6 Signs You’re Not Ready for a Puppy

Puppies are so cute and adorable! It’s natural to want to add one to your family right away. But, are you ready to care for a puppy once you have one? There are some definite signs you’re not ready for a puppy, and signs that you are.
Sometimes, people get caught up in the idea of having a puppy that they forget puppies require a lot of time, effort, and money. Before deciding to add a puppy to your family, it’s important to make sure you will be able to commit to taking care of them properly.
Here are a few signs you’re not ready for a puppy:
1. You Don’t Have Space
Puppies grow up into dogs and some of them grow up to be big dogs. Although there are some large dog breeds that do well in small homes, you still need to have space for them. Even small dogs need some space and some dog breeds need room to run in a fenced-in area.
A lot of dog breeds can adapt well to apartment living or living in small homes as long as they get enough exercise. But, that also means you need to set aside the time to make sure they get that exercise. Before deciding to bring a puppy home, make sure you’ve done research on the breed and you know how much space you’ll need for them.
2. You Don’t Have the Time
Puppies take a lot of time, especially while they are young. They rely on you for a lot of things and they need your help to navigate this new world they’re in. Plus, they have tiny bladders, so they’ll need to go out frequently and you’ll need to work with them on house training.
From training and socialization to walks, playtime, and cuddles, puppies will require a lot of your time and attention to grow up happy, healthy, and well-behaved. Then, as fully-grown dogs, they will still require your time and attention.
If you work overly long hours, travel frequently, or don’t spend a lot of time at home, you may not have enough time to give a puppy what they need. You can always enroll them in a doggie daycare for some socialization and attention while you’re working, but that can get really expensive really fast.
3. You Don’t Have the Money
Adding a puppy to your family will also add some expenses to your monthly budget. You don’t have to be a millionaire to be able to care for your new puppy, but you do want to make sure you have enough to cover their financial needs as well as any emergencies that could pop up.
Between food, toys, regular vet visits, and more, the bills can add up. Even if you keep things simple with just the food and the vet, things can still get expensive. Plus, there are some dog expenses you should never skip. You want to make sure you’re able to handle them before bringing a puppy into your home.
4. You’re Not Good with Commitment
Are you ready to be a dog owner? Can you commit to caring for another living being for the next couple of decades, at least? Although larger dogs tend to have a shorter life span than smaller dogs, on average, you’re still committing to caring for this dog for several years when you decide to add a puppy to your home. You need to really think about whether you are willing to commit to caring for a dog for over 10 years before you adopt or buy a puppy.
Puppies are a long-term commitment. If you’re not comfortable with a commitment like that, then you’re not ready for a puppy. Even if you think you are ready for a puppy and ready to handle the commitment, make sure you are on board 100% before adding a puppy to your life. If you’re unsure or still have some doubts, you’re not ready for a puppy yet.
5. You Can’t Handle a Routine
Puppies thrive on consistency. They need boundaries and do best when they are used to a routine. When dogs are thrown off their routine, especially as puppies, it usually results in accidents in the house and behavioral issues.
Consistency and routine are important with training as well. Dogs respond best to training methods that establish clear boundaries, are positive, and are consistent. Inconsistent training leaves dogs feeling confused about what is expected of them and often results in unwanted behavior.
6. You’re Grossed Out Easily
Puppies are messy and they’ll continue to be messy once they’re no longer puppies. Poop, pee, vomit, drool, tons of fur, and more. You’re going to have to deal with all of this when you have a dog. If you’re grossed out easily, can’t handle cleaning up these types of messes, and can’t stand loose fur, you might not be ready for a puppy.
Adding a puppy to your family can bring a lot of joy, love, and laughter to your life, but it also brings a lot of responsibility. You have to be ready and able to handle all the “extras” that come along with raising and caring for a puppy; this is one of the biggest ways to be a responsible dog owner.
There are some signs you’re not ready for a puppy and there are some signs getting a puppy is the right decision. When you’re thinking about getting a puppy, the most important thing is to be honest about your life and yourself – and to do your research.