16 Popular Literary Dog Names For Book Lovers

An important aspect of bringing home a new dog is choosing a name. You want their name to reflect their personality or represent something you love or enjoy. If you love books, there’s a wealth of inspiration behind those pages. Here are some popular literary dog names for book lovers:
1. Watson
Sherlock Holmes’ loyal friend, Watson, is the perfect name for your faithful sidekick. Watson is an intelligent character who accompanies homes on many adventures. This name would be perfect for a Labrador Retriever or Australian Shepherd, who are some of the smartest dog breeds.
2. Daisy
If you’re looking for a name for a sweet female puppy, Daisy inspired by The Great Gatsby is a great dog name for book lovers. It’s a whimsical name perfect for a dog that is in the center of your world.
3. Pip
Always looking for adventure, Pip from Great Expectations is a great name for a dog who is up for anything. If your dog loves car rides, long walks, and has a tendency towards mischief, Pip is a great fit.
4. Poe
If you love the suspenseful tales of Edgar Allan Poe, why not name your dog after this talented writer? It’s a great way to pay tribute to such a famous author and add a dash of spookiness to your family.
5. Scout
Another mischievous character, Scout, was always getting into trouble but her intentions were good. In To Kill a Mockingbird, she was curious yet spunky, making her name the perfect fit for a smart and curious pup like a Beagle or Poodle.
6. Bingley
Bingley from Pride and Prejudice is basically a human version of a Golden Retriever. He’s kind, affectionate, and a little bit goofy. This would be a perfect name for any dog who is affectionate and has a goofy side to them, like a Golden Retriever.
7. Luna
Luna, a beloved character of the popular Harry Potter series, is a delightfully quirky yet loyal character. Her signature light blonde hair is a perfect match for any golden or white-haired pup.
8. Arwen
The Lord of the Rings trilogy is one of the most popular fantasy series. An Elfin princess, Arwen is recognized for her bravery and strength, making this a perfect choice for any regal dog that is brave, like a German Shepherd.
9. Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes is a popular series about a determined and curious detective who solves crimes in London. If your furry friend needs to be in the middle of everything, investigating sounds and smells, Sherlock is quite a fitting name.
10. Argos
If you’re a fan of Greek literature and looking for a unique name, Argos from The Odyssey might fit the bill. While Argos only appears once throughout the entire Greek epic, he is known for his unwavering loyalty. This name can work well for any dog since dogs are revered for their loyalty to their owners.
11. Agatha
Are you a fan of mystery novels? Agatha Christie is one of the most prolific mystery authors from the 20th century. Agatha or Christie is a great name if you want to honor one of the women who left a major impact on the mystery and detective novel genre. It’s also a great pick for a dog who thinks they’re a bit of a sleuth, like a Bloodhound or Beagle.
12. Lassie
While Lassie was a popular television show, the story originated in a 1940s novel called Lassie Come-Home. This novel tells the story of a loyal Collie who goes on a long journey to find a little boy she loves. Lassie is a great name for any loyal dog, Collie or not.
13. Padfoot
Fans of the beloved series, Harry Potter, will recognize Padfoot as the dog form of the popular character Sirius Black. When transformed into his animal form, he is a large black dog known as Padfoot. If you have a large dog breed that’s black like a Great Dane or Labrador Retriever, Padfoot could be a perfect fit.
14. Clifford
Many people are familiar with the Clifford: The Big Red Dog books that are popular with many children. Clifford, a larger-than-life red dog, has many adventures with his owner, Emily, and his two dog friends, Cleo and T-Bone.
15. Snoopy
Comic lovers are well-acquainted with The Peanuts comic strip and Snoopy in general. A Beagle with an overactive imagination, Snoopy has captured the hearts of thousands of readers over the years, whether in comic strips or as an animated canine companion. While Snoopy is a Beagle, this is a perfect name for any breed.
16. Laska
Fans of Russian literature may recognize the name Laska from the popular novel Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. Laska is the hunting dog of Konstantin Levin. Described as a well-mannered setter, Laska is a perfect name for any hunting or active dog breed or if you have an appreciation of Russian literature.
These are just a few popular literary dog names for book lovers. Finding inspiration in a book offers many choices to choose from and can be a great way to honor either your favorite story or your favorite author. And, if you want to look for inspiration from canine characters, there are plenty of books about dogs to consider.