16 of the Smallest Dog Breeds

You may love dogs of all sizes, but you might have a preference in size when it comes to owning one. Some people may love big dogs and not have the space available for them while others may just prefer smaller dogs. If you’re considering getting a dog and know you want to stick with one that will stay small, here are just a few of the smallest dog breeds for you to consider:
1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a popular small dog breed. Even fully-grown, they only tend to stand about a foot tall and weigh less than 20 pounds!
Some facts about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are that they also have a friendly, sweet temperament and tend to get along well with children.
2. Chihuahua
When thinking about small dogs, the Chihuahua usually comes to mind. These dogs may only grow to be less than 10 inches tall and weigh around 6 pounds, but they are known to have big personalities. They are playful, charming, and little sassy.
3. Dachshund
The ever-popular “wiener dog” is a small dog that makes a beloved family companion. The Dachshund is longer than they are tall. Fully-grown, they tend to be under 10 inches tall and weigh 16-32 pounds. There are also Miniature Dachshunds that tend to be about 5-6 inches tall and tend to weigh less than 11 pounds.
4. Havanese
The Havanese is a friendly small dog that gets along well with children and has a playful nature. They are also a small dog breed that only grows to be less than a foot tall and weighs somewhere between 7-15 pounds.
5. Japanese Chin
The loving and playful Japanese Chin is loyal and affectionate with their families. They are also one of the smallest dog breeds! These dogs will stand less than a foot tall and weigh less than 20 pounds once fully-grown.
6. Maltese
The Maltese is known for their silky, all-white coat and their affectionate nature. They tend to get along well with children, and also don’t grow up to be very big. One of the facts about the Maltese is that they have a low-shedding coat. Fully grown, a Maltese tends to stand less than 10 inches tall and weigh less than 10 pounds.
7. Miniature Pinscher
When thinking about small dogs, another breed that comes to mind is the Miniature Pinscher. Min Pins are known for being another small dog with a big personality. They are energetic, playful, and tend to be great with children. Once fully-grown, they are usually less than a foot tall and weigh about 10 pounds.
8. Papillon
Papillon are sweet-natured dogs with a friendly disposition. They tend to fit in well with families as they get along great with children. They are intelligent and easy to train. Plus, if you’re looking for a small dog, the Papillon only grows to be less than a foot tall. They also only tend to weigh about 5-10 pounds.
9. Pekingese
The Pekingese is a quintessential lapdog. They love attention and affection. They also tend to have a fun-loving personality and get along well with children. And, they won’t grow to be very big. A fully-grown Pekingese clocks in at less than 10 inches tall and usually weighs somewhere between 7-14 pounds.
10. Pomeranian
When it comes to small dog breeds, who can forget the fluffy Pomeranian? These fluffballs are adorable, highly trainable, and affectionate dogs. Although their fluff can sometimes make them look bigger, a fully-grown Pom is usually less than foot tall and weighs less than 10 pounds.
11. Pug
Who could ignore that adorable wrinkly face? The Pug is a small dog breed that is friendly, playful, and loving. They make a great addition to any family and only grow to be less than a foot tall and weigh less than 20 pounds.
12. Schipperke
The Schipperke is a small, agile dog that loves their family. Although small, they have a big charming personality.
Some facts about Schipperkes are that they are lively, affectionate, energetic, and get along fantastically with children. They also only grow to be about a foot tall and weigh less than 20 pounds.
13. Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu fits right in with all types of families. They are affectionate, loving, loyal, and playful. They get along well with children and other pets.
Although they can be accidentally trained into barking a lot, one of the facts about the Shih Tzu is that they tend to be quiet dogs. Plus, they only grow to be less than a foot tall and weigh somewhere between 9-16 pounds.
14. Silky Terrier
This small dog breed is known for their intelligence and sweet demeanor. Some facts about Silky Terriers are that they get along well with children and other pets and love being a lapdog. The lapdog life suits the Silky Terrier well because they only grow to be about 10 inches tall and weigh about 20 pounds.
15. Toy Fox Terrier
The Toy Fox Terrier is a playful, energetic dog breed that loves attention. They are happy to cuddle for hours with their favorite human as long as they get a break every now and then for some playtime! This dog breed grows to be less than a foot tall and weighs less than 10 pounds.
16. Yorkshire Terrier
Another popular small dog breed is the Yorkshire Terrier. Yorkies tend to have a low-shedding coat and a spunky personality that makes their owners fall in love with them. They crave attention and affection, so they love being a lapdog. Yorkies tend to grow to be less than 10 inches tall and weigh somewhere between 4-6 pounds.
This just a small sample of some of the smallest dog breeds. Between purebred, designer, and mixed dog breeds, there are plenty more small dogs to choose from. By learning more about each one, you’re bound to find the right small dog to add to your life!