOLETTE
Boxer Breed Review by Bob
I’ve had three boxers and we are looking for another. Great for kids, loyal, loving and protective but not aggressive in my experience. Fun loving breed that loves to cuddle. Better than the other breeds I’ve had.
Boxer Breed Review by Andrea
The most loyal and fun loving yet stubborn babies on the planet! Wouldn’t trade my time with them for anything!
Boxer Breed Review by John Stuyvesant
Boxer Breed Review by Tammy Lynn Sutch
I own two boxers and I love them they r great dogs
Boxer Breed Review by MaggieMae
A Boxer is a wonderful animal. They are happy, friendly dogs that are easily trained and aim to please their human. My boxer lived 10 years. I miss him every day and soon I will begin again with another of his breed. Such loyal companions and the best of watch dogs, ever.
Boxer Breed Review by Josita Todd
Boxer Breed Review by Braxton
Boxer Breed Review by vic vinsevich
Boxer Breed Review by Angela D. Brewin
Boxer Breed Review by Sarah
Boxer Breed Review by Roger Frybarger
I lost my boxer at 6 years old I have had many dog various breed my boxer was the best dog I have ever own trying to find black boxer
Boxer Breed Review by Ambrie Cooper
boxers are my favorite type of dog they are friendly to children. and I have a baby my boxer's nickname was nanna because she helped out with him she plays tag with him she even gets him a diaper (although she can't change him ) my dog is my best friend. :)
Boxer Breed Review by PETER MACHADO
Boxer Breed Review by Jack Klinedinst
My parents had too many!! boxers! I adore them...I love red fawn...Id like to come fet on soon! Id like a beefy girl or boy
Boxer Breed Review by Johnna Trone
Yes, my family and I have had two boxers are less boxer passed away in March we are looking to fill our furry family pet again.
Boxer Breed Review by Francisco
Boxer Breed Review by Max
Boxer Breed Review by Lynne L Hamelton
Love this breed--wonderful companions!
Boxer Breed Review by James H Joy
The pet of pets!! My wife and I have be married 60 years, and we had boxer dogs until six years ago, when we lost out last boxer at sixteen years ago of natural causes.
Boxer Breed Review by Michael l Mabe
Boxer Breed Review by Joey Nunez
Boxer Breed Review by Alexis
This is an amazing dog breed. I have had a Boxer really my entire life. My family had one when I was a baby and I don’t really remember that dog, but I hear the most heartwarming things about her. Now, we’ve had another Boxer, Cece. We’ve had her for six years now! Her birthday just passed. If you really want to have a family dog that comforts, protects and is adorable, get a Boxer.
Boxer Breed Review by Maggie
Boxers are a great family dog and very playful, but can also be protective. I have had Boxers all my life and every one has been excellent! I greatly recommend this breed to you and your family.
Boxer Breed Review by Robert
Boxer Breed Review by Kierra
Boxer Breed Review by Boxer
Boxer Breed Review by Vanessa Chavis
I love this breed have grown up with this breed my whole life and now my children are growing up with our boxer. No other breed I trust more with children then the boxer. We love Our Duke. 💙
Boxer Breed Review by Karic Hughes
Boxer Breed Review by Jennifer Arnow
I have a 10 y.o. Boxer & have just fallen in love with this breed. Fun-loving & the ultimate family pet. High energy, loves to play, but also is a great “alarm” dog & deterent to people that don’t know better about boxers! Meaning the tough guy appearance & deep bark that disguises the friendliness. I even have my girl trained to round up the kids & her younger “sister”.
Boxer Breed Review by Natalie🍇
they are lovely dogs amazing with kids
Boxer Breed Review by Lauren
Boxer Breed Review by edward
Boxer Breed Review by Chuck
Very nice, have had a German Boxer
Boxer Breed Review by Walter Cosby
I’ve had two, both from Greenfield Puppies. Great dogs, LOVE the breed
Boxer Breed Review by Moses
Best friend ever quiet and aware
Boxer Breed Review by Michael Woods jr
I’ve own numerous boxers threwout my life and I couldn’t imagine owning any other breed of dog
Boxer Breed Review by Joshua Jimenez
If you want a dog who looks like a football player or a breed that has the look of an athlete, but with a lot of exercise and patience this breed could be right for you !
Boxer Breed Review by Oliver
They are amazing dogs. They have huge personalities and with training can be quite obedient. Mine is very protective and takes a couple of minutes to get used to new people. However, she is great with children and very patient with them. They have a lot of energy and would be a great fit for someone with an active lifestyle that has time to wear them out. Their size is perfect as well. They are big enough to be intimating as far as protection goes, and small enough to travel with and meet weight restriction for certain living situations.
Boxer Breed Review by Andrea Alvarez
My oldest boxer lived for 14 years. He was very hyper as a puppy and required a lot of exercise, as all boxers do. As he got older, he calmed down but when I wanted to play or go for a walk, he'd get up for me. They're extremely loyal and are great with kids once they have grown out of their main puppy stage. Even when they're old, they're like big babies. Not a lot of grooming is required other than their nails and face wrinkles (along with other normal grooming requirements). I do not recommend getting a boxer if you won't give your companion a lot of attention and if they don't have enough room to run around.
Boxer Breed Review by Brandon
I had an America boxer fawn male weigh 81 pounds.. He lived 10 years and died of lung cancer. He was raised in a no smoking house and ate life abundance dog food his whole life. He was my best friend, loyal, sociable and very obedient. He was high energy until he died. He was confident and was not shy. Our guests were his guests. Very loving and required daily walks/runs. He was a blessing to our home.
Boxer Breed Review by Taleisha Latham Jacobs
Best breed ever!!! Can’t wait to get another one.
Boxer Breed Review by Taleisha Latham Jacobs
Best breed ever!!! Can’t wait to get another one.
Boxer Breed Review by Brianna Jarczynski
I had a boxer for 12 years. She was the most even tempered, kid friendly dog I have ever met. Even though she could be skittish, she never once nipped or was aggressive toward humans or other dogs, and play-fought with puppies. She was friendly toward every guest we ever had and loved to play with tennis balls.
Boxer Breed Review by Ryan Lynn
Boxer Breed Review by Tena Kirk
I have had a Boxer in my life since I was 3 yrs. old. My mother bought Roxann after my father died. They are fantastic with children and very protective of their people. Sweet, loving personalities. Boxers are as good as it gets.
Boxer Breed Review by Allison Kellner
cute dog
Boxer Breed Review by Courtlynn Rivers
I purchased daphne from Elmer ash and ruth ash on 3 14 19. We took her to the vet on 3 15 19. She is perfect. Ruth and her husband have a friend that will drive your puppy to you. And believe me it was great. I will be looking for another boxer next year I will call them first. Other than. Being 4 pounds under weight which the vet is not concerned about she is perfect thank you for our new addition to the family.
Boxer Breed Review by Antonio Suarez
Boxer Breed Review by Amanda steele
I love boxers I have had 1 sent I was 3 years old and still have 1 today. Thev are. a great dog to have
Boxer Breed Review by CO James
The best wiggle butts you'll ever find! Sweet, smart, beautiful, loving, protective, funny, did I mention living pups ever!!! The 2 we have now are pretty dry mouthed, but...we still get a "crab bubble" or 2 of its one of their fav treats. They have a not unwarranted rep for stinky flatulence,however, ours have been on boxer breed specific food since we got them as babes and that seems to make a huge difference from the ones I grew up with. They are big, lovey lap dogs...they will sit on your feet or each other if no lap is available. My girl, Trixee, likes to sit on my shoulder when I'm propped up in bed watching tv at night (awww). They love people and often wan t to greet everyone by jumping up on them. I've found this to be a hard thing to teach them not to do, but you just need to train them to sit before anyone can say hello. ( Anyone familiar with the breed will say let them jump, I know how exuberant they are and it's ok?.) So you must be watchful for this with small children, as they really love kids. If I'm watching a video of my grandaughter on my phone, Pip and Trixee both start looking for her. They love babies and are very gentle and protective of them. My husband grew up with English setters and we had 2 lovely girls that we were heartbroken to lose. He's a Boxer man now, and always showing me pictures and such on his tablet. Get aBoxer, or better yet...2! You won't regret it!
Boxer Breed Review by Jeff
Last 3 dogs I had...one at a time was a German Shepherd, then a Golden Retriever, & then another Golden, Jack my last Golden was getting up in age & I guess the kids & my wife thought it was a great idea to get jack a buddy, & that was a fawn boxer puppy named Rex, at first I thought two dogs no way.. then it seamed Rex changed everything, Rex’s kindness, personality & smartness was amazing, eventually Jack passed & Rex was by himself...we couldn’t have that so then came a brindle boxer puppy named Rocky. The two of them became inseparable, kind, smart, loving, & all of the above, now Rocky turning 5 soon & Rex turning 6.. we decided on #3 boxer... this lil guy is a reverse brindle we’re naming Rambo.. my son is currently on a 7 hour road trip to get him...I’m sure two big brothers Rex & Rocky will be happy with their lil brother. We’re all dog lovers but don’t know what it is about boxers.... ?????
Boxer Breed Review by jeanie Madewell
Boxer Breed Review by Mat thew R. Gaffney
Boxer Breed Review by Jayson Calhoun
Best breed for family without a doubt. Loyal is to say the least. Very active so this keeps the family active!! Most lovable breed of dog we have ever had. Keep a check on health. Keep up on all health visits. If you are thinking of bringing a boxer into your home. Ask yourself if you are ready to put on a seatbelt and hang on for the best ride in your life!!!! Me and my family will always be Loyal to the Boxer breed!! They will truly change your life for the better!!!
Boxer Breed Review by Bryan Cordy
I just had to put my German Boxer to sleep 3 days ago. This was hands down the best dog that I have ever been around. The intelligence, intuitiveness, temperament, playfulness, protectiveness, and the massive amount of love and joy these dogs have to offer you cannot be understated. Extremely loyal, active, smart and great with kids. As soon as my heart recovers from this most painful loss, I will be getting another German Boxer for my children to grow up with. Hands down the best breed you can own in my opinion.
Boxer Breed Review by Cathy
There is no dog like a boxer! They are such a living and loyal family member who can always make you smile!! They have such a unique personality and will always love you as much as you love them?
Boxer Breed Review by Allan
Excellent with family, esp. children, even children outside of immediate family. Excellent temperament. Great athleticism, but needs 1 to 6 miles of exercise a day. Excellent cold weather, but limited to 65 degrees F. temp before risking health. Excellent latent protection qualities, they sense when necessary vs. just barking or threatening like some other breeds. Plays well with others, human and others (i.e.. cats) if raised... Beautiful souls with so much personality, will eventually break your heart as you will never forget them.
Boxer Breed Review by robert Ward
Boxer Breed Review by Odette Feuerschwenger
Yes I have owned 2 boxer and loved both so very much I am ready to commit myself to my pet Please send me information on a female boxer that you have for sale. Thank you Odette
Boxer Breed Review by Anthony Green
Boxer Breed Review by Brittany
So cute
Boxer Breed Review by Ricky Shipp
would like to own a boxer as a puppy
Boxer Breed Review by Devin
I love that puppy
Boxer Breed Review by Mark A Yingling
Boxer Breed Review by Rhonda Quarnaccio
Love them
Boxer Breed Review by Valerie Latone
I had a female boxer for 14 years. For the first 2 years she's was very active and very strong willed. She needed exercise daily to held work off all that energy. She's was like a 23rd old child. She's never did bite but she's most definitely had a presence about her. I never had to worry in my home or when walking her. She's let me know if there was anyone around. I miss her greatly and I'm alone now and am looking again for another female. BEST DOG I EVER HAD.!
Boxer Breed Review by Christian Pillcorema
I love this type of dog so much. Such a beautiful breed and I will love to adopt one someday!
Boxer Breed Review by Christian Pillcorema
I love this type of dog so much. Such a beautiful breed and I will love to adopt one someday!
Boxer Breed Review by Wilber
Me gustaría encontrar un perro boxer
Boxer Breed Review by Jackson Winney
Boxer Breed Review by Saray
Boxer Breed Review by Koki
Boxer Breed Review by Mckayla
Boxer Breed Review by Carlo
Boxer Breed Review by Tiger
Boxer Breed Review by Savanah Marriott
Best dogs ever. Fit right in with the family and LOVE to cuddle
Boxer Breed Review by Richard Shubella
Many more positives The negatives !
Boxer Breed Review by Derrick Williams
The best dog I have ever owned.
Boxer Breed Review by Eli resor
Had two now one. Love the breed. On a farm and lost one last fall at twelve. He has healthy and active his whole life. His sister is 13 and active and healthy but losing sight slowly. Would love to have a pupp around her. She mothers every animal. Lol
Boxer Breed Review by Bunnie
I had my boxer for 13 years and she passed last year I love my bath so she was my best friend I would love to have another female boxer
Boxer Breed Review by Lori Mullen
I like the boxer . They are children to me, not, dogs. They have the best dispositition than any of the bigger breeds.
Boxer Breed Review by Suzanne
I have a female boxer that is all that and a bag of chips, I had a male for only a short time, I would like a boxer puppy and a rott pup, I love both breeds, and understand the breeds .
Boxer Breed Review by Dan krebs
Boxers for 40 years I've always had a fawn and brindle puppy I'm looking for a brindle male
Boxer Breed Review by Jimmy
Boxer Breed Review by Melissa Hernandez
Boxer Breed Review by Bella
Boxer Breed Review by David H. Goodwin Jr.
Boxer Breed Review by Debbie Yokubinas
I absolutely loved my boxer. She was so sweet and gentle and great with my daycare children.
Boxer Breed Review by scott wickwire
ive had two boxers i just had to put my last one down to rest last sat, he had cancer throughout his body really bad and i cannot stand to see animals in pain at all and i did not him suffering any longer, but yes would give the breed a 5 star rating , they are most definetly very smart loves children very family oriented dog loves attention
Boxer Breed Review by Patricia Persello
Love my boxer. He is 8 years old. Never has shown aggression. He learns fast. He stays within 50 feet of me. He's not had to be leased for 7 years. Never leaves the yard. Loves all other animals.
Boxer Breed Review by Kara
So cute
Boxer Breed Review by shatzy
she died a week ago we are looking for a new dog
Boxer Breed Review by Donna dieli
Boxer Breed Review by donovon
I love this puppy and i am picking him up in a week
Boxer Breed Review by dawn morton
i had 2 boxers 1 as a child he was my best friend went every where with me but school .lol if he could have gone he would have . he was 15 years old when i had to put him down had cancer. i love that dog his name was BING .the other one i had was just as good as the first one i had his name was TIMMER .they are very good with kids .
Boxer Breed Review by Bruce
unfortunately we lost our best friend Baxter a 9.5 year old boxer on Saturday night. He died suddenly of a heart attack at our feet while sleeping. He was our 3rd boxer and I wouldn't get another breed for all the money in the world. They were great with our two boys growing up and now great with our grandchiidren. Our other boxers lived to be between 11 and 12 and even though their life expectancy is not as long as smaller dogs this breed gives you so much love and big wet kisses I cant describe the joy. The only issue is that they are so loveable but so big they love to jump up on people and this is something that you need to teach them as puppies. I cant wait to go on Saturday to pick up our fourth boxer. I feel guilty getting one so soon after Baxter just passed on Saturday suddenly but our hearts have been ripped apart and I am sure that little Buck will help us heal faster.
Boxer Breed Review by Jennifer
Only type of dog I will ever have. Goofy, personable, people pleaser so very easy to train as long as you establish dominance, awesome with kids and all kinds of animals.
Boxer Breed Review by Kim
They are excellent dogs
Boxer Breed Review by Ron Darrow
Boxer Breed Review by Michele Cambere
great pet
Boxer Breed Review by cheryl hatfield
love boxers most trainable breed I have had best friend is so vary true with this breed
Boxer Breed Review by Richard Kostyal
Boxer Breed Review by Dana
I got a boxer from a breeder on this site & couldn't be happier. He is VERY energetic (but loves his naps). He does require quite a bit of patience, especially in the beginning. He is completely harmless. he loves people & honestly will cuddle with anyone who will give him the time of day lol. Even though he is not exactly a small breed, he is convinced he is a lap dog. I never have to worry about guests or kids coming over or even coming up to him while on a walk. He loves all people, dogs as well. He doesn't do too well with separation. Because of this, he follows me into EVERY room. He can get bored easily, and with all of that energy make sure you take your boxers for walks and supply him with plenty of toys because he can get a bit destructive in the house if he isn't entertained enough. Although in the beginning it was a little tough, he is obedient and well trained now. He is a lover & wants nothing but to cuddle up with his humans and watch tv or play fetch outside. I would recommend this breed to anyone with a little patience, and a lot of love to give.
Boxer Breed Review by lisa ricatti
I wouldn’t take any other breed since having a boxer
Boxer Breed Review by Ann Yuhas
I have a brindle boxer she is 11 I love her to pieces.
Boxer Breed Review by Banissa hotmire
Have seen boxers as therapy dog. I am a certified occupational therapy assistant. My 12 year old son and I would love to have a boxer to train.
Boxer Breed Review by Jane Strawser
Boxer Breed Review by Deepanshu Joshi
This breed is the best breed it can be a guard do it is playful good with kids intelligent and very loyal
Boxer Breed Review by Patricia Walton
Boxer Breed Review by Vin Shanni
Boxer Breed Review by Mary Ann
Always had a dog-of various sorts. My Boxer is the smartest, was the easiest to train-just the absolute BEST!!
Boxer Breed Review by William farrow
All around family friend guard dog loyally has no limits smarts picks up on requests almost instantly sometimes the goof and above all my best little buddy love him after having him for 8 years can't imagine life without my little buddy tobie
Boxer Breed Review by Yes. Forresttucker
Boxer Breed Review by Fran
Words that come to mind when thinking of my experiences owning a boxer; loving, hysterical, protector, smart, and dedicated. If you want a household pet that fits in with all family members & adapts to any situation. Such a great breed.
Boxer Breed Review by Jessica
Boxer Breed Review by Jessica
Boxer Breed Review by dominick
lovely dog i own 3 right now!
Boxer Breed Review by Sha
Boxer Breed Review by Elaine Ficociello
My first memory is coming home from the breeders in the backseat of my parents' car with my boxer pup, Bonnie on my lap with her ears and tail bandaged from being cropped. I was a little over 3 and she was a tad over 8 weeks old. The stories of her gentleness and bravery are too many to share here, but when we moved to Calif., my mother was afraid the 3000 mile car trip would be too hard on her so we sadly gave her to my uncle. They bonded instantly and were inseparable until her death of old age years later. My brother (who was born after we gave her to my Uncle so he never knew her) was so moved by the family stories of Bonnie that he has had 6 boxers - the first named Bonnie of course. His children have grown up with these great, fun, friendly and loyal dogs their whole lives. I guess we are a dedicated boxer family because we have experienced and observed the greatness of the breed for years and can say from experience that they are close to the perfect dog.
Boxer Breed Review by Brandon Madden
Boxer Breed Review by Ginny L Ross
Yes,I had a boxer,
Boxer Breed Review by Devin
I love them they are so adorable and so cute
Boxer Breed Review by Sophia
Can I have this puppy please
Boxer Breed Review by john ankudovich
I've had dogs my whole life but in 1990 right before my ex gave birth to a beautiful baby girl we bought a Boxer. The best dog I ever owned, easy to train (they're very intelligent), fiercely protective and excellent with children. He was a lover. GET ONE . Just make sure it's from good stock. Inbreeding ruins the pedigree chain.
Boxer Breed Review by Christopher
Boxer Breed Review by Thomas Santangelo
love them
Boxer Breed Review by Bill McCallum
I owned a boxer named Zeke for 12 years. He was the best dog I've ever had. Passed 4-14-14 miss him every day!
Boxer Breed Review by Wendell ortiz
All ways loved boxer. Now have time so Iam looking at Breaders
Boxer Breed Review by Thomas Thompson
Very well temperament and loyal and protective of live in family
Boxer Breed Review by Bonnie
Boxer Breed Review by Raeman
Best dogs ever . Loyal , playful and , very protective of their humans . Great dogs around kids . Also one of the smartest breeds around . Only fault , they can be stubborn
Boxer Breed Review by Cathy Natale
Boxer Breed Review by Pa
Boxer Breed Review by Paul Scarnato
Yes 2 of them great dogs love them
Boxer Breed Review by debbie
we r looking for mates for our adopted Boxer Max
Boxer Breed Review by Linda helt
One of neighbors used to have a boxer named cinder also one of my friends has two boxers she is from wellsboro school so is my neighbor their owners are rosealee and autumn they were nice dogs the boxer is cute and I love the breed i wish I had one myself it will be named roxy it is a girl name and a nice name
Boxer Breed Review by ANDREE BYRD
Boxer Breed Review by charlotte jean eggert
po box 144 121 crest drive
Boxer Breed Review by Terry
Boxer Breed Review by Amanda Woolum
642 Winchester St.
Boxer Breed Review by ::) todd neiffer
Yes we have my wife and I love them
Boxer Breed Review by Stephen Cavalieri
Boxer Breed Review by Stephen Cavalieri
Boxer Breed Review by Larry
I love my boxer, SIR Bronson. He is 20 mon the old and weighs around 75/80 lbs. Just looking to see if there was any breeders around Roanoke, Va. area.
Boxer Breed Review by Casey sweet
Boxer Breed Review by Sean
Boxer Breed Review by Maysie
This puppy is so cute
Boxer Breed Review by Perry
Boxer Breed Review by Kathy thomas
Am looking for a boxer
Boxer Breed Review by Kathy thomas
Looking for a boxer puppy
Boxer Breed Review by Kathy thomas
Am looking for a boxer
Boxer Breed Review by Evelyn Savage
yes and loved him.
Boxer Breed Review by Ross
Boxer Breed Review by Gilbert torres
57 jane st
Boxer Breed Review by M. Eismont
Have a boxer named Destiny. She is my baby. Loves to be cuddled but also likes play time. You really have to watch for over breeding and such because Heath problems will arise. Dest is 4 and has had 3 surgeries for cancer
Boxer Breed Review by Robert. Hickson
Love the brindle boxer looking for male had a female miss her dearly.
Boxer Breed Review by Tina
Husband and I rescued a boxer mix, thay are not sure what is is mexed with. She is very loveable, needs a find, she is almost 11 months old
Boxer Breed Review by Linda J. Frank
13 S. Main St Boxers are very loving and easy to train. They liked to play and take walks. They want to be where you are at all times. PO BOX 128
Boxer Breed Review by looking for adult boxer/mix dog
Boxer Breed Review by DANIEL THOMAS
I love the puppy I am legally blind in one eye I have the end stages of glaucoma a dog like that would be good for me I never had a dog in my life I would love to have that dog if I can
Boxer Breed Review by DANIEL THOMAS
I love the puppy I am legally blind in one eye I have the end stages of glaucoma a dog like that would be good for me I never had a dog in my life I would love to have that dog if I can
Boxer Breed Review by DANIEL THOMAS
I love the puppy I am legally blind in one eye I have the end stages of glaucoma a dog like that would be good for me I never had a dog in my life I would love to have that dog if I can
Boxer Breed Review by Danielle
They are such a great dog
Boxer Breed Review by William Richburg
Boxer Breed Review by Brandy
Boxer Breed Review by Lori
Boxer Breed Review by Frank long
I'm interested in adding a boxer puppy to my family ,how do I go about it? And where are you located?
Boxer Breed Review by Frank long
I'm interested in adding a boxer puppy to my family ,how do I go about it? And where are you located?
Boxer Breed Review by Lisa Glover
Boxer Breed Review by Victoria
All of my life, our family dog has been a Boxer. They are the most fun, loving, protective, caring, well-trained, family oriented, great with kids, and a true companion. I wouldn't picture a different breed for my family.
Boxer Breed Review by Erika
I have had two boxers and they have both been the best dogs ever loyal and protective they were always very gentle with our babies when they were small and even as they grew I can not given enough praise to this breed I just love their little wiggle butts.
Boxer Breed Review by Nazier
No and I'm looking forward to get on of these dogs
Boxer Breed Review by John Emmel
6 n.locust ave Marlton,N.J 08053
Boxer Breed Review by Paul Schmitt
My boxer was very special and loving gave lots of kisses and loving to both my wife and me. He was always there to greet us and love us both day and night
Boxer Breed Review by lenny johnston
great breed had one for 12 yrs
Boxer Breed Review by Tim Cummings
Love all boxers. Will be looking to buy a puppy sometime in the middle of May 2016. Our companion recently passed away after 8 1/2 years. Have had 4 boxers over the years.
Boxer Breed Review by Terri Daniels
BEST dog that I have ever owned! My boxer lived for 11 years and will definitely get another one. Must loyal, great with children, very intelligent.
Boxer Breed Review by Lakeisha
love this breed, very fun, great with children
Boxer Breed Review by Tracy
Boxer Breed Review by Christine
Amazing breed...part of the family
Boxer Breed Review by Melissa Posey
Boxers are by far the best dog. They are loyal gentle loving yet very protective. No dog like the Boxer
Boxer Breed Review by Valerie Scarpaci
I recently had to put down my loyal boxer after almost 13 years. She was my first dog & I got her when i was 22 & my daighter was 2. Best dog ever. Love the breed. Geeat dogs & I want mone back! But since i cant have that, we are def. interested in getting a new boxer.
Boxer Breed Review by Karen
Boxers are by far my choice of breed. I recently had to unexpectedly put my 7 yr old boxer, Gunner, down last month due to finding out he was in the chronic stages of cancer. I swore that I was done with having dogs because of the heartache of losing them, but I now have a 9 1/2 week old beautiful brindle male named Rocky. One look at him and I was already attached. Boxers have a very human-like personality and are smarter than some people I know, not to mention the unconditional love they have for family.
Boxer Breed Review by mike
They are great dogs
Boxer Breed Review by Ronen
awesome website
Boxer Breed Review by Ginger
We have owned a boxer before and we LOVE the breed.
Boxer Breed Review by Kevin
I have had dogs my entire life, different breeds but mostly Boxers. They are hands down the best breed of all. They are smart, goofy, playful, impish, loyal, affectionate, great with kids (I have young kids and the dogs adored them) and great watch dogs. What I love most about them is they stay puppy-like for a very long time. But they are stubborn and they do like to jump, they require good training, a lot of exercise and attention. For a first-time buyer they might not be the best fit. I have had 3 Boxers and two of them did have cancer. Boxers are prone to cancer. But I did put them both through radiation and they both lived another 5 years cancer free! Even though they are prone to health issues and their longevity isn't what us Boxer lovers would want, their personality makes it all worth while and I wouldn't get any other breed!
Boxer Breed Review by brian gaeta
Very good
Boxer Breed Review by Gabby
I have a three year old Boxer and I'm in the market to get another. He is the most amazing dog, such a great personality and so lovable. Tyson truly brings joy to everyone he meets. Boxers are awesome and charasmatic dogs and I would reccomend anyone to purchase or adopt one if you want a little light in your life.
Boxer Breed Review by Mary wyckoff
I have always had boxers. I also had one dog bred twice in her life and another champion line boxer bred once.
Boxer Breed Review by Joshua
I wouldn't want any other breed. Love the breed and everything about them.
Boxer Breed Review by Stacy Olah
Boxers are by the best dogs out there! Great with Children, Perfect for adults and normally great with other animals! Easy to train and will be a lifetime best friend! What more can you ask for!? We got our 1st boxer off Greenfeild Puppies 6yrs ago and put her down due to Cancer and just got a 2nd Boxer off Greenfeild Puppies 3weeks ago and both hands down are the best dogs we ever had and we have had many different breeds over the years! So with that said..., BOXERS YES AND GREENFEILD PUPPIES YES!!!!! 5Stars!
Boxer Breed Review by stephanie
Boxers are wonderful dogs and great with kids! I have had boxers for the last 15 yrs. Looking to get another one.
Boxer Breed Review by rob mcomish
the best family dogs,especially with the kids
Boxer Breed Review by Rosanne
They are very good with kids buy one
Boxer Breed Review by Kurt Lindbloom
Very smart,adaptable dog who LOVES their people but Leary of strangers makeing them an exellent famly watch dog.train early and exercise heavy or they will entertain the self in a bad way! My breed of choice
Boxer Breed Review by stali
I've had a boxer for almost 6 years now. It's the first dog that I've owned and I am so glad that I went with a boxer. He is like a family member and I could not be happier with him. I don't think that I will ever own any dog other than a boxer in the future.
Boxer Breed Review by Star
Great family dogs than will make you laugh. They enjoy being around people and other pets.
Boxer Breed Review by Michael Zimmerman
Our boxer is the most loving dog we have ever owned. Great around children and other dogs; pulls a bit on leash when encountering squirrels (very strong); loves to give very wet kisses; seldom has any "dog" odor. Brush their coats, bathe them once a month, and brush their teeth. Can't go wrong with this breed.
Boxer Breed Review by Betsy Samuels
We've had 3 boxer dogs, bought as puppies and raised to adulthood. wouldn't have any other breed.
Boxer Breed Review by ivette richardson
best family dogs ever great with children,protective and kind a dog that will make you laugh!
Boxer Breed Review by Melissa
Amazing, loyal, gentle dogs
Boxer Breed Review by Alice Yopp
I Love Boxers, Can\'t wait to get another one!!!!!!!
Boxer Breed Review by vicki g
i have had alot of different breeds, but the boxer is by far the greatest, i have a fawn male and female boxer now, they are just so funny to watch. Mine are so loving and do anything they can to get attention.
Boxer Breed Review by Shawnzie
My besr friends are boxers! I currently have a 2 year old male. In 2006 ,my first boxer sadly passed. He was a great friend. After 4 years I knew I had to have another boxer to make my life complete.
Boxer Breed Review by Debra Latella
I have had various breeds of dogs my whole life, but I cannot imagine my life without a boxer. This is my second boxer and the first one I got from Greenfield Puppies. She was, by far, the best dog I have ever had as part of my life. I miss her every day and am grateful to have found her. This breed is strong, clowns, loyal, and obedient with the proper training. This breed does need to be trained, as with any dog, but because of their size and strength, you need to be in control. That said, they also love everyone, especially children. Great family dog.
Boxer Breed Review by Angie spruce
I love my boxer
Boxer Breed Review by Beverly
AWESOME!!!! Very lovable, loyal, and great with kids and other animals. I have one that is a year old. His name is Dozer. We bought Dozer from a breeder listed on the greenfieldpuppies website. He has a great bloodline and has been very healthy. I plan to get another one soon.
Boxer Breed Review by Karly
The best breed and dogs out there!
Boxer Breed Review by Dina
Best dogs Ever...
Boxer Breed Review by Sherry Cerny
Boxers are the sweetest most loving dogs. My rescue boxer Tory just died on Sunday and I miss her so much. They are also comedians, very good with children and HAVE to be with people
Boxer Breed Review by Nancy Shutt
Boxers are the greatest dogs ever! Their happy, loving, loyal, obedient, and very affectionate. There like Lays potato chips you just cant eat but one!
Boxer Breed Review by Susan
Best breed ever. Personality plus!
Boxer Breed Review by Nicole
Boxers are absolutely the best breed, I prefer females because they are easier but males are good too. They are just so silly and goofy and loyal and loving, you will forever be laughing and full of love once you bring a boxer into your life. Getting mine was the best choice I ever made, I laugh constantly. They are so human-like too, it\'s hilarious.
Boxer Breed Review by Holly
Love boxers! Great dogs, very expressive faces, great family pets!
Boxer Breed Review by Christine digiesi
Taz has been a member of our family for four years .he is lovable energetic and wonderful addition to our household. We have had many dogs but this breed by far has been the easiest to train and the most playful.i highly recommend this breed for any family with small children w
Boxer Breed Review by Rick Walton
We bought our first boxer 16 yrs ago when he was 12 we got our 2nd boxer even at his age he accepted the puppy a yr later he passed we waited a yr I started looking found greenfeild pups and had to look no further we bought a another male from j. Esh he is black and white when we got him I saw his parents he is built just like his dad and a great dog I think if a family really want a dog that will bond well with all u got to get a BOXER they are the best .Thanks Greenfield Puppy\'s
Boxer Breed Review by Paul G.
I have a Boxer that is one great dog! I am thrilled with his personality and he keeps me on my toes with his energy.