Use the options below to find your perfect canine companion!
Boxador Breed Review by Diane Carol Green
Boxador Breed Review by Kelly hickey
Need 1
Boxador Breed Review by Emily Herold
Boxador Breed Review by Bree
Boxador Breed Review by Eric Napoleoni
Our boxador Moey, is the greatest dog I can image. She has exceeded all our expectations. She's loving, loyal, protective, playful, so so so smart, and such a beautiful dog! She can get a bit whiny at times, and has sensitive seasonal allergies, but those are small potatoes compared to all the positive experiences our pup provides in our lives! I would absolutely recommend a boxador to anyone looking for an energetic yet chill dog that naturally adapts to and thrives in a family!
Boxador Breed Review by Diane green
Boxador Breed Review by Dawna Williams
I had a boxador dog for years and he just passed away from lung failure
Boxador Breed Review by Wayne Miller
I never heard of that read about this before where are they from
Boxador Breed Review by Diana Rubio
Boxador Breed Review by Michael P Caouette
One of the best mixes! Very sweet, affectionate pup. An intelligent dog that loved everyone. Our girl loved to swim and play ball.
Boxador Breed Review by Reuben toombs
Very loving, very smart. Obedient.
Boxador Breed Review by Linda Beddington
I love boxador dogs. I lost my baby October 4. I had him for 13 year's. I would love to adopt another asap❤️
Boxador Breed Review by Carol Peterson
I have had 1-3 dogs @ a time in my lifetime. All I have raised & trained from a puppy. My last love was a boxer mix who lived 14 years. She was loving, friendly, very intelligent, & loved to talk... What a sweetheart! I'm looking for a boxer mix again. They do have a longer lifespan when are a mixed breed.
Boxador Breed Review by Gdog
Boxador Breed Review by Ezequias Lobo
Boxador Breed Review by Chris Baker
Boxador Breed Review by Dreighzdyn Mayn
Boxadors are loving and ENERGETIC dogs. As long as you feed them they’ll be happy as a clown! However be sure to keep in mind that the are also very high maintenance in the sense that they love constant attention and love from their owners.
Boxador Breed Review by Cathy Dearden.
Boxador Breed Review by Ben walz
Just lost my boxador and he was the sweetest dog that I could ever ask for. 5 star minimum
Boxador Breed Review by Dr Ray
This is the best breed of dog in the world. I have adopted one and she had the characteristics of the best of both Labrador and boxer. She was great with kids and great with animals including cats and other dogs. She was very protective of her family members. And we had to really work to getting her used to playing with the dogs not being threatened by them. But the best dog I’ve ever owned, and I miss her every single day.
Boxador Breed Review by Lisa maples
Best dog I have ever had.
Boxador Breed Review by Kyla ross
Boxador Breed Review by Paula Erpelding
Perfect dog. Ours was a female named Rylee. She lived 15 years 1 month. She helped me raise my kids and our grandkids. We loved her so much.
Boxador Breed Review by Andrea
Loved my mixed lab/boxer. She was so chill. She was very loveable, friendly, loved to lay on my lap. Got along with other dogs. I wouldn’t suggest this mix with a small dog a small breed because a lab boxer mix is very playful and sometimes they don’t know their own strength.
Boxador Breed Review by Rob Neale
Best dog ever. Loving, gentle, low maintenance, loyal and fun. Murphy’s been gone from us six years, but I still think of him every day. Only dog we’ve ever had that I really loved. At times he acted like he was as dumb as a rock, but in retrospect I think he just enjoyed joking with us.0
Boxador Breed Review by Andrew
We could not possibly be happier with the Boxador breed. Our guy is 26" tall and 83 pounds so he is definitely a little bigger, but has a very athletic build. His personality is playful and loyal. He is very good motivated and dog motivated. He wants nothing more than to wrestle and play. He prefers play that engages him, wrestling and tug more fetch. He is very trainable and does not destroy furniture. You will need to be prepared to exercise them 2-3 times a day. Walking him three times a day would not be sufficient, he needs engagement from his person or other dogs. I doubt we will ever own another breed.
Boxador Breed Review by faith
love this puppy
Boxador Breed Review by Catherine Carey
Boxador Breed Review by Cassandra Lizarraga
I had a Boxador named cigar, I had him for about 16 years. I will say I have never come across a dog that was as loving as my baby cigar. He was playful, he thought he was the tiniest but really was always the biggest dog in the room, and he was adventurous. He recently passed away, and I honestly don’t think I will ever find a companion like him.
Boxador Breed Review by Joan Traylor
I owned a Boxer/Pitbull and she lived to be 13 years old! Great dog!!
Boxador Breed Review by Jose
Boxador Breed Review by Diane howard
Boxador Breed Review by Elaine M. Scime
I’ve owned boxers and a chocolate lab
Boxador Breed Review by Elaine
Boxador Breed Review by Judy Bowen Smith
R dog is the best dog we have ever had. She was easy to train, loves kids, gentle, loves other dogs. She is 9 years old now
Boxador Breed Review by Diann Skelton
Boxador Breed Review by Donnajohns
Boxador Breed Review by todd tilger
Boxador Breed Review by Max MacLean
Boxador Breed Review by Michael Plourde
Great temper 👌
Boxador Breed Review by fernanda MARQUES
most adoreable. I lost my brindle boxer March 27, 2020.I miss him imensely and this Boxador would be so perfect for me
Boxador Breed Review by José
Boxador Breed Review by Stacey Guthrie
Boxador Breed Review by Cliff & Sandy Hintz
We were blessed enough to have a boss for named Dallas for 9 years. I miss him and so does my wife. He was 160lbs and the most loving and protective creature I have ever known. We want to raise another and eventually start breeding them. His mother was Newfoundland lab and father was a striking 80 lb boxer.
Boxador Breed Review by Jessi Bott
I am proud to say that I have a ten year old Boxador. Her name is “Daisy Maye” and she’s the best friend anyone could ask for. I bought her from a litter of Boxador puppies for sale at a fair park car show, not even familiar with their designer status, and I really couldn’t be happier with her! She’s sporty, loves to fetch a tennis ball. (Pink of course ;)) loyal and well mannered! And now, thanks to GF I will be the proud Dog Mom of two! She is with her birth mom till May 8th and then Daisy will have a little girl of her own to watch over. "Dahlia” has found her Forever Home here with us in Salt Lake City and we just can’t wait for her to come home and join the family 🥰
Boxador Breed Review by Tito
He was my best friend since I first got him when I was 9. My parents had to give him away it broke my heart.
Boxador Breed Review by Frank Snowden
Seems to me they should have a good temperament . Probably a intelligent, and loving pet with a protective and family connection,always going and living in home and liking to travel with there family and friends with . With some training and socializing Thank frank
Boxador Breed Review by Guadalupe Garcia Espinoza
Boxador Breed Review by Karla Scharf
My Best Friend (ZEUS) who passed away in 2016, He looked like a Lab Boxer mix. He was very Protective, Attentive, Funny, FAMILY , he was my son. this breed is Awesome.
Boxador Breed Review by Julie ecker
Requires nothing but love. Obedient and lovable. Ours is a farm dog and he’s excellent with horses, chickens and any other animal he comes across. He has some street smarts too. Can’t express how great a combo the boxer lab mix is. Indoors he’s laid back - doesn’t beg - let’s you know when he needs out, fed, or petted! Loves our two cats and gently as can be with our young grandchildren.
Boxador Breed Review by Eric Tindol
Me and my girl have two of these boxador pups milly and max, I tell you what they are something else we love them like no other
Boxador Breed Review by hailey
Boxador Breed Review by Lauro Mendoza Reyes
Boxador Breed Review by Paige
Boxador Breed Review by Ashely lawlor
Boxador Breed Review by Emily
Best cutes most softis cudleie pet ever
Boxador Breed Review by Tammy Ploss
Boxador Breed Review by Jaimen Schmidt
I’ve always wanted a boxador!!!
Boxador Breed Review by Donna Santoianni
we've owned a boxer for 12.5 years. Our Ginger passed away in June. We are considering a puppy in the near future.
Boxador Breed Review by Diane Rodriguez
Boxador Breed Review by Tom
We were so fortunate to have our Boxador Violet in our lives for eight wonderful years. If there was a breed designed to be hugged and petted, this is it. I described Violet as a cross between your favorite pillow and blanket. Even though she was 85 pounds, she wouldn’t hesitate to get into your lap. We got her as a puppy when our son wasn’t even one and I never heard growl at him, even when he was digging into her food while she was trying to have dinner. Just be careful with their knees - she had several torn ligaments.
Boxador Breed Review by Mike
Boxador Breed Review by Mike
Boxador Breed Review by Cliff & Sandy Lee Hintz
Boxador Breed Review by Ryan Sullivan
I think k the boxodor is a magnificent breed.i raised two boxers growing in up one male and one female.im looking for a new addition to the family I want son to have the love and joy of having such a nice companion as I did gfrowing
Boxador Breed Review by Michelle H. Eis
We have a rescue boxador. She is sweet and the most precious part of our home. She is very active and lovable. She prefers humans and craves attention. Is very skittish and nervous with other dogs. Mostly medium and big dogs. A little bit easier going with smaller breeds. Smart and also highly sociable, loves her treats and running outside. Amazing with kids and loyal to her owners and those who love her. Excited Pee and working on it !!
Boxador Breed Review by david
I have a 3 year old. he is great looking for another
Boxador Breed Review by Hayley Shelton
Best mixed breed, hands-down. I've had my boxador for 8 years now and he is the sweetest and most loving pet I've ever met. Every single family member and friend that has come in contact with him makes comments about how great he is and asks what breed he is. I've even had friends look into getting the same breed because they love him so much. Great with kids, great with people, kids, loyal, smart, sweet and all-around great pet.
Boxador Breed Review by olivia
I think it is such a cute breed, and i love how cute they are.
Boxador Breed Review by Sha
Boxador Breed Review by Linda Gutowski
We had our boxador "Cookie" for almost 13 years. She was a loving, playful girl and was a part of the family. Loved to cuddle. She trained quickly. She loved all people, but especially children. She played well with other dogs.
Boxador Breed Review by Ruth
Grea T dogs. Ours was given to usand wehad yt?o guess at the mix of breeds. Now we know for sure, i want another. Bery dsmart,loyal, and protective. Good with kids. High energy. Very strong. Loved to swim and pulled my 4 year old around the pool by his tail. Very good dog. Miss my Jack.
Boxador Breed Review by Missy Oakes
Best dog our family has ever had. Love this dog breed.
Boxador Breed Review by Darryl Bolden
2912 oakcove ln,
Boxador Breed Review by Kerry Kern
Great Hybrid breed. I was fortunate to have a brindle colored (Tan and Dark brown) female. She was lightening fast, energetic, smart wonderful with children and audlts. She was by far the best dog I had ever had. I would give them the highest rating possible. I will be looking for another boxador puppy in the future.
Boxador Breed Review by Shannon Morgione
We have a four year-old Boxador named Merlin. He is one of the best dogs we've ever had the pleasure of having in our family. He has a wonderful temperament, loves everyone, was easy to train and is the perfect companion.
Boxador Breed Review by Ava pippitt
I love my boxador!!!! Everyone says they love her mix!!! I love her mix too! She trained easily too! Her different breeds come out sometimes,like on some days she's more of a boxer than a lab. My dog loves children and other dogs!!! She just turned one in January,and still plays like a puppy! I think she is going to stay in her puppy playful phase forever!! She knows sit,stay,paw,and lay,and almost come!!! But,if you don't want a big dog then......don't get a boxador. I love labs, and boxers even more, So I highly recommend boxadors!!!!
Boxador Breed Review by Lucille
We just had to put our beloved boxador down this week after 8 years. He was the most wonderful dog ever! A real gentle giant! He was always wagging his tail, loved to be around people, very gentle with children, and a joy to be around. We will get another boxador in the near future.
Boxador Breed Review by kobe
I had a this dog like this and it was awesome\ in the Finals it peed on the cup.
Boxador Breed Review by nina
hi my name is nina i am 12 & i really wold like to have boxador!! P.S they are so cute !!!!
Boxador Breed Review by Patrick conway
Boxador Breed Review by gina
My boxador Jack is 13 years old and is the most wonderful mix of two breeds..He is smart, loyal, friendly, kind with all other animals and people. He can be protective when needed but as long as he considers you a friend he will love you.....He is a true gentleman..He does suffer with a bit of separation anxiety at times. But with a little tlc we can usually get through it...He is not destructive, other than occasional digging when he is having anxiety problems...A wonderful addition to our home...
Boxador Breed Review by Jordyn Achenbach
My boyfriend and I recently adopted a boxador and she is truly the most gentle and sweet dog! She is also so easily trained!
Boxador Breed Review by Duane Salyer
My male boxador is 6 1/2 and is the greatest smartest dog - human in the world I would recommend this breed for any one with energy.
Boxador Breed Review by Tommy Roughen
I have had three Boxadors in my lifetime. My 1st "Chet" was the best dog anyone could ask for. When these dogs grow up they are truly incredible. Family oriented, love children and are the next best thing to a loaded gun. I miss all my bozador friends and am now looking for my fourth. I will say that these puppies are a handful.
Boxador Breed Review by Cheryl-lee
The most awesome dog we've ever owned.
Boxador Breed Review by ken
The best dam dog I have ever owned and ever could ask for. We just lost Buddy after 10 years to cancer. He was smart, loyal, kind and loving. He was more like a person than a dog. He understood what you were saying and was very easy to train. Did not run, stayed around the house unattended. He liked to be entertained and did get bored easy, but I believe that that was because he was so intelligent. He loved to go for walks off leash. It was never an issue. Always stayed close and came when called. The perfect companion.
Boxador Breed Review by Ashley
I have a 3 year old boxador and she is the most well-behaved dogs I've met. Very high energy and loving. I got her at 10 months from a girl who didn't have the time to take care of her and taking her in was the best decision I've made. She listens so well, easily trained, high energy, loves to play & is just overall one of the best dogs out there. I highly recommend this breed to any family.
Boxador Breed Review by Hayley
My absolute favorite dog I've ever owned or known is the boxador puppy I picked up 4 years ago. Smartest, sweetest, and most loving dog. Great with adults, great with kids. Would recommend this breed to anyone.
Boxador Breed Review by Jeannie Yates
I love the Boxador I have a 5 year old Male who is the light of my life and one of the most loyal, loving, protective, well behaved dogs I have ever owned. The puppy years were tough but that is true no matter the breed. Consistency and patients are key. Recommend anyone who wants a good family dog.
Boxador Breed Review by John Telehany
I currently own a male boxador; he is the best dog ever. I purchased him from Ben Bieler almost 8 years ago, he will be 8 years old on 2/16/14. He is very loyal and protective, and he loves all animals and people (especially children). I am definitely going to buy another boxador in the future; and when I do, I will definitely purchase it from Greenfield Puppies.
Boxador Breed Review by Carrie Barreiro
Best breed mix ever!! We got our Buddy from you guys 3 years ago and love him to peices!! He\'s got the best disposition and our vets says all dogs should be this healthy!!
Boxador Breed Review by Steve clayton
Perfect dog! If you like high energy dogs that are very loyal and loveng. Train well, wants to play all the time, always happy, great with kids, good with other dogs and cats(if puped with them). Loves toys, especially playing frizbee. If u have a pool u cant keep them out it. Needs a large yard to run and run they do. Not a dog suited for lots of alone time, needs company and people to play with.
Boxador Breed Review by Jeannette Lyon
An avid dog lover, having had dogs all my life - O have never had a better dog than my IZZY. She was a Boxer/Lab mix. Both parents were on site and purebred. Izzy truly was the love of my life! She was the best dog - the best attitude, the best personality. LOVED kids, LOVED other dogs, was protective of me and my girls when need be but would be just as happy to lick you or play catch for hours. She was my best friend. I absolutely miss her with all my heart!!! 9 years was not long enough!! - So wish she was still here with me and the girls!! GREAT MEMORIES OF AN AMAZING DOG!!!