Why Do Dogs Steal Things? (And How to Prevent It)

Have you ever wondered where a remote or your favorite shoe has disappeared to even though you were sure you put it in the right place? You might find it later stashed away with other treasures your dog has stolen. Dogs sometimes steal things as a way to get attention but there may also be other reasons behind the behavior. So why do dogs steal things? Here’s what you need to know:
Why Do Dogs Steal Things?
If you have a dog who loves to take your things like shoes, a blanket, or your favorite sweatshirt, you might be a little frustrated and wondering why they act this way. There can be a variety of reasons for this behavior and to help train them out, you need to find the root cause.
5 Reasons Dogs Steal Things
Here are a few reasons dogs may steal things:
1. They Think it’s a Fun Game
Dogs are conditioned by your reaction to something they do. If they figure out a certain behavior gets your attention, they will repeat it. When they steal something of yours, you stop and try to get it back from them. They see this back and forth as a fun game so they keep wanting to play!
2. Your Dog is a Puppy
Much like human children, dogs go through development phases. As your puppy grows, they’re learning how to interact with the world. They want to chew and play with things, but they haven’t learned what is appropriate yet. This is why puppy-proofing your home is a good idea as it sets boundaries and expectations early.
3. They Are Bored
One of the most common reasons your dog is stealing something is because it’s a sign your dog is bored. Just like dogs think it’s a fun game, dogs who are bored will steal something and hope that someone will notice and engage with them. This again reinforces that the behavior is guaranteed to get attention, so they just keep stealing whatever they can.
4. You Have a Working Breed Dog
Working breed dogs often have a high drive to high drive to hunt, chase, or do something. They need a job to do to be happy and healthy. This innate nature may not be properly stimulated, causing your dog to steal your things. These breeds need to have a proper outlet for this instinct. This isn’t something that you can train away, but you can train them to channel it constructively!
5. They’re Resource Guarding
Resource guarding in dogs sometimes can cause dogs to steal things like food and toys and they may guard these things from their owners or other dogs. Dogs may growl or drag food away if they feel threatened or are showing signs of jealousy. This behavior can be very mild or it can become more aggressive if not addressed properly.
How to Stop a Dog From Stealing Things
Once you’ve figured out the cause or causes of the behavior, now you can begin to work on training them to stop. Here’s how to stop a dog from stealing things:
1. Stop Encouraging the Behavior
The first thing to do is to stop encouraging your dog’s behavior. They love the reaction and attention it gets them so stopping it can help them learn it’s not welcome. While it might be tough to not react, it’ll be helpful in the long run. Avoiding reinforcing unwanted behavior while consistently rewarding the behavior you want to see are key dog training tips.
If your dog steals an object, don’t immediately chase after them. Most dogs love games of chase, so they’ll steal things to get you to chase them. If they do steal something, try ignoring them. Wait a few minutes and see if they get bored and drop the object or forget about it. Calmly pick it up and stow it away. Once your dog learns it’s no fun to steal something, the behavior should decrease.
2. Puppy-Proof Your Home
If your puppy is starting to steal things, you should implement some puppy-proofing around your home. However, this is a good practice to implement for any new dog that comes to live with you until they learn boundaries and expectations.
Make sure attractive objects like shoes are kept out of sight, like in a closet or hamper. Having trash cans with secure lids is also important so dogs can’t steal trash or tip them over, making a huge mess for you.
Keep remotes or extra pillows off your couch and coffee table until your dog has learned to leave them alone. Eliminating the source of temptation early may prevent the behavior from ever beginning. However, this isn’t a guarantee, so be prepared to work on more training.
3. Work on Certain Commands
Commands are a helpful way to curb the stealing behavior. These commands can teach your dog a certain object is not theirs and to leave it alone. Some basic commands every dog should know that can help discourage stealing are “leave it” and “drop it”.
“Leave it” is a great way to teach your dog to ignore an object or some food that has dropped on the floor. If your dog approaches something they should not have, a direct “leave it” tells them it’s off-limits. Reinforce this command with training treats. Every time they ignore something they shouldn’t have, reward them with a treat and praise. Soon they’ll learn that when they hear the command and leave the object alone, they’ll get some extra attention and maybe even a treat!
The “drop it” command is especially useful if your dog has already taken the object. To teach this command when they have something in their mouth, say the command and offer them a treat. When they drop whatever is in their mouth, give them a treat and praise them. You can also offer them something else, like a toy, to redirect their attention.
4. Make Sure Your Dog is Getting Enough Mental Stimulation
All dogs need both physical and mental exercise. A bored dog is going to look for some fun and inevitably, that may get them into trouble. Physical exercise is great for preventing your dog from becoming bored, but they also need mental stimulation on top of physical exercise.
Mental stimulation comes in a few forms. Simply letting your dog sniff while out on walks provides some good mental stimulation. Sniffing is how your dog connects to their surroundings, which helps their brain get enough exercise, too. You can further encourage this instinct by playing indoor scent games with your dog. This is a great way to let your dog indulge in sniffing if you need to keep a walk short due to weather conditions.
Make sure your dog has a variety of toys to play with. Choose safe toys they can chew so they don’t get injured or choke on a toy. Puzzle toys and other challenging toys for dogs are another option that encourages mental stimulation. To keep things feeling fresh, rotate toys every week or so. This way, your dog doesn’t get bored with all of their toys at once and it may even feel like they’re getting new toys!
Fetch is another way to encourage mental stimulation and physical exercise. Not every dog loves fetch so don’t force your dog to play if they are not interested. However, fetch is a great game for many hunting breeds. This lets them use their hunting instinct in a controlled way.
5. Work on Resource Guarding
If your dog is exhibiting resource guarding, there are ways to help your dog stop this food aggression and stealing other resources. If you feel unequipped to work on this behavior alone, don’t be afraid to ask your vet for advice or reach out to a good trainer.
If you want to try on your own, it may be a slow process so just be aware you might not see immediate progress. Dogs that resource guard may feel like they won’t be able to get food and water when they need it, so sometimes they steal it for later. Setting up a feeding station is a great way for your dog to see that their food and water are easily accessible.
You also want your dog to be comfortable with you being around while they eat. You want to communicate to them that you aren’t there to take food and water away. Try talking to your dog from a distance while they eat. Gradually get closer, keeping an eye out for any dog body language that may signal distress. Repeat this process and drop treats until you can be fairly close.
Once they’re comfortable with your proximity, keep interacting with them, again looking for signs of any distress. If your dog seems calm and comfortable, offer them a treat. Once they take it, walk away. Repeat this a few times. Doing this will reinforce the idea that you’re there to provide them with a resource rather than take it away. This should help your dog stop stealing resources and toys.
Why do dogs steal things? When dogs steal things, they’re trying to tell you something. Hopefully, this guide helps you discern what your dog is trying to communicate so that you can make them feel happy and cared for.