16 Ways to Exercise With Your Dog

Exercising is beneficial to both your and your dog’s health. It can keep you and your dog physically healthy, alleviate stress, and also be fun! Here are a few ways to exercise with your dog:
1. Go for Walks
Probably the most common form of exercise, going on a walk is a great way to spend time with your dog and get some exercise. Walking is a good exercise to begin with, especially if you are not usually physically active. It’s customizable and can be an easy-going, low-impact exercise. It can also be a light exercise to help relieve dog hiccups.
Walks are great for dogs who don’t need a lot of physical exercise or older dogs. It’s also good for puppies who are growing and can’t do too much high-intensity activity. As puppies grow, they need to be careful about how much physical activity they do in order to let their bones and joints grow properly.
Going on a walk also allows your dog to explore their environment in a safe way. Your dog will want to do plenty of sniffing on your walk, so make sure you have time for that. Letting your dog sniff is a great way to help them learn their environment and is a useful dog walking tip.
2. Run Together
If you enjoy running, this can be another great exercise for you and your dog to do together. For dogs that need more exercise, running offers a better outlet for active dogs. There are quite a few dog breeds that make great running partners, but if your dog seems interested, give it a try.
If your dog is younger than two years old, you should not run with them until they are fully grown. Puppies finish growing at different rates. So, make sure you clear new activities with your vet to avoid damaging joints and bones that are still developing.
Be aware of any signs of overexertion and exhaustion in your dog. Take a few breaks every now and then unless they are used to long runs. For dogs that have short snouts, running is not advisable, and running will be hard on older dogs.
If your dog is well-trained in off-leash behavior, it might be beneficial running without a leash. If that’s not the case, it might be a good idea to try a hands-free leash.
3. Explore With Hiking
A bit more intense form of walking, hiking is another great exercise to do with your pup. Hiking with your dog allows you both to experience nature and explore a new area. If this is a new experience for your dog, try shorter hikes at first to allow them to acclimate to the terrain.
4. Go for a Swim
If your dog loves the water, swimming is a great exercise you two can do together. Swimming is a good, low-impact sport so it’s a great activity for senior dogs with joint issues. Just be sure your dog is comfortable in the water. Using life jackets is an important safety tip for swimming with your dog.
Provide plenty of water so your dog doesn’t drink lake or pool water. And keep a watchful eye on your pup, even if they are very confident in the water. Keep swimming sessions short, with a max of 15-20 minutes before taking a break.
5. Try Dock Diving
Dock diving is another fun sport that gives you and your dog some exercise. Dock diving, or dock jumping, is a great dog sport for dog breeds that love water. Dogs jump from a dock into a body of water while retrieving a toy. Jumps can be judged by distance, height, or both.
To train your pup for this popular dog sport, start by playing fetch in bodies of water, then graduate to diving. Be sure your dog is comfortable and confident in swimming as well as diving into the water. This is another exercise that requires a watchful eye.
6. Play Frisbee
Many dogs love catching things. Teaching your dog to play frisbee gives both you and your dog some exercise. This is also a good activity to play with friends who also have dogs. If your dog doesn’t play fetch, this might not be the right activity for them.
7. Try Scent Work
Scent work is a great way to exercise with your dog, mentally and physically. A dog’s sense of smell is one of their most powerful senses and scent work encourages them to refine it. The great thing about scent work is you can easily customize the level of activity best for you and your dog. It can be done outdoors or there are some fun indoor scent games for dogs to try.
Scent work is a fun activity for any dog and owner. If you want to really exercise your dog well, try planning games that use a whole yard or home. You’ll get exercise by planning out the route and placing the treats or things for your dog to find. Your dog will have much more ground to cover and hopefully will be well exercised.
For smaller or less active dogs, try a smaller area. Stick to a small part of your yard or one floor of your home. You and your dog can still get exercise, but it won’t be as physically demanding.
8. Relax With Dog Yoga
Sometimes called Doga, dog yoga can be a great way to bond with your dog in a low-key exercise. Doing yoga with your dog nearby can encourage them to relax and bond with you. Keep your pup close to you and try to work in some easy poses for them to try as well.
Poses like downward dog are especially easy for dogs to catch onto. Compass pose, happy baby pose, and supine twist pose are also poses your dog can participate in. During Savasana, pet your pup (if they’re okay with it) to encourage more bonding. It also can release hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin. These chemicals can help you and your dog relax.
9. Work Up a Sweat With Circuit Training
Circuit training is another exercise that can be done with anyone at any exercise level. You simply pick a few different exercises to do and rotate through them. To involve your dog, get them to perform tricks while you work your way through different exercises.
For example, if one of your exercises is sit-ups, ask your dog for a hi-five each time you sit up. Or, if you do jumping jacks, encourage your dog to jump with you if possible. If you have done work to train your dog not to jump up, make sure you use a specific command to avoid training regression and to ensure you are not confusing your dog.
Another fun way to involve your dog is by teaching them to bring certain equipment to you. If your dog is small enough and comfortable with it, you could use them for reps instead of a dumbbell or kettlebell.
10. Introduce Agility Training
Agility training is a great activity if both you and your dog like to be active. Agility training has your dog run through an agility course, full of obstacles they must run around or get through. Since you will guide them through the course, it’s a great workout for you because you need to keep up with your dog.
While this dog sport is commonly seen with highly active dogs, like Australian Shepherds, it can be modified for any breed and activity level. If your dog is quick to learn and likes doing tricks, agility training could be a great fit for them.
11. Play Some Tennis
No, your dog will not be able to play tennis with you as a person could! But, if you’re hoping to work on your serve or swing, take your dog along! Have your dog stand on the other side of the net and let them catch your serves and bring the balls back to you.
This is great for breeds that are natural retrievers, like Labrador Retrievers or Golden Retrievers. But if your dog loves playing fetch, it could be a great fit as well.
12. Get Up and Dance
Yes, you can dance with your dog. Dancing is a great way to exercise, especially if you don’t enjoy traditional exercises like running. For informal dance exercises, put on some music and dance. Encourage your pup to join in by having them perform some tricks with you. Dance is also an easy trick you can teach your dog and they can perform it during your dance sessions!
You can also try choreographing a dance routine to music of your choice. Have your pooch run between your legs or jump over hoops to get them moving. They can also perform other tricks, while both of you get a fun workout. Dancing can be great for burning calories as well as building stamina and balance. It is also a great stress reliever so it helps lower blood pressure.
If you want to compete formally, Canine Freestyle is a popular dog sport. During Freestyle, you and your dog will perform a dance routine to music. Incorporate tricks to make it look like you’re dancing together. These tricks can include heeling, weaving, jumping, and even paw work.
13. Play Some Soccer
If you enjoy watching or playing soccer, why not get your dog into the sport? Try to find soccer-style exercise balls designed for dogs. Make sure to get the right size for your particular breed so a smaller dog isn’t trying to work with a ball too large for them. You can use a regular soccer ball, but be very careful not to kick the ball directly at your dog’s face and body.
To play soccer with your dog, kick the ball and encourage your dog to try to kick it back using their paws or nose. It may take some patience and practice but you’ll have fun teaching your dog a new sport!
14. Go For a Bike Ride
Now, biking with your dog may sound precarious, but with the right training process and equipment, it’s a great way to exercise with your dog provided they are a good fit for the activity. Your dog should be leash-trained, cleared by the vet for higher-impact activities, and already comfortable with either walks or runs. They also need to have the endurance, stamina, and drive to be capable of and want to do long runs to be able to keep up with you on a bike.
Make sure you have the right harness and leash to keep both you and your dog safe during biking. Once you have those components, start with small steps. Introduce your dog to the bike so they can be comfortable with it. Once they are comfortable around the bike, try biking with your dog, but start at a slow pace.
Once they’ve mastered running while you bike, start using basic commands. Commands like “stop”, “go”, and “slow down” can be used during biking to communicate with your dog. This can keep both you and your dog safe while you both get some great exercise!
15. Pull Your Dog in a Bike Trailer
If you want to bring your dog along on a bike ride, but they are not able to run or shouldn’t be running alongside you, you can get a comfortable bike trailer for your dog to ride in that you can pull along behind you.
The trailer should be comfortable for your dog, ensure they can see and get plenty of air, and make sure they are safely secured. Not only does this allow your dog to be with you while you go on bike rides and experience the outdoors, but pulling the trailer with your dog also adds some extra strength and resistance training to your normal bike ride.
16. Visit the Dog Park
Off-leash play is a great way to exercise with your dog and is best done at a local dog park. Running and playing while off leash allows your dog to decide how much activity they want to do until they are tired. You will get a workout as you try to keep up with your dog! Dog parks are also a great way to keep your dog active in the winter.
Dog parks also offer your dog the chance to socialize and explore a new area. This stimulation is necessary for any dog. Before you allow your dog off-leash at a dog park with other dogs, you should know how your dog behaves in this environment. It’s also good dog park etiquette to have your dog either complete some obedience training or brush up on some training skills.
These are just a few ways to exercise with your dog. Exercise is an important part of your dog’s health and it’s a fun way to spend time together!