5 Signs Your Dog Has Imprinted On You

Have you heard the term “imprinted” in reference to dogs and wondered what that meant? Imprinting is just another term for bonding and it’s important that your dog bonds with you. Here are a few signs your dog has imprinted on you:
What Does Imprinting Mean?
Imprinting is just another way to describe intense bonding. Most of the time, imprinting refers to precocial animals. Precocial animals include animals such as ducks or cattle, as well as other animals that can immediately move, hear, and see after birth. These animals immediately imprint on their mother as she helps them adjust and rapidly learn about their surroundings.
However, this intense bonding can happen in other animals like dogs, too. But unlike precocial animals, puppies do not immediately imprint on their mother. Puppies do not begin to recognize their mother or other litter mates until they are about four weeks old. Their development takes longer and imprinting can occur at different developmental stages.
Because puppies do not immediately imprint on their mothers, it’s not the same imprinting as precocial animals experience. However, the period of imprinting in dogs occurs between three and twelve weeks of age and is a very rapid time of learning that happens during different key times of development. Puppies are learning everything about themselves and the world around them.
What is the Imprint Period for Dogs?
Dogs, as well as cats and humans, are part of the altricial species. Senses are not fully developed at birth and learning about surroundings happens in stages. There are specialized times when their brains are best prepared to learn about their world. This usually occurs between three and twelve weeks.
During the first twelve weeks of life, puppies begin to form intra-dog relationships and learn about the environment around them. Dog-to-dog social skills such as bite inhibition and socialization are also learned early on. After about seven weeks, dogs begin learning about the bigger world, including proper human interactions, which is something to keep in mind during the first 6 months with your puppy.
It’s during this later period (seven to twelve weeks old) that humans can make that lasting impression and build a bond with your dog. This is also when a dog may choose one person as “their person”, meaning they look to that human for love, affection, and care. However, if you adopt a dog older than this age, don’t worry! There’s still a strong chance for imprinting. It just may take longer or be a bit harder to achieve.
Can Dogs Imprint on More Than One Person?
Dogs can bond closely with multiple family members, but typically they imprint on one or pick a favorite person. They look to this one person as a source of food, comfort, attention, and safety. They often tend to listen a little more attentively to this one person they’ve imprinted on.
5 Signs Your Dog Has Imprinted On You
Since you can’t ask your dog to tell you if they’ve imprinted on you or who their favorite person is, there are some signs to look for.
1. Your Dog Holds Eye Contact With You
You shouldn’t go around staring directly into the eyes of dogs you don’t know because it can be seen as threatening. However, eye contact with your dog is important to your dog and is a way to build a bond with your dog.
They will stare at you to communicate their love for you. Eye contact between dogs and their owners can also release oxytocin, an important chemical that helps with bonding. So if your dog stares deep into your eyes frequently, this can be a sign of imprinting.
2. They Follow You Everywhere
Do you sometimes feel like you have a shadow because your dog follows you everywhere? If so, this can mean your dog has imprinted on you. Your dog wants to be near you because they love you, and see you as a source of comfort or both.
3. Your Dog Shows You Their Belly
Calm and relaxed dog body language is usually a sign of a happy, comfortable dog. Dogs are pretty picky about who gets to see or touch their belly. When a dog feels comfortable and safe around you, they are happy to roll over and show you their belly. This often means they want scratches or pets, but if they’re asleep, it means they are totally comfortable and feel safe with you.
4. They Give Affection
If your dog has imprinted on you, they probably will show you love and affection. How do dogs show love? Leaning on their humans, giving kisses, and nudging you are all ways dogs show love.
5. Your Dog Checks In With You
Does your dog tend to check in with you throughout the day? If they pop into the room where you are, say hi, and then go back to whatever they were doing, this is a strong sign of imprinting. Dogs like to know you’re still there and make sure you’re safe.
Your dog will also check in with you more frequently if you’re in a new environment. Dogs seek comfort from their owners and will look to you in places that are unfamiliar to them. If you seem comfortable, your dog will be able to relax and enjoy their new surroundings.
These are just a few signs your dog has imprinted on you. Dogs are often very affectionate animals and tend to bond strongly with the person they’ve imprinted on. This doesn’t mean they don’t love other people, it just means they look to that one person to feel safe and relaxed.