Why Do Dogs Run Away?

If your dog has ever run away, you know how awful it feels. It feels even worse when it seems that they run away on purpose. If this becomes a routine occurrence, it’s important to find out the cause. So, why do dogs run away? Here are a few reasons why dogs might run away:
1. They Are Bored
When dogs are bored, they often find ways to entertain themselves. This is one of the biggest signs your dog is bored and sometimes, this leads to trouble. Running away due to boredom is a very popular cause. They look for something to do and that thing is a little exploration around their surroundings.
Make sure your dog is well-exercised and entertained. Having plenty of mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise. If your dog isn’t bored, they are much less likely to try and escape for an adventure. There are plenty of ways to keep your dog from getting bored, like offering them plenty of games and toys to play with.
2. Your Dog is Scared
Sometimes scary noises like fireworks or thunderstorms can cause dogs to run away. These are very common fears and phobias in dogs. Loud booms can cause even the most calm dogs to hide. They can panic and may even jump through windows and over fences to get away from the noise.
Be sure your dog is secure and safe in case of thunderstorms or fireworks. Set up a safe space they can retreat to in cases of loud noises. Ensuring they have a safe spot will help them calm down and not run away. Implementing some of these tactics can help keep your dog calm during a storm or fireworks.
3. They’re Experiencing Separation Anxiety
When dogs experience separation anxiety, they find ways to soothe themselves. Sometimes this involves chewing, scratching, digging, and running away. When your dog has separation anxiety, there are some things you can do to help.
It may take some work of counterconditioning and desensitization to help your dog. Creating positive experiences during times of transition is just one way you can help your dog be less anxious. It can be a long process but it’s worth it to help your dog adjust.
4. They’re Looking for a Mate
It’s the call of the wild and your dog is not immune to it. Even dogs that are neutered or spayed may run away to find a mate. If your male dog can smell a female dog in heat, they will try their hardest to find that dog. And females that aren’t spayed and in heat will try to find a mate.
Unless you’re a responsible breeder, it’s very important to spay or neuter your dog. Even though spayed and neutered dogs may still try to find a mate, that desire won’t be quite as strong and can help keep your dog from getting lost.
5. Your Dog Wants to Chase
If your dog has a high prey drive, they may run away to chase whatever has caught their eye. Dogs with a high prey drive tend to be some of the most active dog breeds so it’s important to keep them occupied.
If your dog tends to chase after squirrels or other animals, be sure they are well secured in your yard or leashed up if you’re on a walk or at a park. You can also work on training to redirect their prey drive and channel that energy into something else, like dog sports. This is one of the tips for managing prey drive in dogs.
These are a few reasons why dogs run away. Remember, they aren’t doing it on purpose to frustrate you. If they’re scared or bored, be sure to find ways to soothe them or keep them entertained. Doing so will keep your dog safe and secure at home where they belong.