13 Easy Tricks to Teach Your Dog

If you have mastered the basics of dog training, you might be looking for something more fun to teach your dog. Your dog could be eager to learn something more advanced or something easier might be more up your alley. Here are a few easy tricks to teach your dog:
1. Back Up
Teaching your dog to back up is not just a fun and easy trick, but it’s useful, too. Once your dog has mastered this trick, it can be really helpful in a variety of situations.
Use this command to prevent your dog from rushing into a crowd or from stepping in something they shouldn’t. It’s also useful when your dog is encroaching on your space and you need them to back up.
This can also be a useful command for doing some extra training at the door with your dog. It can help keep them further from the entryway when you need to open the door, keep them from rushing out, and is one of the ways to prevent your dog from getting lost.
2. Shake Paws
Shake paws is a classic and easy trick to teach your dog once they have the basic commands down. This is a fun way for your dog to greet guests or family members. Most dogs like using their paws for physical touch so they pick it up pretty quickly.
3. Wave
It is possible to teach a senior dog new tricks and this is an easy one. It’s also easy to teach your dog because it builds off of shaking paws. Once your dog has mastered this trick, it will be a fun way for your dog to greet or say goodbye to friends and family.
4. Give Kisses
This is one of the easiest tricks to teach your pooch. While this trick may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it can be fun for those who enjoy it. This trick can be a fun way for dogs to greet those who visit, as long as you ask first. It’s also one of the ways dogs show love.
This trick is also helpful since it can help prevent unwanted licking. Teaching your dog to give kisses when you ask will reinforce that the behavior is acceptable only when asked for it.
5. Speak
Another classic trick to teach your dog is to speak on command. This will look different in each dog. Some dogs like Huskies or Basset Hounds will take this opportunity to vocalize or howl loudly and exuberantly. Other breeds may simply yip or give a short bark.
This trick is also another helpful way in teaching your dog when it’s appropriate to bark. It can also help cut back on excessive barking as they learn they should only bark when you ask them to. There are a few other ways to train your dog to stop barking excessively, too.
6. Beg
Nothing is cuter than a dog begging for a treat on their hind legs. This is a very easy trick to teach your dog and will impress family and friends. Some dogs will pick this trick up immediately while others may take more coaxing. Simply holding a treat above their head usually gets them up on their hind legs.
7. Spin or Dance
This trick can take a bit more work but is still relatively easy for your dog to pick up. Hold a treat above their head and slowly move the treat in a circle. They’ll follow the treat, so once they complete the circle, reward them with a treat.
To get your dog to dance, you’ll need to get them on their hind legs a bit. Hold the treat up again and encourage them to spin. This is a fun trick that will impress friends and family. You can even teach your dog to smile on cue if it seems like something they will enjoy.
8. Sit Pretty
Sit pretty is a trick that is similar to beg; however, this trick has your dog balance on their hind legs. While they balance on their back legs, they raise their front paws. It’s a great trick and is perfect for photo poses!
Sit pretty is a good way to use the treat trick during photo sessions. If you’re wondering how to take your dog’s picture, a good place to start is by using treats to capture their attention!
9. Take a Bow
If you’ve ever seen two dogs play together, you might’ve seen them take a bow. Dogs frequently bow to one another since it’s their way of asking another dog to play. Plus, it’s a good way to tell if two dogs are playing or fighting.
It might seem like a somewhat difficult trick to teach your dog, but since they tend to do it naturally, it should be a little easier. Not only is it a cute trick, it’s a great way for them to wrap up a show and tell of their favorite tricks!
10. High Five
This is another trick that you can build off of shaking paws or waving. The only difference is in the position they hold their paw. Start by instructing your dog to wave and when they raise their paw, lightly touch your hand to their paw as if you were high-fiving a human.
This can be a fun trick for your dog to show off when people visit. Give your guest a treat to reward your dog after they high-five. Not only is it cute, but it can help your dog enjoy meeting strangers. Of course, if you see any signs your dog is stressed when meeting new people, like tucking in their tail, licking lips nervously, trying to hide, etc., it’s best to save the trick for people they know.
11. Watch Me
Watch me can be a very useful trick to teach your dog because it can help them focus on you. This is especially helpful when there might be some distractions going on around you and you need your dog to focus on you for safety. It’s also a useful command in agility training.
Dogs will make eye contact with their owners so to teach them the watch me trick, say “watch me” when they make direct eye contact with you. Reward them with a treat and repeat this process until they hold eye contact with you on command.
12. Wait
Wait is another useful trick to teach your dog. This is helpful if they tend to just bolt out the door when they go out for bathroom breaks or jump up on people. The command wait helps your dog focus on you and wait until they have the all-clear. Teaching your dog this command or other tricks is a helpful tip for smoother veterinarian visits.
13. Place
Just like watch me, place can be a fun trick that doubles as an important command for every dog to know. For this trick to work best, you need to have a designated place that your dog goes to for safety. This can be a dog bed or their crate, or even just a special spot in the home they go to when they feel scared or want alone time.
Telling your dog to go to their place can be useful. It can also help calm your dog during a thunderstorm. It’s also useful when you need them to wind down, like after some brisk playtime or a walk.
These are just a few easy tricks to teach your dog. Teaching your dog tricks is a fun activity but it’s also good for their mental stimulation. It is also one of the ways to keep your dog from getting bored. Plus, dogs love doing tricks for attention and treats!