4 Cool Pet Nook Ideas to Create a Space For Your Dog

Dogs can tend to rule the house but sometimes it’s nice if they can have their own space in a home. They are part of the family and they deserve a little peace and quiet when they need it. Here are a few cool pet nook ideas to create a space for your dog and your home:
1. Under the Staircase
If the space under your staircase is free, this can be a great pet nook. It’s typically enough space for your dog and a bed or soft carpet for napping. For a cool detail, outline the door in a doghouse trim pattern. If you prefer to have the space blend in, skip the fun trim.
If your dog is crate-trained, you can also make this your dog’s crate station. If the crate is used as a safe space for your pup, having it under the stairs allows your dog to call the space their own.
Make sure there’s space for the crate, but also space for relaxing outside the crate. If your dog feels comfortable in and around the crate, they’ll be a lot happier and more comfortable when they need to be crated.
If this space has a door, make sure there is a dog door your dog can use. Or, consider taking the door off the hinges so your dog has the freedom to come and go and won’t get locked in. If you don’t want a door, but still want some sort of cover, consider hanging a curtain or something your dog can easily push through.
2. Convert a Fireplace
If you have unused fireplaces in your home, this can be a perfect pet nook. You should deep clean the space so your dog doesn’t drag dirt all over your home or inhale any harmful dust particles.
Investing in a good vacuum cleaner is a helpful home cleaning tip for dog owners. And if the fireplace was used for fires, be sure a professional cleans out the space and boards up any openings if you don’t plan to use it for fires in the future.
After the space is properly cleaned and ready, create a soft sleeping spot for your dog. A fluffy dog bed that fits in the fireplace can work, or fill the space with fluffy blankets and a few of your dog’s toys. If you wish to hide the space, string up a curtain and your dog will have some privacy.
3. Repurpose Unused Space
Are you struggling to find the right spot for your dog to call their own? Take stock of your home for any unused space or wasted space. Think of an unused closet or empty HVAC closet. These places are great pet nook spots.
Make sure your dog has some cozy blankets or a bed for warmth and sleeping. This kind of spot also is a great place for your pet to hide when scared. If your pet is afraid of fireworks or thunderstorms, hiding in a safe space is helpful for keeping your dog calm during fireworks.
4. Make Space in a Laundry Room or Mudroom
The mudroom or laundry room can be perfect for a pet nook. Often, these areas are enough out of the way that your dog can get some privacy. Create a little area that your pet knows is theirs. Make sure they have soft bedding and access to their toys. This might also be a nice place to set up a feeding station for your dog, too.
These are just a few cool pet nook ideas to try. Making sure your dog has a space that they can call their own will make them feel like they’re part of the family and that they are well cared for. With just a little creativity and imagination, you’re sure to find the perfect space that suits your dog!