6 Signs of Jealousy in Dogs (And How to Stop It)

Have you ever thought your dog might be jealous of another pet or person? While dogs can’t express this emotion the same way we do, their body language and behavior tell us a lot about their emotions. Here’s what to know and a few signs of jealousy in dogs:
What Causes Jealousy in Dogs?
Many owners have seen their dogs exhibiting some kind of jealousy. Dogs have emotions, but they can’t express them to us easily. Dogs have emotional needs just like humans and it’s important not to neglect that. They need attention from their owners and if they feel like they’re not getting it, they may act out.
If you’ve noticed your dog acting cold towards you when you’re paying attention to another pet or human, this behavior isn’t just in your head. There are a few signs to look out for if your dog is experiencing jealousy.
6 Signs of Jealousy in Dogs
Here are a few behaviors that can indicate jealousy in dogs:
1. Clingy Behavior
If your dog is clingier all of a sudden and acting like a velcro dog, it may be a sign they’re jealous. Extra clingy behavior and more signs of affection may indicate your dog is trying to win your attention.
They might try to come between you and the other pet or wedge themselves between you and another person. Your dog may start following you around more than normal, hoping for some extra attention. This could also be a sign your dog is lonely. But, if you are giving them plenty of attention and they still do this when other dogs or people are around you, it could be a sign of jealousy.
2. Peeing or Pooping Inside
Since dogs can’t tell you what they’re feeling, they resort to actions. There are a few reasons for potty-training regression in dogs and jealousy may be one of them. However, you should rule out other reasons such as medical issues, anxiety, or adjusting to a new routine first. If those reasons are ruled out, jealousy may be behind potty-training regression, especially if other signs are present.
3. Aggression
If your dog starts nipping at or snapping at another animal or person getting more attention, they may be trying to tell you they’re jealous. They may also growl or push other pets away to be the center of your attention. Jealousy can be a common cause of aggression in dogs but be sure to consider other reasons as well.
4. Showing Off
If your dog starts doing tricks without any prompting, this could be their way of commanding your attention. While this might seem charming, it’s important to know it could be an indicator that your dog feels like you’re ignoring them.
5. Leaving the Room
Leaving the room is a dog’s version of giving someone the cold shoulder. It could also be their way of withdrawing from the situation. If you notice this occurs when a specific pet or person enters the room, jealousy may be the root cause. Because dogs are highly social, withdrawing is a sign something is wrong and it should be addressed.
6. Resource Guarding
Dogs usually feel safe and secure in their home. However, if a new pet or person enters the home, something in their primal dog nature tells them that this new person or pet may take away their resources. This resource guarding can be caused by jealousy over the thought that someone else might get their food or toys.
There are a few signs of resource guarding in dogs to look out for, like refusing to allow anyone to get close to their food area, growling at another dog while eating, as well as stealing and hiding toys or food. Resource guarding is often a reason why dogs steal things and jealousy can drive this behavior.
These are just a few signs of jealousy in dogs. If you notice any of these signs in your dog, you should take some time to investigate. If you suspect your dog is jealous, give them some extra love and attention when they start acting out. Your dog loves you and they want to feel that same love from you!