Use the options below to find your perfect canine companion!
Borador Breed Review by Ruby LoBell White
Borador Breed Review by Joannie Pelletier
Borador Breed Review by Bob Lowry
We loved our Borador
Borador Breed Review by Bryan Uhl Sr.
If you really want a playful dog, the Borodor breed is for you. This dog is bred to be a farm dog, a larger yard is required. If you have a small yard, after a few weeks your yard will look like the chariot race field from Ben Hur. Get the picture, no grass. Borodors are smart sentry dogs, they don't know how to cuddle. The trade off is their bark tells trespassers, "not tonight". Great herding dog. Would play 24-7 high octane.
Borador Breed Review by Rick tannery
I has a rescue dog that I got from my daughter. The female dog was about 35 lbs and great at jumping and chasing a ball. I put her down on Christmas. She was black with white paws and chest. Another daughter did a dna test and they came back with a little lab, border collie and pit bull. I have a small fenced back yard that made bathroom trips and some exercise easy.
Borador Breed Review by Shell Anderson
Borador Breed Review by Orire damilare
Borador Breed Review by cameron ferrone
Borador Breed Review by vjerka
jako umiljat pas
Borador Breed Review by Chad Hungler
Best dog Ive ever had or ever been around. Nothing but obedient, smart, and loyal.
Borador Breed Review by Jane Starkey
We had a broader for 14 years he was the most loyal clever and friendly dog I have ever met . Would love another one but never any available near us
Borador Breed Review by Oscar Medina
Borador Breed Review by Mariana
Borador Breed Review by Dave
Borador Breed Review by Shelby Elizabeth Middleton
This dog breed is amazing!! They do she’s but I’ve never met a more kind animal. Very loving and patient VERY smart! Has loads of energy, but also know when to settle easily. Our family will never have another breed.
Borador Breed Review by Blue
Borador Breed Review by Elisa Wichtendahl
I currently have two. Brother and sister. These are the best dogs I have ever had! Loveable, cuddly, smart as a whip, most loyal and best temperament. Can’t say enough great things about them!
Borador Breed Review by Kristin Hurst
We just lost our Borador. Harvey was such a good boy. No problems and so loving. Just wanted to be with us. Wasn't until we lost him that we came aware of the breed. Would love to try to find another dog. Have to say that after having him there is no other type of dog we would ever consider.
Borador Breed Review by Jean
I have had dogs all my life also Showed & bred Dobermans. I was a Professional Dog Groomer for many years now retired. Have been looking for a second dog but my smaller dog is not Friendly with All dogs so I had to take this under consideration. I never heard of this breed before! I decided to Adopt from the Shelter but have not seen one that I was interested in until I saw this puppy on the Shelters App. There was just something about her that caught my interest🤔🐾 So I Adopted her, well she has been challenging to say the least! There was one other person that Adopted her but returned back to the Shelter in a week. I have no idea where she came from the Shelter said was living on the Streets but I believe there is More to the Story! She has come a Long ways since I brought her home. The Vet at the Shelter said there was Labrador in her but one look and watching her behaviors I decided the other half was Border Collie. Her Coloring also made me come to that decision also, I have Owned some Very Athletic Dogs all different each one was So different in their ways! The Female Doberman was a year old when I purchased her, absolutely no Training and was Beautiful but Wild, when She was Trained I Hired a Handler to get her AKC Championship. Her name was Star & was an American also Canadian Champion after she was retired from The Ring also had 2 litters of puppies. Then after her breeding days where over, was trained by the Sheriff’s Department to become a Search Dog for Drugs! I have had Aussies, and a Blue Heeler! But this Cross is Amazing, as both are so Highly Intelligent!! I hopefully have Many Future Plan’s for Bella.Today I had her in the nearby Public Park as She is still Leary of Strangers and other Dogs. As I was Leaving this man came towards me walking his Dog, it was identical to mine only larger also a Male. But the marking where the same. I said to him they look a like he also got the Dog from the same Shelter!!
Borador Breed Review by Manny Apodaca
In 2015 I was given a 2-year-old rescue dog that just happened to be a Borador. He was quiet and sweet, and I just immediately bonded with him. He had obviously been beaten, he was afraid to bark or make noise, and he spent the first week in a corner of the living room. The first notable thing I noticed about him was his intelligence. He was bilingual and responded to cues in Both English and Spanish. His passion is taking long walks though woodsy or hilly areas. It was in one of these woodsy areas where I became aware of another gift. My dog Taavi is a natural tracker. He has taken me on some great walks. Form tracking bobcats or coyotes or finding leaky natural gas meter in Urban North Texas. Borador had a natural passion to go out and find things. Occasionally Taavi comes into the bathroom while I am getting ready for work and takes a seat in front of a door mirror with his back to me. He watches me talk to him while looking into the mirror. He sees his reflection and my reflection. Over time I have come to the belief that he is mimicking me. Now that is very special. He is loving and sweet and I am so blessed to be a part of his life. I will find another when the time comes.
Borador Breed Review by Sarah
We loved our Borador so much. She was very intelligent and loved people. She was much calmer than our Border Collie and help him settle down and obey commands quicker.
Borador Breed Review by Elza
I still own her. Very Intelligent. Very active. Loveable. Perfect. Very good watchdog pet and part of family.
Borador Breed Review by Justin
My darter
Borador Breed Review by Jeremy D Dannar
I just lost my borador Rex today. So broken hearted. Best dog I've ever had. I miss him so much already. Chocolate lab/collie mix.
Borador Breed Review by Billy W Smith
Borador Breed Review by vinct
Borador Breed Review by Carol Lonergan
We have a broader Male who is 12 years old. Perfect dog. Well behaved and loves people. Very obedient
Borador Breed Review by Colm
Boradors are the best . Nothing else compares for us .
Borador Breed Review by Alyssa
Borador Breed Review by Brenda
Amazing dogs!
Borador Breed Review by Chris Johnson
I miss my buddy so much. He was such a good dog and so smart there was little to nothing that he wasn't able to learn. Boarodor was the best dog I've ever had the pleasure of knowing he was with me for 12 years and he was so loyal a loving member of our family but typically favors one. High energy and needs to be worn out a tired dog is a good dog. He loved to play and was always ready. You have to be dedicated to these dogs they love the bond. These dogs need mental stimulation. The more you do with it the more they will surprise you.
Borador Breed Review by Jfyt
Borador Breed Review by Brenda Mottram
We adopted a one and a half year old labrador mix and through Google lens it looks like he is a borador as he is exactly like them. He is the sweetest dog and was extremely easy to train. He is now 8 years old and still extremely active. He gets to swim and chase balls every day. Definitely a dog that needs to be kept busy
Borador Breed Review by Angelina Aguinaga
Borador Breed Review by Aubrey Holmes
Borador Breed Review by Jeff
My Zoe passed 2/12/2021. She was the smartest, most protective and most playful dog I have had. I have only had 5 pet dogs in my life and she had the best of all that is important in a dog. I miss her dearly. I would take a Borador every time.
Borador Breed Review by Francis Aranha
Borador Breed Review by Joe Makowski
Borador Breed Review by Prem kumar s/o Annappa t
Borador Breed Review by Annie Lampron
We had a borador, will never forget him, he was totaly perfect: handsome, intelligent and sociable.
Borador Breed Review by Anonymous
These dogs are amazing. They are smart, good listeners, and are great with kids. I have a borador and he is the sweetest dog in the world. They do need lots exercise though are else they get super energetic and chew stuff up. I hope this helps!
Borador Breed Review by thomas knoll
Borador Breed Review by Julie
We have had our borador Jazmyn for 7 years. She is an amazing dog. She’s a great exercise partner, loves following me while working in the garden, or follows the kids outside she wants to be right there with them to keep an eye so Jazmyn is a great “ nanny” dog. She’s also comfortable just snuggled next to your feet while ya watch a movie. They’re great family dogs. She’s done great with our 3 kids. We got her when our oldest was 3 and a half. Only negative about the breed is that they’re a bit too protective of their family. Makes it a bit hard to take her to parks and around large groups of people she doesn’t know. She doesn’t want strangers near the kids in ways that can be a plus. This is my breed of choice.
Borador Breed Review by Lisa Kuper
Borador Breed Review by Hunter
Borador Breed Review by Bec Smith
The most gentle, kind, smart, funny, loyal, sensible, and loving breed I have ever had. Our Borador boy bought us 12 years of absolute unconditional love and joy. He never angrily growled or snapped in his whole life, & he had the most adorable character. He could be trusted with anything.... except for unattended food. He definitely had the tummy of a Lab!
Borador Breed Review by Jennifer
Borador Breed Review by Rachael
Dog of a lifetime!!!! We rescued Dory from a friend who grabbed her and her siblings from a kill shelter in Roanoke. Reading everyone's reviews has brought back so many wonderful memories. She took to so many ques, meaning she had great instincts of right and wrong. Very active breed and great with agility training but very social and non-aggressive. She knew the names of her toys, hand commands (which came in handy after her 13th year) she knew the boundaries of our unfenced front yard and did not go past, all on her own. We could walk her without a leash, pass other dogs who would bark and she stayed by my side. Shed like crazy, but that's to be expected in both breeds. She gave us 15 amazing years and we cannot wait to find another :)
Borador Breed Review by Carol Luppes
I have been an owner of a borador and want another.
Borador Breed Review by Mrs Rachel Munroe
We had a lab mix with a small dog that grew to 30 lbs. We miss her very much. Had her for nearly 14 years. Would like to get one a little smaller 20 to 25 lbs around $500.
Borador Breed Review by Arline Gaudet
Borador Breed Review by Joshua
Amazing companion and always very loyal. Good listeners and pretty active. Great watchdog and also very curious. Slightly mischievous and sheds moderately.
Borador Breed Review by Barbara Tantillo
My son has a boxador.She is amazing and loving. She loves kids and people don’t understand when she jumps are you, she wants to play. Harper is getting better from jumping on people. She is not a watch dog. Harper would lay down on her back and then she wants you to rub her stomach. I love her and the being she is.
Borador Breed Review by Rich
Borador Breed Review by Amy
Borador Breed Review by Heather
Borador Breed Review by Colleen Wagley
Great mix! Smart as a whip like a border collie but the lab makes them calmer than a border collie. Protective of home and family extremely loyal and loving.
Borador Breed Review by Joan Graf
we had a wonderful borador rescued in 2010. We lost her to cancer in October and have been looking for another young puppy female.
Borador Breed Review by Paul Cieslewicz
Smartest Dog i ever owned looking for a new Male
Borador Breed Review by Caitlin
My borador is my best friend, she is so loyal and caring. I can trust her around other dogs, animals, babies and people. I adopted her from a shelter and wish she could live forever.
Borador Breed Review by Leah
They are cute
Borador Breed Review by Allison
Best dog ever! Loyal, smart, obedient, sweet, loving, great with kids, dogs, cats! Can’t say enough about this mix.
Borador Breed Review by Omid Y.
What can I say about this breed. They are amazing dogs. The happiest breed you will ever find. they have the best personalities you will see in a canine and there is no other breed like them. They are active and love to play with toys and have zero agressions in them. My borador of 8 years passed away 3 days ago and I miss her very dearly. She was always active and the fastest dog at the park. The downside of this breed is that they are prone to get diagnosed with cancer. My dog had osteosarcoma which is a form of bone cancer and in a year and half time after a leg amputation and chemo ended her life. You can not go wrong with this breed, they will bring you joy and leave a print on your heart like no other. I would recommend doing a raw food diet to make sure no cancerous agents enter their body.
Borador Breed Review by J R Rutherford
We have had Molly for one and one/half year. We have had golden retrievers, an Irish setter, and a pit bull along the way. Molly, our board or is the sweetest dog and is the best companion dog I’ve ever had. Anyone with a chance of acquiring one should do so.
Borador Breed Review by J R Rutherford
We have had Molly for one and one/half year. We have had golden retrievers, an Irish setter, and a pit bull along the way. Molly, our board or is the sweetest dog and is the best companion dog I’ve ever had. Anyone with a chance of acquiring one should do so.
Borador Breed Review by Anastasia
Borador Breed Review by Katelyn
We got our Borador as a free to good home. He is the sweetest thing ever. Hyper, but sweet. House training was easy. Messes are still made daily. Bones are worth investing in bulk, he likes to chew. Follows us around like a shadow, and wont get too far out of our site. Loves the chase our chickens. Once he calms down, he is a great cuddler. We haven't had him long and he is already the best dog we have ever had! I would get another ten times over!
Borador Breed Review by Alexander & Linda Smith
We rescued our Borador puppy from instant death along side a busy roadway. She was the most loving, loyal, intelligent and personable (she talked) I could ever hope to own. My wife's and my heart were broken when was ambushed by lymphoma at the age of 12 and died while resting comfortably and lovingly in my arms on 12/24/15.
Borador Breed Review by Wendy Bright
My Dasher is 12 years old on July 1, 2018. He was a kill shelter rescue; and lady luck smiled on us both the day I adopted him. He was diagnosed with hip dysplasia from an injury at 9 months and got gold bead treatment in Marion Indiana which has stopped the extreme symptoms so that he is still healthy and active. His temperament is so wonderful that almost every other dog or cat like him after spending a short time with him. People too. He is smart as a whip and as a puppy could learn 4 or 5 tricks in a day. He has always wanted to please so much that he is mostly obedient with the exception of when the requests seem ridiculous to him. He is smart, smart, smart. He has the thick (shedding) Border Collie coat with feathers on the ears and tail, with a wider Lab head. Very soft coat in the basic black and white "tuxedo" similar to a border. Now that he is older and settled down a bit, he is a perfect gentleman and patient as can be. You can't go wrong if you want a best friend whose beautiful, smart, loving, loyal and compassionate. I wouldn't get another breed since I'm spoiled now.
Borador Breed Review by Michael Damiani
At 10 months old, we rescued a black lab/ border collie mix, before we even knew the term Borador. Riley was the best dog we ever had, too smart for his own good at times, but playful and friendly and good with children. We are very sad that Riley, at age 13, passed this past weekend, if we were to get another dog, i would want another Borador.
Borador Breed Review by Jay
I got my Borador from a shelter 10 years ago and he has been the greatest dog I have ever had. Very friendly and loves everyone, great with kids, and incredibly smart. He was housebroken by the third day we had him, and learns new commands and tricks in usually only one training session. Boradors can be very high energy, though, so be prepared to give them lots of exercise. During his first year of life I took him on a 40 minute walk every morning and took him to the dog park for an hour of rough housing every day after work. Now, he's getting older so a 5-10 minute game of fetch is enough before he goes back to snoozing on the couch. If you don't mind putting the time in for exercise, you won't find a better dog. I would get another Borador in a heartbeat.
Borador Breed Review by Shelby
where is this puppy located? and how much for ?
Borador Breed Review by Holly
Borador Breed Review by Michael Jones
I have one and love him...very smart. Loves to hunt deer and ducks.
Borador Breed Review by Michael Jones
I have one and love him...very smart. Loves to hunt deer and ducks.
Borador Breed Review by Anthony
Best dog evet
Borador Breed Review by kate
Ours was a free puppy that came as a bonus when we bought a cow. The bitch was on the farm, they knew the father was the neighbor's black lab. Oreo was the largest puppy in the litter and one of two left. He looks like he's wearing a tuxedo and he's probably the smartest dog we've ever had, including a golden retriever/german shepherd/laborador. He weighs seventy-five pounds and sheds like a horse (a lot) in the spring. He's a very friendly dog, but Jehovah's witnesses think he's frightening. He loves everyone but one of our neighbors, who is absolutely terrified of him. When the kids go out into the yard, he watches them. He tries to herd us back into the house when we've been on long car rides. If the cattle get loose, he tries to herd them back into the barn. He has killed a fisher that got into our backyard, and driven off a young raccoon that was in our front yard. He's killed rats and only once has he ever tried to attack a porcupine. Mr. Porcupine can still be spotted ambling along our driveway at in all his bulky glory. Oreo loves to chase bikes and outrun our car. A great family dog with a lot of energy and, as with all mutts, you have no idea how big one's going to get. Probably the perfect farm dog. Our biggest problem was teaching him to race the cars rather than chase them--we live next to a truck route. I would not ever advise this dog for a city or a large town unless the owner is a marathon runner with hours of free time on his hands.
Borador Breed Review by rgina
I love our dog bought from here would love another she's great
Borador Breed Review by Marguerite
I got a puppy from a shelter in Alabama...I found out it was a Chocolate Lab and Border Collie...the best dog I've ever owned...she was so sweet..I want another one just like her...
Borador Breed Review by Angelina
Adorable well tempered smart dogs.
Borador Breed Review by Painter33
Simply the best of both breeds. Our girl is extremely intelligent, has a huge vocabulary (words she responds to), can reason and act when presented with a problem, and can differentiate among her toys by name. Added to that is her absolute sweetness and gentle nature with children and adults. She's now 5 and acts like a puppy in many ways - will do the puppy ducking and jumping with puppies she meets. She's has pretty sturdy legs like a solid Lab has and has a rough around her neck like a Border Collie, but mostly is taken for a Labbie until people see the white heart shape on her chest and her two white back paws. She's a very beautiful girl. She has learned various tasks in one training session - brings in our paper but won't touch anyone else's when we walk. She learned to pick up our paper after I once just put it in her mouth and had her carry it and follow me into the house. That was it! No real training, just showed her what to do. I can't imagine a better mix than a Borador.
Borador Breed Review by Rosa
Amazing dog!! Very friendly
Borador Breed Review by Dee
I owned my Daisy for 13 years. Can\'t say enough about how much I loved her. She just died of cancer. All of her life she was a great protector of my family, traveled everywhere we went. Loved the water and of course her tennis ball. Great with kids, and cats, and other dogs. The best dog I ever had!! Would highly recommend to anyone wanting a family dog.
Borador Breed Review by PETE F
Borador Breed Review by Scott
Hyper. Hyper. Smart. Loving, Will take time to housebreak due to beng hyper. When the lite goes yuo will see it in their face. Great, Fun dog. Did i say hyper?
Borador Breed Review by Lauren K
I got a Borador puppy from my local shelter approximately 2 years ago. She has been the smartest decision I have ever made. My dog fits right along the standard traits of a Borador: extremely friendly, smart, and has probably the most adorable face (she\'s a little over two and still has a puppy face that makes you melt). She requires lots of toys. The Nylabone made for the extreme chewers works well. Do Not get any toys with stuffing, it just causes a huge mess for you. The best toys I\'ve found for her were the stuffing-less "friends" with the big smiles. She loves them and they last a long time. She was house trained in about 2 days and crate trained in half a week, it was spectacular. My Borador is extremely smart, but extremely stubborn. She knows commands but chooses to ignore them sometimes because of this I have been contemplating professional training. Don\'t get me wrong, she does not misbehave. Boradors and mine along with the standard are extremely excitable, so much so it\'s difficult to contain sometimes. It\'s typically only a problem when you have guests. I\'ve taken to having my guests call me when they are almost to my house and then I will take my dog outside to greet them, but they won\'t acknowledge her until she is calm. My Borador again falls right in line with the standard. She is the best companion. She loves company(although is crate trained for work days). She follows me around everywhere and loves to snuggle and watch tv. I have anxiety and depression issues, and after I got her, my mood has been greatly lifted. My Borador is about 50 pounds and is about 18 inches tall. She is a great apartment dog. Overall I have no complaints about the breed. I have enjoyed everything about having a Borador and I hope more information about them continues to come out. If you are thinking about getting a Borador, and want a friendly, happy, snuggly, smart, mid-sized dog. DO IT. It will be the best decision of your life.