6 Sun Protection Tips For Your Dog

Just like humans take protective measures against the sun, so should your dog. Dogs can experience sunburn and other sun-related injuries so it’s important to keep them safe and protected. Here are some sun protection tips for your dog:
1. Use Sunscreen
Yes, dogs should wear sunscreen. Just because dogs have fur to protect their skin from the elements doesn’t mean it fully protects them against the sun’s harmful rays. Protecting dogs from sun exposure is especially important for dogs with light skin as well as dog coat types with light hair, short fur, thin hair, or dogs with no hair. These dogs are at a higher risk for sunburn or skin cancer when left unprotected during sun exposure.
However, you can’t just apply any sunscreen to your dog. You need to look for a sunscreen specifically formulated for dogs. Make sure to avoid any product that contains zinc oxide or para-aminobenzoic acid. These ingredients are harmful to dogs and should not be used in any sunscreen meant for dogs.
About 10 minutes before heading outside into the bright sun, you should apply the dog-safe sunscreen liberally to your dog. Make sure to work it into their coat so it reaches their skin. Make sure to focus on sensitive areas like the nose, the inside of their ears, and their belly. Keep an eye on your dog for about 15 minutes so they don’t lick off the sunscreen while it sinks in. Reapply about every two hours.
2. Limit Sun Exposure
It’s important to make sure your dog isn’t exposed to this sun for very long, especially in the dog days of summer. If possible, try to stay out of the sun between 11 am and 3 pm, which is when the UV index is the highest. If you do need to be out during this time, make sure your dog has access to a shaded area.
It’s still important for your dog to exercise during the summer so make sure to get exercise either in the morning or in the evening when it’s not quite as hot. Remember to take it easy so they don’t overheat. There are plenty of ways to exercise with your dog that don’t require them to exert a lot of physical energy which can help prevent them from overheating.
3. Protect Their Paws
Asphalt and concrete can reach high temperatures when it’s hot out, which can burn your dog’s paws. Burned dog paws are no joke. Try to avoid these surfaces when it’s hot to keep your dog’s paws protected. If possible, walk your dog in grassy areas or consider walking early in the morning or the evening.
If you’re spending time at the beach, remember that sand can also be hot and can burn your dog. Protect your dog with a blanket to lie on and if possible, offer a shaded area under a tent or umbrella. These are some beach safety tips for dogs.
You can also protect your dog’s paws with booties. It might take your dog a bit of time to adjust to something on their paws but it will protect them from hot concrete and asphalt. You can also keep some paw care cream on hand to add a protective layer, especially if your dog is not getting on board with wearing boots.
4. Try Protective Clothing
Another way to protect your dog from harmful UV rays is to invest in protective clothing. Try a rash guard formulated with material that can block UV rays. Make sure the fabric is breathable and moisture-wicking to keep your dog cool and comfortable.
5. Keep Your Dog Hydrated
One of the best summer safety tips for dogs is to keep them hydrated! Hydration is important year-round but it’s especially important when your dog is in the sun. Get into the habit of carrying a water bottle and bowl if you’re going outside. Make sure your dog has access to plenty of water in your backyard or patio.
6. Cool Them Down With a Sprinkler
If your dog insists on spending a lot of time outside, help your dog stay cool by installing a sprinkler or mister. A sprinkler will help cool them down. Plus, it’s a fun activity that most dogs enjoy. It’s also a great activity for dogs who don’t enjoy swimming. It lets them have some fun with water without getting into a pool or lake.
These are just a few sun protection tips for your dog. There are plenty of fun dog-friendly summer activities you and your dog can enjoy together that can help you both beat the heat and stay protected and cool.