Use the options below to find your perfect canine companion!
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Tina D Haught
I would love and take care of this beautiful collie mix. I have a beautiful border collie/ jack russell mix. She is a little over ten years old. She is playful as ever. Best dog I ever heard for now.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by JoyceAnne Gifford
What mix is this border collie
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Nedra Weaver
best dog ever
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Bonnie
Best dog I ever had. Fast learner and house broke easy and learned hand commands easily. Mine was a border collie corgi mix. She live to be 15 years old. I would like to get another same breed.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Martin auza
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Rupesh Thawre
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Maddie Edgar
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by LINDA TUCKER
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Kristin
Border collie mix with short hair pointer
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Carole E. Schaefer
My Border Collie dog, Cruiser, would have been 17 this month but he passed away 9 months ago and I miss him so much. He was much smarter than some people I know ( and I'm not kidding). He behaved like a service dog who could not only perform tasks but could solve problems on his own. It unbelievable what he did not only at home, but other places like the dog park, etc. I'll keep checking your great website. Carole Schaefer p.s. Good luck with all your puppies- I wish all your buyers have the same good experiences with their puppies as I had with my Cruiser.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Madison
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Linda Elliott
I would love to have an older border collie! I am 71 but know I have so much love and care as I’m also a widow. I do still work but live 10 minutes away from a home I own. I’ve had dogs in my years past when raising my children, I just want to have a companion and snuggled to love each other!
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Kelly
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Lillian Eich
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Joanne Jones
I have a mixed border collie nine years old best dog ever smart, wonderful, loyal, just sorry that I’m getting so old because I definitely would want another one best dog in the world. J.jones
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Jessica Colombo
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Emily Groner
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Hinemoa
Gentle, playful, docile nature. Loves to be loved, Loyal to a fault
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Kathy F Lambert
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Jim
I’ve had a border collie/Aussie rescue for nearly 16yrs. He passed back in Feb 22. I am ready to adopt another one.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Grace E Spotts
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Santiago Gonzalez
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Korie Palmer
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Lisa Edh
We had a golden retriever/ border collie. Smart, smart dog and a gentle personality.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Tammy Burrows
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Barbara Troyer
most wonderful dog. we got Jake as puppy from a shelter. Mothere looked like a border, father obviously a Golden. AKC pal as Golden mix. Just lost Jake...............................
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Preston Simons
10 out of 10
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Mackenzy R Swisher
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Elver
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Xena Lezama
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Brain Lacey
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Rick cadorette
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by thanh nguyen
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Katie denson
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Chantal
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Andrea
Everything you've ever heard about a border collie is absolutely true. This is not a dog for a couch potato. My border collie/aussie mix spends minimum two hours a day at the dog park running around and playing fetch and sometimes he's still a little keyed up. But nothing can top the intense, focused eye contact and the ability to teach them pretty much anything. My pup is a star athlete, pro frisbee catcher, expert tug-o-war player, and when he's finally tuckered out, he's a great cuddle-bug. This was the right breed for me, and if you're an active, adventurous person then this might be the breed for you.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Aida Camacho
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Nan A. Utter
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Christine Wigton-Tamony
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Paula Rutherford
Love my girl. Smart, loyal. Loving Want a another puppy
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Danielle Beylin
These dogs are the cutest and fluffiest dogs ever. They are not to expensive so its perfect for a family like mine.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Despi
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Diane Simmons
I have a BC/Aussie mix female. She is a black tri and is a registered therapy dog. She is 10 going on 11. I am looking for the same to train for therapy / service dog. I don't want a register, I just want a puppy. Please help me if you can. I'm in CA but will check into anything you have. thank you for your time.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Jean Lepine
Just lost mine after 14 wonderful years. We think she was part spinger. So beautiful, smart and loving. Need another!
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Deborah
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Patricia Brewis
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by MichaelZ
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Deni
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Elizabeth Gregson
My grandma had a border collie lab mix when I was a little girl and she was the best dog ever but she eventually passed of old age so now I’m on the search for one just like her
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Francesca Piano
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Cindy Norris
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Lee Sims
Looking for a Border collie mix. My Golden Border Collie past away after 13 years, best pet I ever had! Can you help me?
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Lee
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Lola Jane Adams
We had a golden retriever/ border collie mixed. Looking for another one. Our son is in a wheelchair and she was wonderful
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Emma
Best dogs to love!!
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Brittany
While they have their own unique personality and corks, our border collie mix is by far the best dog we've ever owned. He loves his family, is playful, emotionally in tune, and very loving.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Carmelita Ellis
We had and adored our Border Collie/Flat Coated Retriever combo. Might have been Border and Golden Retriever. Extraordinary dog. We loved him so much. He had the best of the best. He was sweetly dispositioned, loving, loyal, great with all people, children, animals . Loved the water and once around after a hot hike and he was good to go. Coat is a double but, dries very quickly. Best ever friend and family member Would do it again and again but, we are too old.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Sue Bock
We have a soon to been 13 yr old. Border collie/black lab mix...the BEST dog ever...very very smart...actually understands words...most laid back loving dog.. At complete ease with granddaughters.. You can take food out of her mouth...can say I will probably never find another like her...her name is Chloe..she came from a camping trip near Cooks Forest PA...my daughter brought her home...rut of the litter...a piece of me will die with her when she crosses the rainbow Bridge❤
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Patricia Garbutt
Border Collies/Assies, Border Collies /German Shepard, Border Collies/. Other shepherd type dogs
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Lynn Vines
My beloved border collie/springer spaniel mix was a spectacular friend and companion. Lots of energy and very loyal.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Happy Helm
My son has a Border Collie, Great Pyrenees that we rescued several years ago. Best. Most protective, loveable dog I have ever been around. If he knows you and loves you it is for life. I have been away from him for months at at time and he is all over me when I go see him. Lots of hair, grooming is definitely required on a regular basis. Worth it. Best disposition ever. Good cow dog also. Lives to please you.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Vanessa
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Shirley
Border collies are so smart! I have had 5 and I love them so much!! They will try to herd children, but when my grandkids played with them, I don’t know who had the most fun- the dog or the kids!!! My dear Sadie passed a year ago and I miss that dog so much, I still feel a longing, nagging pain every time I think about her!.Borders are wonderful dogs!!!
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Rowena Rieger
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Nina Neumann
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Anne Stroud
My border collie was the best dog in my life, she went every where with me,we played ball until my arm gave out. I miss her so much.when we went to dads shed bring the cows home.Dad loved her too.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Cricket Purdy
My Border collie-Australian Shepherd mix is now 14. We adopted her at 8 weeks. I’ve had dogs for 60 years. Lola is my second best dog. Smart, still has energy, at times, even though she suffers from Lyme disease. She is completely faithful. Always greets us at the door with enthusiasm even after taking a fairly long walk that day. She still “tears” up the stairs. People can’t believe her age. She still loves to roll over and be rubbed on her tummy by strangers, who she always greats with enthusiasm. The vet tells me that her eyesight and hearing are better than mine. A couple of weeks ago, I trained her to jump on our high bed, by using a long “step-up”. She weighs 50 lbs. and is a bit larger than your image of a border collie.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by rashelle spriggs
This mix is the best we've ever had! Mom was Boarder Collie and Dad was Golden Retriever!
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Darleene wold
Border collie sheltie cross
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by nancy
Sweetest dog I have ever owned. She passed away from cancer very young only six. Loved chasing balls or Frisbees. She jumped very high and never missed the catch. Loved to ride. loved people, children and other dogs!
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Raeann utterback
I owned a border collie mix for 12 years he recently passed away from kidney failure he was my companion Border Collies are great dogs and true chew their humans
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Caitlyn
They’re the best!! Absolutely great! Love my puppy!
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Sarah Yatska
I've had my Border Collie Mix for near 17 years. Unfortunately, she passed yesterday. She was the most wonderful dog I have ever had the pleasure of owning. She was active, enjoyed other dogs and loved her humans. She was great with children, in fact, kept them busy for hours. They do need a lot of attention and exercise. So if you cant provide enough time, space, and attention I would not get a border collie. They are a working/herding dog. They like to stay busy, so keep that in mind while looking. Mine was a runner and LOVED to run. So If you active person who loves a loyal, beautiful, and happy doggie then they are for u!!!
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Lauren
soo cute i want one
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Sharon johnson
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Terri Simpson
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by TINA Utley
I’m looking for a border collie/lab female runt puppy. Our Lab/collie passed away 2 years ago and I miss her so much! She passed 2 years ago.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Jannette Beechey
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Paige
The best dog I have ever had. The most loving, sweet, outgoing (very very outgoing) and biggest personality I have ever seen in a dog.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Dave
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Florence Standinger-
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Gaby
I have owned one border collie mix, it was a border collie mixed with a Labrador retriever, and I really want another one. I mean, it would be fantastic to have another one.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Carol F. Maher
I've owned 2 Border Collies the past 28yrs. I love the pics. Of the mixed Border Collies, I just lost my last one May 3rd. He was my best friend and I miss him dearly.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Andy
Had a Boarder Collie/Sheltie mix for 15 years. Broke our hearts last Christmas when we had to say goodbye. Mt best friend with out thought. Carmel and brown and white - Mr.Snoozer !! We want to find another of the same mix - but whit black and white color - Snoozer owned the others. Loyal and smart and ready to give you all they have is all they ask. My highest of grades !!!
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by David Welch
My dog, Toppy, is a BC Flat Coat Retriever mix. We have had him since he was 8 weeks old and he has been a great dog. Smart, playful and a joy to be around. I think pure Border Collies are a bit to intense so a good mix makes the perfect dog.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by carlie
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by RICK
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by RAYMOND REDDISH
I just had a border collie/cockerspaniel pass this week and it is one of the most drastic losses of my life. I am looking to get another one soon. If you know of someone who is selling please email me. Thank you
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by aileen
Godile mix
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Jackie Crowe
We had a Border Collie mixed with Lab we had him 13 years. We love him so much. I want another one.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Ms Julie Manthei
I owned a Border Collie / Norwegian mix as I had a Nowegian Elkhound that mistakenly mated with a Border collie who jumped his fence. Best dogs I ever had..so was searching this mix when I came upon your site.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Alal
I am not sure yet
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by ginny steele
yes, the best friend dog ever
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Arnita
This is an intelligent, feisty, loveable dogs.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by joanne pelletier
this mix was the best dog we ever had. Shewas very laid back and smart, loyal,and friendly. she lived to be 16.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Teresa Smith
have owned both pure bred and mix. both require lots of fun exercise and are great dogs, and the mix seems to have a more laid back temperament without the excitability of the pure bred-regardless, they will never cease to amaze you with their loving, spirited nature-they make great companions but will require training, regardless of pure bred or mix
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by Kelly Ricci
WE had a border collie mix who was very smart and sweet. We lost our dog 5 years ago at the age of 17 and would love another collie mix.
Border Collie Mix Breed Review by EMMA