7 Spring Activities to Do With Your Dog

As the snow melts away and temperatures start rising, it’s time for you and your dog to stretch your legs and have some fun outside in the sun. Since dogs are sensitive to heat, you don’t want to overdo it, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun! Here are a few spring activities to do with your dog:
1. Give Your Dog a Spring Cleaning
Depending on how your dog feels about bathing and grooming, they may not enjoy this activity as much. However, it’s a good idea to take advantage of the seasonal change and make sure your dog’s coat is ready.
You should be keeping up with grooming in the winter, but dogs can still accumulate loose fur and more throughout the colder months. Depending on how your dog feels about water, an outdoor bath can be a fun activity for you both.
In addition to a warmer weather clip and cleanup for your dog, spring is also a good time to revisit your dog’s preventive medications. Warmer weather also brings more pests like fleas, ticks, and more. And, the trick with preventive treatments is that they only work if they are in place before your dog comes into contact with pests.
Year-round preventive treatment is one of the best ways to protect your dog from fleas, ticks, and heartworm and to prepare for tick season. Making sure all of these are in place and working is a great springtime activity to help keep your dog safe.
2. Attend a Dog Meet-Up
As long as your dog has been properly socialized, or you are socializing a puppy, attending a dog meet-up can be a great springtime activity for you and your dog. Dog-friendly parks, beaches, businesses, and more are all great spots for these local dog meet-ups.
They can be a great opportunity for you to meet other local dog owners and for your dog to meet some new friends. Dogs can learn and practice manners and sharing while also getting some ongoing socialization. Just make sure your dog is actually good with other animals before you go.
3. Hike Some Trails
Your dog loves spending time with you and often will be happy to just be with you doing something outside. Hiking with your dog can be a great activity to get some exercise after a long winter, explore a new area, and relax in nature.
Before you head out and hit the trails, make sure you take your dog’s abilities into account. Some dogs are a better fit for rugged outdoor adventures than others. Plus, you will want to put a dog-friendly bug spray on both you and your dog and check for ticks and other pests afterward.
4. Go on a Camping Trip
Camping with your dog can be a lot of fun! Not only can you both escape into nature for a bit, but you also get the chance to explore new areas and spend some quality time together. As long as both you and your dog are prepared for the trip, you’re bound to have a lot of fun.
Plus, if you plan ahead, you can find some other dog-friendly activities and attractions nearby to visit. You may be able to find interesting things to see or cool things to do like paddleboarding, canoeing, or kayaking with your dog.
5. Take Your Dog Swimming
If it’s warm enough and the water is warm enough, you can go swimming with your dog. Some dogs absolutely love water and others don’t. So, if your dog doesn’t like swimming, don’t force it. But, if your dog does like to swim, it’s a great low-impact activity to do with them.
6. Visit an Off-Leash Dog Park
An off-leash dog park is a great way for your dog to run free and still be safely secure in an area. This can be a great option for dogs with wanderlust, a high prey drive, or an urge to chase that should only be let off-leash in securely fenced areas.
It can also be a great way for your dog to meet some new canine friends and play. Plus, you can always fit in a quick game of fetch or play frisbee before you head back home.
7. Teach Them Something New
Spring is another great time to brush up on training and make sure your dog has mastered all the basic commands every dog should know. Once they have mastered the basics, you can teach them something new like responding to hand signals or a completely new trick. They’ll likely enjoy learning something new while also getting to spend some time with you.
These are just a few spring activities to do with your dog. Whether you just go for a walk, explore a new area, have an outdoor adventure, or something else, your dog will often just be happy to be active with you. Just bring plenty of water and monitor them to make sure they’re not overheating or overexerting themselves to keep up with you.